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Help with a homebrew pantheon


Victoria Rules
I agree with making the creator deity true Neutral, with the others on Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes.

Another option is instead of having 9 deities, have 10; with the tenth one being the creator whose alignment is either true Neutral or all alignments at once. Mortals only ever get to deal with the 9 and may or may not ever know the tenth one exists at all. (possible side effect: maybe a story arc in your campaign might involve the PCs somehow discovering the existence of the tenth deity...).

My own system is similar except I brought in a third axis: Male-Female. Then, I pulled various well-known deities from all sorts of pantheons to become the 21 "real" deities, with others simply being false-front aspects of one of these. Example: the "real" Male Chaotic Neutral is Loki; and while cultures other than Norse may well have Male Chaotic Neutral deities it's almost certain they're just Loki in disguise.


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Steeliest of the dragons
I know it's a little early in the day for necromancy....but since it's just a sleepy rainy grey kinda day...and what goes better with that than world/setting building... and it's very specific/usual starting step..."creating the universe" which involves one of my favorites elements therein, makin' up pantheons!

So here we are. :D Let's see if I can extrapolate some extraplanar esotera in this environs...

Unknown Creator Dude and Known Nature Divine make "the Nine"... then it seems those nine are actually 18 -a male and female pairing for each of the alignment points...so the nine, themselves, ARE the Alignment axses points...which then -in their divinity- have a "masculine" and "feminine" aspect to them that they give actual individual form (or so it is presumed by mortals).

Then those pairings and various combo's get bizzay and make more...but we'll get to that later.

Seems straight forward enough.

The Lawful & Good: Order, thus organization, civilization, thus "the" Law (as in social and criminal justice), and Justice (as an ideal and practice). The ideals of order and justice demand an appreciation and adherence to Truth. The Good dealing in fairness, perhaps also equality, ideals of compassion and helpfulness (be that "protection" from evils or simple "kindness" to others), doing what is right and positive for the self and others and through those actions furthering the "Good" and thus Peace of/among the greater society/community/civilization. In a setting/world/region of monarchies, this is divinity who is revered by [and probably "namer/chooser/endorser" of] who the royalty is, thus a divinity of "Kings," thus embodying the favorable traits of Leadership (which in a fantasy RPG almost certainly includes a degree of military/combat prowess) and the orderly and just, as well as benevolent (Good) rule. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) Light, the Sky, and things associated therewith like stars or the sun, perhaps weather, the daytime in general, and so things that provide security and protection from the unknown dangers and fears of darkness and evil, things that are golden or bright, regal, like gold (or silver) dragons, lions (king of beasts), eagles (kings of the sky), and so on.

Ankho: The LG Masculine: the Gods' King/Ruler/Leader; god of [according to his dogma and believed by followers] "the World", civilization; just and benevolent rule, and so the orderly function and cycle of the universe; protector of those under his banner; vanquisher of the forces of Evil and Chaos. A Shining Knight and Just King crowned in a Beacon of Light.

Ahnamkara: The LG Feminine: the Gods' Protector(Keeper) of the Law (Judge/Justice)/Arbiter of Peace; goddess of the Law and keeping thereof; thus writing and record keeping; honesty, accuracy, & truth are of paramount importance; protectrix of civilization, not by the physical action/combat used by the Masculine, but through the just exercise of Laws to ensure the Good and Peace as an outcome; deep thought, deliberation, and wisdom. A Proponent of Peace (through just and prudent use of Law) and Regal Wise Queen crowned with Starlight. She is often portrayed as flanked by her silver eagles (or dragons) who constantly bring her words of Truth of what passes in the world of mortals, so she is never able to be tricked/fooled or believe any lie.

