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help me make a melee monster monk


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While I don't disagree with anything that you have all offered in an attempt to be helpful, the majority of it is not going to be usefull to my situation.

My fellow player has a sixth level character that he enjoys playing outside of combat very much. However he is frustrated by the character's performance in combat.

It is crystal clear that selecting wisdom above strength was not a wise move for him if he wanted to excell as a melee fighter, but starting with a high strength is not an option that is open to him any longer.

The character is at a point is his story development where it would be appropriate for him to switch classes.

Here's a thought, would it be legal for him to use the quarterstaff as a double weapon and also flurry of blows with it? (I'm thinking that the enchantment bonus for a quarterstaff might balance out its lower damage and two weapon fighting penalties and give him an extra attack)

Thanks for the point towards improved natural attack. I'll bring it before my group for consideration.

So my question is this, given where this particular character is at level six, what is the most powerful possible melee build for him to work towards at level 14?
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Focusing a reach weapon based strategy might prove more effective than using fists. He has Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip, so all he needs is an appopriate weapon and the feats to use it. A Spiked Chain might be effective, although it's not normally compatible with Flurry.


Tyrrell said:
Here's a thought, would it be legal for him to use the quarterstaff as a double weapon and also flurry of blows with it? (I'm thinking that the enchantment bonus for a quarterstaff might balance out its lower damage and two weapon fighting penalties and give him an extra attack)

Yes - Quarterstaff is a monk weapon, so you can flurry with it. However, remember that you need to enchant both ends... and that if he doesn't have the Two-weapon fighting feat, he's going to have extra negatives. (He can flurry with one end of the quarterstaff, as it is, but to two weapon fight with the flurry, requires the feat or negatives.)

So my question is this, given where this particular character is at level six, what is the most powerful possible melee build for him to work towards at level 14?

Well, I suggest getting him a big boosting item to Strength, and to put his 8th level boost into that. What if he came across something that boosted his strength, but had a negative to his Wisdom somehow? (+6 STR, -2 Wis or -4 wis, to bring down the cost.)


With out changing his ability scores or anything else drastic, if the DM will let him redo his feats I would suggest Remove power attack and mobility and replace with Improved Natural Attack (Its covered in Wizards FAQ monks can take it) and Pain Touch. His build with the high dex and wis is a very good defensive fighter just needs something extra alittle bonus to damage and more effect when he stuns should do this.
Other idea instead of one of those feats take combat experise, then next feats take defensive throw and karmic strike that way whether an oponent hits or misses he gets an attack of opportunity.
Want to get monks belt and plus wis items as fast as you can. Make the DC for the stunning fist as high as possible.


First Post
Have you considered the Tattooed Monk?

It would enable you to pick up some nifty combat tattoos while increasing most of the monk abilities you'd care about.


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