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Help me name my campaign setting!


I need a new name for my current "under-construction" campaign setting -- The Misting/Misty Lands doesn't quite cut it.

It's a heroic, "against overpowering odds", sort of place. Big heros, big villains. I'm drawing alot of inspiration from FFG's Dawnforge setting. It's not a sterotypical medieval setting. More Scandinavian than English.

There are alot of Norse, Germanic, Celtic, Finnish, & Russian influences.

It was once the homeland of two human races, the Aesdin and the Vandin. Fell sorcerers from the south incited and united the ancient foes of the humans, the giants and goblins, and drove the Aesdin and Vandin south, through the Kameurhorn Mountains and into Honduar (the Hollow Land), but the alliance collapsed before the final blow could be administered. The giants and goblins remain in control of the land above the mountains, and control the northern ends of the passes, while the humans are trapped in the Hollow Land and control the southern edge of the passes.

Campaign races include dwarves (who control under the mountain), liosilven & treailven, gnomes, one or two "tree" races (magpine, dark woodsmen?), and one or two giantish races...plus humans.

Questions or suggestions?

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Nellisir said:
I need a new name for my current "under-construction" campaign setting -- The Misting/Misty Lands doesn't quite cut it...

...More Scandinavian than English...

How about De Kvarglömda Kungarike?

How about: The 12 Kingdoms? I know there is already an 11 kingdoms setting, and a 13 kingdoms setting, so you could fill in the obvious hole here. Just don't ak me what to do after a war consolidates or fractionalizes this number...

OK, I'm feeling a little punchy today. That was sarcasm above for those of you unfamiliar with my sense of humour.

I think you should just name the setting after the main continent the setting is based on. What is that by the way?
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Snoweel said:
How about De Kvarglömda Kungarike?


Maybe a little TOO scandinavian? What language is that?

A few more descriptive thoughts...thick, dark forests (taiga), isolated holds and villages, cold expanses of plains and moors...stark granite mountains....

BigFreekinGoblinoid said:
How about: The 12 Kingdoms?... so you could fill in the obvious hole here. Just don't ak me what to do after a war consolidates or fractionalizes this number...

Well, my players have already flounced through the Hundred Kingdoms, so the 12 Kingdoms might, frankly, be a little anticlimatic. ;)

OK, I'm feeling a little punchy today. That was sarcasm above for those of you unafiliar with my sense of humour.

I thought it was funny, for what that's worth.

I think you should just name the setting after the main continent the setting is based on. What is that by the way?

If by based you mean located, the continent doesn't have a name, alas. I've never reached all the edges of it (I usually map something one-quarter to half the size of Europe). The campaign setting directly south of this is the Shadowend ("Misting Lands" -> Kameurhorn Mountains -> Holuar -> Stormhall Peaks -> Shadowend), after the largest forest. South of that is the Southern Shadowend (I was truly, truly inspired that day).



Nellisir said:
Maybe a little TOO scandinavian? What language is that?

It's Swedish. Means "Forgotten Realms", I believe... Same in Finnish would be "Unohdetut valtakunnat".

How about "The Immortal Lands"? Good, solid, all-purpose campaign setting name. Some other evocative adjectives are cold, rugged, wild, untamed, scarred... "Land of Fate" or "Land of Destiny" might also work.


Snoweel said:
Another good one is 'Världen av Gråhök'.

Hope that's not too Scandinavian for you.

Or, in Finnish, "Harmaahaukan maailma". Others to consider would be "Lohikäärmepeitsi", "Musta aurinko", "Korpinorsi" and "Synnyinoikeus".


Snoweel said:
Another good one is 'Världen av Gråhök'.

Hope that's not too Scandinavian for you.

No, it's perfect. "World of Greyhawk" Stunning. Original.

Who forgets not to feed the trolls.

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