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Help With A Critter


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I finally got around to writing up some critters that I've had in Notebooks forever but with the new rules and everything, some friends said my creatures were now horribly unbalanced. I'd appreciate some help fixing their stats.

Ink Dragon
Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (75)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 20 foot, Climb 20 foot
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +11 Natural), Touch 12, Flat-footed 20
Attacks: Wrap, Claw, Bite, Slam
Damage: Wrap (1d3), Claw (1d3), Bite (1d3), Slam (1d4)
Face / Reach: 2'X2'
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Quality: Able to move across any porous surface
Saves: Fort +15, Reflex +12, Will +8
Abilities: STR 3, DEX 20, CON 20, INT 1-14, WIS 1-14, CHA 10
Skills: Listen +10, Search +7, Spot + 11, Reach +5
Feats: Extended Reach, Eschew Materials, Silent Spell, Spell Mastery
Still Spell
Climate / Terrain: Variable, usually dwell inside wizard's keeps and ruins
Organization: Varies, may be found solitary or in small groups (2-10)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None except themselves
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: Huge (12 HD)

Description: Also called Living Sketches, Ink Dragons appear as brightly colored sketches of Dragons that are found resting on almost any kind of porous material (such as skin, leather, parchment, paper, cloth, wood, and most stone). They may be realistic depictions or they can be fantastic interpretations of dragons, animals, people or plants. When animated the Ink Dragon seems to be made of a semi-solid liquid, when inanimate it is indistinguishable from any other tattoos. If injured the Ink Dragon bleeds colored, magical ink. Ink Dragons collapse into a puddle of colored, magical ink when they die.

Ink Dragons do not have a native language; they naturally speak the language of their creator and will be able to speak the language of any creature they bond with after 1d20 days. If the bond is broken then the Ink Dragon forgets how to speak the gained language after 1d20 days. An Ink Dragon is capable of speaking several languages depending on its intelligence. A few (5%) of all Ink Dragons are highly intelligent and enchanted with a permanent Comprehend Languages spell.

All Ink Dragons can read. They have a base percentage of 10% to read any language with a +5% bonus per language known. All Ink Dragons can cast Read Magic at will.

Combat: Ink Dragons were originally created by The Scrollmaker Pravat Inkfingers to guard his extensive libraries. They are capable of lying dormant for years until the item they are guarding is disturbed. When at rest they appear to be nothing more than sketched illustrations, paintings or tattoos. Unless expected, the Ink Dragons automatically win initiative and gain a surprise action.

Even if they are expected, Ink Dragons are capable of disguising themselves in other paintings and illustrations which gives them a good chance of surprising characters. They can make minor alterations to their physical appearance or cast illusion spells below 8th Level to further disguise themselves.

Ink Dragons are designed to preserve themselves first and their item secondly. The disturbance of their item will cause them to become animate, though they might not move immediately. The Ink Dragon may choose to leave the surface it is on and move to any porous surface that touches or it is capable of touching without wholly leaving the surface it is currently on. When on a porous surface Ink Dragons are usually two-dimensional beings. They can assume a three-dimensional form but this reduces their size by two-thirds.
Spell-Like Abilities: Detect Magic is always active.

Spells: Ink Dragons cast spells as a sorcerer. Caster Level = Ink Dragon's Hit Dice + 4 ; spells know 7/5/3/2 spells per day 6/7/7/5; save DC 13+ spell level.

Extended Reach: +5 to normal reach, requires a body part that is boneless and flexible.

Eschew Materials: Can cast spells without needing material components. Spells with materials costing over 1 gold are not affected.

Silent Spell: Spell cast silently, non-bardic (1 slot higher)

Spell Mastery: Ability to memorize spells without a spellbook, may be taken multiple times for multiple spells. Spells equal to INT do not require memorization.

Still Spell: Spell cast without gestures (1 slot higher)

Ink Dragons attack primarily by casting previously memorized spells. During their construction Ink Dragons are scribed with various magical spells (1st thru 9th Level) that are represented by differently colored scales on their body. For each use of the spell, the spell must be inscribed onto the Ink Dragon's body with the appropriate magical ink and materials plus the sacrifice of a gemstone of not less than 1000 gp in value.

This process gives the Ink Dragons a virtual spellbook full of spells that they can memorize as if they were a wizard of the same level with one exception. Spells are 'stored' in the Ink Dragon's scales in a corresponding color until they are used. One memorization gives one use. When they are created each Ink Dragon is 'born' knowing as many spells and with as many uses of each spell as its creator has inscribed up to its maximum number of scales (1 scale equals 1 spell use. 4 scales per inch of length of the Ink Dragon).

As the spell is used, the color on the scale fades until it loses all hue. The Ink Dragon can rememorize the spells that were part of its original creation in four hours of rest. It requires no spellbook to memorize these spells, and can pick how many uses of each spell to memorize up to its maximum number of scales. It can only 'store' as many spells as it has slots during memorization before requiring a period of rest and study again. Stored spells do not fade from its scales until used no matter how long it has been since they were initially memorized.