The Neutral & Good: Neutrality, thus fairness, balance, recognition and acceptance of the Dualities of the universe, and Hope (as an ideal and practice). The ideals of commonality (with one's fellows, the world around them, etc...) and survival and pragmatism. The Good also dealing in fairness, perhaps also equality, ideals of compassion and helpfulness (be that "protection" from evils or simple "kindness" to others), doing what is right and positive for the self and others and through those actions furthering the "Good" and thus Peace of/among the greater society/community/the world or universe. Bad things are real and they happen. What is important is to not fall to that despair, into that darkness, but strive for the betterment and furthering of the Good. This is the divinity who is revered by common folk, thus a deities of every-/anyone and broadly positive ideals, thus embodying Beneficence and the protection and/or fighting FOR thereof. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) Life, Growth, Prosperity, the beneficial uses and elements of Nature, and things associated therewith like healing, perhaps herbalism/medicine, Light is still important, probably the daytime and growth/life times of year like spring and summer, and keeps the elements of protection from dangers and fears of darkness and evil, but in more concrete terms (than the high "ideals" of Lawful Good), like healing your sick/staving off pestilence, fending off starvation or predators, having a good harvest to make it through the winter, making/having enough food/money/shelter in general, and so on.

Bephron: The NG Masculine: the Gods' Defender/Warrior/Champion; god of [according to his dogma and believed by followers] the "Good," champion of the goodly folk; skilled with any weapon or tool, and so the god of craftsmen as well as soldiers and warriors; protector of the worthy and needy; vanquisher of the forces of Evil. A Questing Knight and Hero of Good donning weapons of light and armored in virtues.

Cythia: The NG Feminine: the Gods' Healer/Hearth Keeper/Bringer of Life; goddess of life and growth; thus healing and medicine, and so also associated with midwifery, motherhood, and child-rearing; protectrix of the hearth and home (by whatever means necessary); she has deep/unknown knowledge and unearthly skill in all traits and elements of life (cooking, medicine, weaving and tailoring, etc...); association with growth as well as vegetation/plants of medicinal and culinary arts give her a close association with the season of Spring and the shoots and blossoms of new growth. A Soothing Matron and Wondrous Medic clothed in skirts of blooming flowers and swathed in the warm glow of a hearth that never goes out.

The Chaotic & Good: Chaos eschews the constraints of Law for Freedoms, thus more individualistic, untamed nature (including "human nature"), thus an appreciation and/or acceptance of the "wild-ness" thereof, and still Justice (as ideals and practices, an unjust "law" acts against the Good and needs be fought). The ideals of freedom and justice demand an appreciation and adherence to Creativity. The Good dealing in fairness, perhaps also equality, ideals of compassion and helpfulness (be that "protection" from evils or simple "kindness" to others), doing what is right and positive for the self and others and through those actions furthering the "Good" and thus Peace of/among the greater society/community/world/universe. In a setting/world/region of monarchies, this is divinity who is revered by the righteous, and the rebellious, and those close to the positive aspects of the Natural world. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) the Wilderness, the Primal Hunt, and things associated therewith like animals (generally the undomesticated, stags, wolves, eagles/hawks, etc...), blood, archery, perhaps forests or other untouched natural settings as a whole, and so things that provide survival and success therein, like woodcraft/knowledge, tracking, and so on.

Cantor: The CG Masculine: the Gods' Shepherd/Lover/Reveler; god of [according to his dogma and believed by followers] the fields, revelry and merry-making, and so fertility, romantic and/or sexual attraction and/or prowess, as well as distilling alcohol, feasting and drinking; wild and domesticated animals, and so command and protection thereof; some association with agriculture (again, fertility) and weather, particularly the "wild/untamed" nature of storms, protector of the wilderness and crops. An Torch-and-Goblet-wielding Shepherd and Horned Wanderer scantily clad and crowned in leaves (generally oak or sheaves of wheat), nearly always portrayed surrounded by a variety of animals.

Daeris: The CG Feminine: the Gods' Hunter/Ranger/Monster Slayer; goddess of the forests and keeping thereof; thus tracking and hunting; endurance, precision, & excellence in physical pursuits; weapons of the hunt, archery, the spear, the knife/dagger, also nets and snares; protectrix of nature and the natural world, particularly against "unnatural" evils and creatures (the undead, demons, aberrant monsters, etc...) to ensure the Good and Peace (through the "Natural Order," not the "Order of Law") as an outcome; exacting strikes, sure steps, being prepared. An Advocate of Nature and Unerring Huntress cloaked in impenetrable leathers and wreathed in thorny vines.

phew. Ok, wow, this is taking quite a bit of time. More in a bit.


