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help me name my disaster


I'm running a homebrew campaign, that has several world-level cataclysms in it's history... the most recent of which happened some four hundred years ago...

Time is currently measured in years since the last upheaval, which consisted of quakes, overnight birth of mountain ranges, draining of swamps/lakes, and the subsequent death of forests and other flora due to radically changed geography. The general populace is unaware of the cause of these events.

I'm looking for a good name for the event itself... I want to stay away from stuff like "the Cataclysm", "the Upheaval", "the Day of Disaster" etc... but still convey the massive impact this had...

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By the way, Welcome to the forums!

I'd relate it to something mythical, even if false...

"The Birth of (insert god of destruction's name here)"
"Gaea's weeping" (substitute name for earth or earth-deity)
"Cleansing" (imply it's in cycles, and the locals actually see it as judgment day when evil is cleansed and good is left behind)

P.S. Name it Carousel, and see if your players get the Logan's Run joke. :)


That's Latin for "cool"
The Change
The Grim Dawn
The Day of Blood
Death of the Old Era
The Weiss-Hickman Effect
The Baneful Spring
The Hearlding
The End of the Beginning
The Final Wrath

.... hope that helps


the dawn of chaos
the return of the dragons (that was my campaigns one)
The Day (capital letters are important with this one)
The sundering


First Post
Armagadderung, The Earthscrub Upgrade, The Temporal Reckoning, The Entropoclasm, World Doom IV - The Devastationing, The Great Millenial Catastrophe, The Geomorphic Reawakening, The Time of Troubles, The Terrashuffle

Or perhaps something more mythological like what Henry suggests. When you said "stay away from stuff like 'the Cataclysm'" I'm not sure what you meant. You want something more specific, or more unique-sounding, or what?

Terrestial Diarrhea.

Celestial Upchuck Thursday.

The Beginning

The End.

The Re-shaping.

World, 2nd Edition Revised.

The Assualt.

The passing

End of Age XXXX

The Wasting.

Age of Lorraine Williams


Well, www.thesaurus.com comes back with: affliction, annihilation, bale, bane, calamity, cataract, catastrophe, collapse, convulsion, crash, crunch, debacle, deluge, destiny, disaster, disturbance, downfall, flood, flooding, flux, hardship, havoc, inundation, loss, misadventure, misery, misfortune, overflow, plague, ravage, ruin, torrent, tottering, tragedy, trial, turbulence, upheaval, woe, and wretchedness.

I kinda like "The End" myself. :) Or "The Total Bummer."

-The Gneech :cool:

Hand of Evil

The Wobble - been waiting for this one, basicly is a shift in the tilt of the earth, I have heard it takes between 48 and 72 hours, you get a new north star and about 10000 odd years of climiate adjustemnts.

Welcome to the boards.

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