Ink Dragons can cast spells 1d4 levels below that of their creator. They can eat spells off of spell scrolls (one use only) or out of spellbooks (permanent memorization). They are incapable of casting any spells that actually affect their physical form including spells that cause premature aging or the loss of vitality as well as necromantic spells. They prefer illusion and psychic spells as well as spells that hinder, confuse or re-locate their opponent. They require no material components for the spells that were used in their creation and can substitute magical inks for spell components of other spells.

They are not susceptible to disease, poison, paralysis, death effects, necromantic effects, any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects, critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain or death from massive damage. They can be healed with repairing spells but cannot be raised.

Skills: Ink Dragons receive a +20 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks while on a decorated surface.
Ink Dragons are weak and thus will rarely attempt to harm their opponent physically. They are capable of wrapping themselves around their opponent to squeeze, block the mouth, ears, and nose, blind the eyes or slither around on their opponent's skin, clothing and equipment as a distraction.

Poison (Ex): Though they do not and cannot manufacture their own poison, Ink Dragons are capable of absorbing poison and spitting it out as a breath weapon. The affect of the poison thus spewed depends on the type of poison it is. Contact poisons will work as soon as they touch skin, other poisons may be absorbed through the eyes or nose.

Regeneration: Ink Dragons regenerate damage at 1 HP/round.

Wrap (Ex): With a successful grapple check, an Ink Dragon can wrap itself around an opponent. An affected creature can extract itself by making a successful grapple check.

Construct Traits: Ink Dragons are immune to sleep and hypnotize spells as well as water, gases and cold. They are partially immune to blunt damage and electricity but suffer twice normal damage from heat, materials that cause dehydration, tearing and slicing attacks. They suffer normal damage from acid. Magical and non-magical fluids and powders are usually just absorbed into their body to create more volume (1 cubic inch per 2 cubic inches of material suitable for making ink).

Society: The Ink Dragons have no natural society due to their origin as a construct and magical servant. Ink Dragons often socialize with each other as long as the defense of their item and/or areas are not threatened.

As intelligent beings they are often willing to hold conversations with other species and can even be negotiated with as long as the safety of their item or area is assured. If their item or area is damaged or destroyed, they will spend all of their energy and thought to repairing or reconstructing it. If their item is stolen the Ink Dragon will pursue it through any means until it once again recovers it.

Depending on the terms of the guardianship stated at their creation (not more than 20 words) the Ink Dragon may find itself freed by a number of conditions including but not limited to its creator's death, absence, the destruction of its area or item, or the removal of its item. Such freed Ink Dragons are able to hire themselves out as guardians and companions. They are incapable of becoming familiars though they may be constructed as a wizard's guardian or used as a homunculus.

Ink Dragons require a minimum amount of moisture, natural dyes and magical energy to stay 'alive'. They absorb magical energy from spells including their own, magical items and creatures of innate magic. They can absorb natural dyes and inks off of normal books (absorbing the information on them along with the physical words.)

Character Type: Ink Dragon player characters are usually wizards or sorcerers though they may choose a Druid, Thief, or Ranger path. Due to the innate weakness and timidity in battle, Ink Dragons will not choose any kind of Figher class.

Ink Dragons are obsessed with either the protection of a being, place or item. If their primary focus is destroyed or dies of natural causes they may shift their obsession to something related such as the focus's research, projects, searching for information or relations of their focus, reconstructing or replicating a place or item, and fulfilling a life-long dream. As each task is completed, the Ink Dragon will find a new one to pursue.

Ink Dragon player characters may join or hire a company of adventurers. If they join a company of adventurers it will be with the intent of subverting them to its goal or adopting one of its members as its new charge. If the Ink Dragon hires a company it will be for mainly for protection as it pursues its objective.

Ink Dragons act as if under a geas spell at all times. Though they will not intentionally harm or kill party members they place their own lives above all else, their charge secondly and their quest firmly in third place. All other considerations take a distant fourth place but, this does not make them either evil or cruel.

Ink Dragons prefer to negotiate, steal or buy what they need with the minimum of fuss and physical danger. They dislike violence and abhor torture. They resort to direct attacks only in extremity. Ink Dragons are cautious by nature and often weave complex spells of defense around themselves, their charge, and possessions including but, not limited to Explosive Runes, Magic Mouth, Contingency, Stone Skin, Protection From Fire, Protection From Cold, and Invisibility to Undead.

Ink Dragons prefer magical items that offer protection, escape or help them move stealthily. Such items include but are not limited to Rings of Protection, Amulets of Protection, Necklace of Adaptation, Leomund's Hut, Ioun Stones, and Periapts of Health. They avoid magical items that are potentially risky or damaging.

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Inventor of Super-Toast
Well, there's your problem right there. 10 HD and a caster level of 14, and CR 3? CR 13 would be closer. The creature's not bad, but the CR is way too low.

Oh, and one of those feats should be considered a bonus feat, as 10 HD = 4 feats. Actually, you should remove Spell Mastery altogether - if the ink dragon casts as a sorcerer, it doesn't need a spell-book at all.

Demiurge out.


First Post
Some other issues:

No size listed (it looks like tiny); constructs don't have a Con score, so no hp or Fort bonus; Dex 20 => Init +5; tiny constructs don't get an hp bonus; constructs have no good saving throws; skills should depend on Int score (which appears to be variable), and it should have "construct traits" as a special quality.

But I like your write-up and your concept. :D
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