Pathfinder 1E Help scribing scrolls! PATHFINDER


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Hello all.

I have decided to try and make a wizard, because I have been told that they are quite good in pathfinder. However, without scribing scrolls, I probably will be severely underpowered. I have read treantmonks guide, however I dont know how to scribe a scroll.

1. Arent they a bit expensive? Im worried about having no gold for anything else!
2. Dont you have to sit and scribe for a full day if you go over 1,000 GP? PER SCROLL?
3. Do you need to have the material components of a scroll to create it?
4. What makes wizards really viable in pathfinder?

I have many questions. If someone would be so kind, along with answering those questions, could anyone give me a mini tutorial on how to go about doing this?

Thank you, everyone!

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It says right in the description of the feat how long it takes to scribe scrolls.

2 hours if the market value is under 250g. 1-day/1000gp value after that.

1. Scrolls are the cheapest magic items to make...its important to note that offensive spells are usually not very good in them, but utility spells on scrolls are extremely useful.

2. Scrolls have to be scribed one at a time. You can add spells to a scroll that has been crafted already, but each spell must be scribed separately.

3. You don't need specific material components. You just need to have access to a suitable source of scribe type supplies. You simply spend the relevant amount of gold(half market price) and it is assumed you buy the right stuff...special inks, fancy quill, high quality parchment, etc. You don't need to track individual materials. The only specific requirement is that you also have to provide the standard material components of the spell to be scribed.

4. Same reason wizards are gods in the other 3.x settings. Magic breaks the world. Wizards are extremely versatile, and capable of learning all wizard spells and preparing for almost any situation.


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Well, the idea behind scribing your scrolls is to not be stuck without an important spell because you memorized the wrong thing today.
With that in mind, you'd only really scribe scrolls of the spells you'd find useful in a key situation, but is otherwise useless the rest of the time.

So, don't think of things like making scrolls of magic missile "to have more blasting power per day". Rather think of things like Comprehend Languages or Floating Disk. The power is in keeping your versatility.

Wands are far better for "need more power". 750gp for 50 charges instead of 25gp for one charge... it's simply more economical for something you are going to repeatedly cast over and over.
Note, that's 7.5gp vs 12.5gp per charge if you are crafting them yourself, although you would have to get the Craft Wand feat if you plan on doing that.

The actual process for crafting is as follows:

  1. Pay the cost of the scroll. This is half the base price of the item, plus any material components.
    For a first level scroll, that's 12.5gp.
  2. Find the DC to create the scroll. Normally this is 5 + caster level. You can double the speed of creation by adding 5.
    So a first level scroll at caster level 1, done at double speed, the DC is 11.
  3. Spend the time creating the scroll. Normally this is a minimum of 8 hours, but potions and scrolls can be as low as 2 hours (if less than 1000gp). For example, a 500gp scroll would take 4 hours, while a 250gp scroll will take the 2... since the minimum is 2 hours, anything less than 250gp still takes the 2 hours.
    If you accelerated the crafting, it'll only be 1 hour.
    If you are adventuring, you can only apply 2 hours of crafting per day (and it takes 4 hours of your down time to get that 2 hours in).
    Since you only need 1 hour to make that first level scroll, you can spend 2 hours crafting during adventuring.
  4. Roll your Spellcraft check. Success means you made the scroll. Failure means you wasted your time and money.
  5. That's it. You can only make one magic item per day, even if you have extra time leftover that you could have made another item with. One scroll per day.
If you scribed a lot of utility spells into your spellbook, or picked a bunch for your first level spells, then it's a good idea to make some of them into scrolls so you don't have to waste spell slots on them that might never get used.
Better to leave yourself Enlarge Person or Color Spray in your spell slots, because when combat happens, you are likely to use them. That one time that Erase might come in handy, you don't have to have to wait for 24 hours to get access to it.

Although, something to keep in mind as well is you can leave spell slots open to be memorized later. As long as you don't mind not having it for combat, you only need to spend 15 minutes (or so, depending on how many slots you left open) to memorize a spell before using it.
Keeping a slot open per spell level for a utility spell can be handy, although it does mean it's not available for at least 15 minutes.

Lastly, regarding the "viability" of Wizards: they are as much viable in Pathfinder as they were in 3.5e. In other words, they can dominate the game, given the right access to spells.
The only real difference between 3.5 and Pathfinder is that it's now viable to stay in the class instead of multiclassing into a Prestige Class. Arcane Bond with an object gives a nice alternative to the familiar, and every school (including Universalist) gives neat abilities that scale with level.
Plus, Pathfinder has moved the Archmage abilities into feats instead of keeping the class, so it's more worthwhile to just stick with the Wizard to level 20 and pick up the metamagic and spellcasting feats to get the neat spellcasting stuff you wanted.

