Help! - Need a replacement for D&D (criteria below)


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I'd say HackMaster! Not an exact fit but I think you'll find it close

Six stats - random roll preferably Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con & Char (notice the 1st edition influence) HackMaster has the classic Six plus Looks, so 7 stats and Randomly rolled!

Non linear experience tables - the idea of 1st edition balance was unequal leveling, I like it.There is only one experience chart, all characters use the same but the classes are designed for it.
NO FEATS!!! - Power creep and power gaming are something I abhor. No FEATS, See below about comments on "Power Gaming"
No THAC0, I admit, 3.X spoiled me on the linear combat all adds charts Combat is opposed Die Rolls which keeps everyone interested and involved in combat.
Ability linked Saving Throws, another thing 3.X got right. Most saves are Opposed die rolls with the GM. Player rolls 1d20 and adds the relevant Stat vs GM 1d20 plus whatever modifier

Skills instead of special abilities - mostly for things like tracking and thieves' skills. Lots of skills. Anyone can take any skill but some characters get bonuses when learning/using some skills
Vancian Magic - if possible.Hybrid of Vancian plus spell points for Mages. Clerics use straight Vanican, but each religion's clerics is very different
Clerics that heal, Mages that throw spells, and Fighters that hit things with weapons.Each character class has a well defined specialty, not all Clerics are "Healbots" but there is one Cleric type that is nothing but that, if that's what you want to play.
No "salad bar" multi-classing. (3.X blew it big time with this (IMO))The "Multiclass" character classes are more of a Hybrid class and there are only a few of them, F/M, F/Th, M/Th
No magic items required. - While it was nearly impossible to play 1st and 2nd editions without magic items, it could be done, 3rd started skewing with treasure by level charts and 4th just lost it's mind completely with the walking Christmas tree assortment. (This doesn't mean I won't be using magic items, they just aren't going to be readily available - no Wal-Magics)
In HM "Quality Items" exist, but are rare, that give bonuses but normally, like in the case of weapons, anything of +5 or lower is just a Quality, but non-Magic item. True Magic only kicks in for +6 or higher.

The BEST Part is that the basic, i.e. entry game, for HackMaster is HackMaster Basic and is Totally FREE! Download it and see how you like it. For new GMs and/or players I'd recommend starting out with HMb(HackMaster Basic).

Free HackMaster Basic download (PDF):

Then there are the "Advanced HackMaster" books that are in the process of coming out. So far the HackMaster Players Handbook and Hacklopedia of Beasts are out.

To get an idea of what HackMaster is like, the best thing would be to read the Forward and Introduction from the HackMaster Player's Handbook



HackMaster main page:

And there are some Free Adventures for it that you can download that you can find from the Kenzer&Co site

For any questions you can come on over to the K&Co forums at;

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Castles & Crusades or Dungeon Crawl Classics - Main difference imo is the magic system - C&C is more standard D&D-like, DCC has some very interesting but new ideas when it comes to casting, a bit Rolemasteresque I think


Here's my suggestion: don't sweat the system. Use AD&D or BCMI or Rules Cyclopedia or a retro-clone. The differences are minimal.

The classic D&D play experience is found in the adventure modules.

Pick one of the classics, spend your time prepping it, fleshing it out --particularly the colorful NPCs the players might talk to -- and off you go!

The play's the thing (the system, eh, not so much, especially when your focus is old-school games).


Sounds like most of what you wanted was in pre-3e actually.

take the 2e rules (hunt down the CD-ROM app that TSR released with each book in RTF/word format.

convert the THAC0 and AC to the 3e style (just like Peter Adkison advised in the first Dragon magazine when WotC took over and they resumed publication in the 2e era before they announced 3e.

If you wanted, I reckon you could snag the 3e skill system and replace the 2e chapter on skills.

Or, approach it the other way. take the 3e SRD and remove the feats section. Then integrate elements of the 2e class descriptions (the 2e class abilities are akin to 3e feats, just not customizable).

or, just play 3e anyway, limited to the SRD. I guess I don't have any beefs with the ruleset that are so great, they'd justify homebrewing or switching to a new set JUST for a weekend game one-shot.

Shades of Green

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Another vote for Basic Fantasy RPG:

The Laundry List:
Six stats - random roll preferably Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con & Char (notice the 1st edition influence) YES
Non linear experience tables - the idea of 1st edition balance was unequal leveling, I like it. YES
NO FEATS!!! - Power creep and power gaming are something I abhor. YES No feats whatsoever
No THAC0, I admit, 3.X spoiled me on the linear combat all adds charts YES No THAC0, ascending AC
Ability linked Saving Throws, another thing 3.X got right. NO
Skills instead of special abilities - mostly for things like tracking and thieves' skills. KINDA - Thieves have percentile skills, the rest do not use skills.
Vancian Magic - if possible. YES
Clerics that heal, Mages that throw spells, and Fighters that hit things with weapons. YES!!!
No "salad bar" multi-classing. (3.X blew it big time with this (IMO)) YES!!!
No magic items required. - While it was nearly impossible to play 1st and 2nd editions without magic items, it could be done, 3rd started skewing with treasure by level charts and 4th just lost it's mind completely with the walking Christmas tree assortment. (This doesn't mean I won't be using magic items, they just aren't going to be readily available - no Wal-Magics) YES for the most part


First Post
I second Dungeon World, it is the very same D&D experience with a lot less rules for those starting out, plus the idea is thata ction is based on description instead of the usual trend of action being based on rules. You can get an idea for what Dungeo0n World is here: A 16 hp dragon.

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