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Help me make my D20 shopping list for this weekend!


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I'll toss my info out, here. :)

Encyclopedia Magica - Necromancy: Beyond the Grave, Constructs, or Demonology (I havn't seen the other books)> Really good, offers great mechanics, and new stuff.

Urban Blight- Really cool for city adventures; helps when you're just out of ideas.

Blight Magic- Very Delicious. Go check the reviews on it. It offers a way to make really powerful villains, who will undoubtably end up destroying themselves, if the PCs don't take 'em out; new take on the 'Enemy spellcaster', as well as makes a paticular nemesis for a party druid or ranger.

Nyambe- I've heard good things about it, but just saw it in the store.

Ravenloft- Any stuff on it. Yay, Ravenloft!

Traps and Treachery I and II- Beautiful. Artwork done with traps that really help explain many of them, or offer interesting, low powered, or really Wicked traps. Mmm. Traps.

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When I can't decide what books to buy and have money to burn - I go with minis. :)

If you have Toon, do you have the Acme Catalog and the Universal Toonguide?


First Post
I recommend heartily:

Book of Eldritch Might 2 - great book. period.

The Banewarrens - utterly awesome, original mega-adventure

Everquest RPG - huge book, full color, well-illustrated, only $30! Has some reprinted stuff from the PH though. The new classes/races/magic system gives great ideas for existing D&D worlds

My FLGS is very well stocked with both used and new items. In fact, they usually have some 1E core books on hand, in good shape, for only around $15-$20.

However, when I called and asked them if they got Banewarrens in by Monte Cook, they said they sold out and were expecting more in soon. Unsated, I decided to check out the Mall Bookstores. B.Dalton's barely had any RPG stuff. Walden's was actually fairly well stocked, but they never carry any Malhavoc stuff.

So I went to Borders, and they came though! To my surprise, they had everything on my list. Unbelievable. I could only afford to get the BoEM2 and Banewarrens though :(
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First Post
Codragon said:

The Banewarrens - utterly awesome, original mega-adventure

This is a good suggestion.

It is written to take 6th lvl adventurers to 10th, but you could easily rank it up.

I am afraid it may be too complex for my too casual players, but there are some great ideas in the book to steal.



Princess of Florin
Wicht said:
When I can't decide what books to buy and have money to burn - I go with minis. :)

If you have Toon, do you have the Acme Catalog and the Universal Toonguide?

I don't have Toon, Wicht, and in fact, I don't even know what it is! Care to elaborate?

I use counters instead of minis. They take up less storage space.

Edit: I assumed in your previous post that you were joking about a product named Toon!
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Princess of Florin
OK, I think it's clear that I need to add Urban Blight to my list. I'll also look at Blight Magic.

(To those who recommended it, I've already got Bluffside, and you're right, it rocks! My players will be getting there one of these days.)

I've got the first two Rappun Athuks, but not the third, so I'll probably pick that up.

I have both Traps & Treachery, but not Nyambe. I'll check it out, since I've been curious about it, but I honestly can't imagine ever running a game in an African setting.

I'm getting lots of good suggestions here, keep 'em coming, and thanks a bunch, folks!:)


Quinteswsential wizard (by Mike Mearls) is the only quint book I own but it is pretty good.

I have heard good things about quintessential rogue also by Mike Mearls, and the Quintessential cleric has ways to split domains so there are different path domains which looks neat. Quint Fighter gives freebee combat styles for having prereq feats so I would pass on that. I have not heard anything on the monk one yet.

I really like the ravenloft core book, the ravenloft monster book denizens of darkness and the van richten's arsenal looks neat if you are into gothic horror (unlike Cthullu your characters are supposed to sometimes defeat the horrors!). Secrets of teh dread realms was sub par however.


First Post
Buttercup said:

I don't have Toon, Wicht, and in fact, I don't even know what it is! Care to elaborate?

Toon is a roleplaying game to play cartoons- mostly the wacky Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck kind.

I forget a lot of mechanics, but I can recall:

Their equivilant to charisma is chutzpah. (Make sure you say it from the back of the throat, heh.)

If something silly happened, then the character might.. the term won't come to me, but freak out (bang themselves on the head with a hammer, eyes bulge out, etc) - if they do it too many times, then I think they are k.o.'d.

The game could be a lot of fun if your group is feeling really silly and/or sugar high. I had trouble writing adventures to it, but that was more my dungeon-oriented mindset in place then a fault of the game.



First Post
I'm buying the Blight Magic book this weekend; I should've got it last weekend.

My best suggestion, Buttercup, is to go and check out the reviews on whatever you're interested in buying. People's suggestion are good. Reviews on how the product stands up, are better. ;)
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First Post
Voadam said:
Quint Fighter gives freebee combat styles for having prereq feats so I would pass on that.

They are not freebies- they have an ic-cost and the requirements are really steep.

If a dm does not apply the ic-cost, then that is the failing of the dm- not the book.

The only change I would make is an xp cost.

Why not feats or as prestige classes?

Well, I am not the designer, but I like the idea of a warrior travelling the world and learning many different styles.

It is similar to a wizard travelling the world and learning all different types of spells.


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