Anyways... I hope this helps!
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Another thing to remember that even though that level one scroll or potion you create only takes a few hours you can only ever make one magic item per day. So that means 1 scroll or one potion or one wand.

The creator also needs a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well-lit place in which to work. Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for making items. Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours. Potions and scrolls are an exception to this rule; they can take as little as 2 hours to create (if their base price is 250 gp or less). Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item. The character must spend the gold at the beginning of the construction process. Regardless of the time needed for construction, a caster can create no more than one magic item per day. This process can be accelerated to 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof) by increasing the DC to create the item by +5.


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Well, I didn't think I was going to get any responses today.. but these were WELL worth the wait. Very informative and helpful. Thank you all for your contributions, and as well as a big thank you for taking the time to reply to this. Everything posted helped me immensly. I'm going to refer to this post whenever I need help with scribing scrolls.

I just think that only being able to make one per day is slightly :):):):):):). That means I have to take a week out of adventuring just to make 7 scrolls, which kind of sucks. Is that agreed upon??

Thanks again everyone :)


First Post
Well, I didn't think I was going to get any responses today.. but these were WELL worth the wait. Very informative and helpful. Thank you all for your contributions, and as well as a big thank you for taking the time to reply to this. Everything posted helped me immensly. I'm going to refer to this post whenever I need help with scribing scrolls.

I just think that only being able to make one per day is slightly :):):):):):). That means I have to take a week out of adventuring just to make 7 scrolls, which kind of sucks. Is that agreed upon??

Thanks again everyone :)

It is a little lame. But you have to think of the game balance. If you had a crafter who could turn out say 5 or 6 scrolls or potions of cure light wound or some other low level spell a a day that could seriously unbalance things. being able to walk into the dungeon or wherever you are doing your adventuring with a huge supply of these things kind of takes away from the game.


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Well, until you get into the really expensive scrolls (3rd lvl+), you don't even have to give up adventuring. If you can spend 12 hours a day resting (8 hours rest, 4 hours crafting), you can do up to 250gp worth of crafting per adventuring day.

A large chunk of the utility spells reside in the first couple spell levels, and the higher level spells are something you'll find rarely. By the time you reach 3rd level spells (5th level), people have access to Craft Magic Arms and Armour.
Everyone is going to want that downtime to get their magic items made.

But yeah... it'd be nice to have the option (even with a feat or something) to be able to use up your time for multiple items.

Something else to consider: Leadership feat + crafting cohort. Leave them at home crafting like crazy, while you do all the adventuring!

Long ago I once ran a game where I had an NPC that was a "prodigy caster" who one of the players ended up picking up as a cohort. The NPC was a little girl with natural magical talent, who picked up crafting items (before she became the cohort), and so the player left them at "base camp" making items and communicating through sending spells.

Because the AP we were running was kind of time sensitive, and the option for "magick shoppe" wasn't really available, I gave the cohort the following "made up" feat to help things along:

Dedicated Crafting
Requirements: Any one crafting feat, Iron Will
Benefits: You may craft up to 12 hours a day. This increases your crafting rate to 1.5x (or 1500gp) per day normally, or when accelerating crafting (DC +5), it increases your crafting to 3x (or 3000gp) per day. You must be working in a controlled environment to craft in this way.
When adventuring, you gain full benefit from time spent on crafting (4 hours per day).
You may also work on more than one project at a time. Allot how much gold per block of time is spent on finishing each project. If you finish any projects, you may start new ones with the remaining value.

It's quite the boost, but as it's a feat (and requires Iron Will, which most casters don't really go for normally), it can be pretty restricted in who picks it up.
This might be something you'd like to use, if you aren't the DM you could ask him if this is something he'd allow.

In my experience it didn't hurt anything (in fact it helped me as the DM), however I am biased in my experience with that specific campaign I ran.


I just think that only being able to make one per day is slightly .... That means I have to take a week out of adventuring just to make 7 scrolls, which kind of sucks. Is that agreed upon??

I haven't really found the downtime for scrolls that big of an issue in games I've played or GM'ed. It typically seems pretty easy to say the group is resting for a few days in town which gives the wizard time to make some scrolls.


First Post
Does it expend a spell if you scribe a scroll? Like, if my oracle makes a scroll of Cure Light Wounds and then goes adventuring, does he have one less spell for the day?

Also, if you make the Magic Item do you have to have points in Use Magic Device?


Does it expend a spell if you scribe a scroll? Like, if my oracle makes a scroll of Cure Light Wounds and then goes adventuring, does he have one less spell for the day?

Yes, scribing the scoll expends the spell just as if it had been cast. So if you were to scribe the scroll of CLW and then immediately go adventuring you would be short a spell until you had rested and regained your spells.

Here is a helpful section from the SRD - Creating Scrolls

Burn_Boy said:
Also, if you make the Magic Item do you have to have points in Use Magic Device?

No. You don't need Use Magic Device. You do need the appropriate Item Creation Feat.

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