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Help : new to PF and must be GM


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My friends and I decided to start a rpg group and play a board/paper RPG.
I was assigned to look for a good RPG, I was advised : Pathfinder.
So I bought : GM guide, core rulesbook, bestiary.
But there is so much to learn that way xD

So I'm here needing your help. To be able to start a little adventure (group of 3/4 players + me) in less than a year :erm: what do you think I should do ?
I'm reading the GM guide and I learn not that much about the mechanics but more about how to be a GM but I need that since I will be the GM.(because I read as many fantasy book as I can)
How can I learn more quickly the rules and how the games is played ? Should I prepare a story or buy "an adventure" ?
What type of game should I do for the very first game (for everyone) how can I teach them the rules without boring them ?
There is so much questions about that first game and you are my only hope :cool:.

Please help me on this because this is a hard task and nobody to guide me through. (because RPGs are not popular at all in Switzerland)

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


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First Post
Thank you !(didn't know about it)
So I bought the beginner box (will receive it for approximately xmas I guess).
Now, should I try a campaign or make my own little story ?
Should I use grid maps for me ? for everyone ? Or don't use them and just guess the distances ?
How much liberty should I give to my friend to make their character ?

Best regards,



First Post
Thank you !(didn't know about it)
So I bought the beginner box (will receive it for approximately xmas I guess).
Now, should I try a campaign or make my own little story ?
Should I use grid maps for me ? for everyone ? Or don't use them and just guess the distances ?
How much liberty should I give to my friend to make their character ?

Best regards,

Slow down....Now breathe, lol.

Many of those things will be covered in the Beginner's Box. I would just follow the included Adventure and the free adventure on the Paizo site. After you get a little more comfortable with the game, then worry about the rest. The Box is very good at exposing you to the game in such a way as not to overwhelm yourself.


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Hello rXp! I feel I won't be able to help you much, since I, like you, haven't played any pen & paper games before. (Actually, I kinda did it because I will most likely also be able to use any advice the elders in here will give you. Now I hope I get a email sent if someone replies.)
I plan to change the fact that I haven't played any ofcourse...

...BUT nevertheless I've thought of somethings you/I should think about. (just disregard anything you don't like):
- If I'm guessing correctly then the entire group is new to pen&paper - then I would expect to use the majority of the time for the first game on character creation. People should have done some homework on what pathfinder and rpg is. either videos or paizo homepage where it's possible to check out rules (so everyone doesn't need to have purchased the core rulebook). Why so much time on this pre-hack & slash thing you ask? 1. you need to hold each others hands while running through the game mechanics 2. If your players does some extra work in their character (background, ambitions , heck even a bad drawing of the guy would do) will help all of you to improve the roleplaying part. plus backgrounds can help you in creating the campaign world (the player won't mind being an active part of that I'm sure) and their ambitions for future plot hooks <-- can't remember if that's what they're called.

- now will you enjoy making your own little story, or will it seem too risky? You've read some books so I'm guessing you could come up with a good plot. But nothing is wrong with reading some low level adventures and "seeing a pattern" and then using "the pattern" in your own little tiny first story.

- And after playing the first game you should evaluate with yourself, and the group (but most importantly with yourself) if the story fitted the players way of playing the game or does something need to be changed? I'm guessing a lot more changes are easier if you're playing your own adventure and not a less changeable purchased adventure.

- Think: shouldn't you assign work for the others? it's possible and will most likely make it less stressfull for you on your virgin voyage:).
-- make them draw the map by copying off the dungeonmap you made beforehand. gives you time to prepare... whatever, I dunno
-- Ok I will stop on this one since I feel if I continue I'' just ripoff GM guide.

- You shouldn't worry about the liberty of the players when they're creating their first character. As long as it's in that book you're holding; the core rulebook.

Now I think I've tapped my own brain for imagined "help" to you. For now:]. I'll return to give more tips I've theorized my way to. 'course I expect the afforementioned elders to be much more better at replying than this.


First Post

Let's talk about mistakes. You're going to make them. Everybody does. Don't panic. Just learn from them & go on. Sometimes you correct them at the time. Sometimes you continue as is, then don't make that mistake again. Whatever let's your game flow determines how you should handle it. Since everybody at your table is new to RPGs, then expect many mistakes from everybody. Don't dwell on them. Sometimes mistakes make for the best memories in gaming.

Another good place to discuss Pathfinder is at the source. Paizo as some great boards to get advice from. They as as friendly as they are over here. You should go & check them out.

Start small. You can get some simple adventures that might help. Paizo has some free adventures online for their organized play campaign:
paizo.com - Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 1: First Steps?Part I: In Service to Lore (PFRPG) PDF

Begin with an idea. Work on establishing the characters. Spend a few sessions getting the party together and out adventuring. A few small fights with simple creatures.
Look at Lord of the Rings. It doesn't start with war and orcs. The first chunk is all spent in the Shire, getting lost and getting to the next town.
You don't need to know all the rules; all you need to know are the basics. How to attack and deal damage and use skills. Simple creatures like goblins and kobolds work well. Each session you can worry about learning a new rule or a new tactic.

Or you can grab an adventure path. They're a big campaign with a beginning and end. They'll give you a year or more of gaming.


The Beginner Box would be an excellent launching point for your game as mentioned above. You will be up and running quickly and it is made to help ease people into the game. You can easily take what you learn during your Beginner Box playing and apply it as you move above level 5 as the other items in the main Core Rulebook can be easily added on to the rules you already learned with the Beginner Box.

Aaron L

Welcome to gaming, my friend!! You're getting into the greatest hobby there is! :D

Now, since you've never played anything before and you want an idea of how a game session might look, look on YouTube for D&D Game Session. I just checked myself and there are lots on there; go watch a few and you'll get an idea of how things will go. But remember: no two group's games go exactly the same way, everyone's gaming group is different, and they change constantly, so even your own gaming group will change from month to month, especially since you're just starting out and learning the ropes, so to speak.

As others have recommended, try getting the Beginner's Box and there will be a lot of good advice for you there. The first several game sessions will be just learning the rules, both you and the players... don't try to push it. Don't rush yourselves. Let it come naturally, and above everything concentrate on having fun, don't push yourselves to learn the game at the expense of having fun. If you're having fun you'll get the rules down much, much faster. If realize that you messed up on a rule, don't dwell on it, just remember for the next time.

You're all in for a great, great time. :D

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