Steeliest of the dragons
Alright...where were we...

The Lawful & Neutral: Order, thus organization, civilization, thus "the" Law (as in social and criminal justice), and Justice (as an ideal and practice). The ideals of order and justice demand an appreciation and adherence to Truth. Neutrality, thus fairness, recognition and acceptance of the Dualities of the universe, and Balance (as an ideal and practice). The ideals of commonality (with one's fellows, the world around them, etc...) and survival and pragmatism. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) scales (of a merchant or justice), impartiality, exchanges, and things associated therewith like fair trade in general, thus some association with coins/money and so things that provide security and protection from dangers of chaos and imbalance, things that are even and orderly, like scribes and impartial observers/chroniclers, traders/merchants, law enforcement, and so on.

Eulongoth: The LN Masculine: the Gods' Chronicler/Historian; god of history, archivist; order and language, and so the orderly function and records of the universe; keeper of knowledge, including what is thought "hidden" or "forbidden"; jurist and abjurist of Chaos. A Grey Loremaster and Just Mediator wielding a tome and quill.

Enphathame: The LN Feminine: the Gods' Artisan/Negotiator; goddess of prosperity, movement/travel, and the protection thereof; fair exchange of goods and services; honesty, accuracy, & truth in all dealings are of paramount importance; protectrix of the merchant, tradesmen, and travelers more generally; accumulation of bounty, primarily viewed monetarily, but also information/knowledge, and all other ways. A Prosperous Merchant and Fair Advisor.

The True Neutral: I believe this is being left to the Creator Dude and Divine Nature...to whom druids whisper forgotten names to sway magic into being.

The Chaotic & Neutral: Chaos eschews the constraints of Law for Freedoms, thus more individualistic, untamed nature (including "human nature"), thus an appreciation and/or acceptance of the "wild-ness" thereof, and still Justice (as ideals and practices, an unjust "law" acts against the Good and needs be fought). The ideals of freedom and justice demand an appreciation and adherence to Creativity. Neutrality, thus fairness, recognition and acceptance of the Dualities of the universe, and Balance (as an ideal and practice). The ideals of commonality (with one's fellows, the world around them, etc...) and survival and pragmatism. This is divinity who is revered by those who value freedom over all, the rebellious, and those close to the the Natural world. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) randomness, the unexpected, and things associated therewith like storms, battle/combat, works of art (and the random flares of "inspiration" that spawn them), and so things that provide survival and success therein, like skills of all kinds, freedom of movement/the experience gained through travel, and so on.

Fathom: The CN Masculine: the Gods' Explorer/Secret Keeper; god of the seas, tempests, and so the unexplored depths and far off lands, as well as the knowledge/secrets thereof; a collector and guardian (not necessarily sharer) of secrets; an unpredictable adventuring mariner known for daring feats and unexpected victories; some association with weather, particularly the "wild/untamed" nature of storms in coastal areas or at sea, protector of both sailors and [non-evil] scoundrels. An Undaunted Mariner and Daring Hero wrapped in waves and crowned with lightning.

Guranna: The CN Feminine: the Gods' Bard/Messenger; goddess of music, movement/speed, wandering and accumulation (of lore, money, tales/songs, etc... as you wander); thus performing and entertaining; inspiration, particularly in the artistic sense; in her enjoyment of wandering and socializing mixed with randomness of the alignment, also associated with Luck and games of chance. A Swift Traveler and Alluring Harpist cloaked in winds and crowned with clouds.

More in a bit.


Steeliest of the dragons
The Lawful & Evil: Order, thus organization, civilization, thus "the" Law (as written, to the letter), and Control (as an ideal and practice). The Evil deals, ultimately, in subjugation, making things "less" than they are, perhaps also sadism and cruelty, ideals of selfishness and personal power (bringing down "the Good" or acute personal gain), doing what is wrong and/or negative for others in favor of what is good for the self, and through those actions furthering the "Evil" and thus Subjugation of/among the greater society/community/civilization. In a setting/world/region of monarchies, this is divinity who is revered by [and probably would pay attention to] who the tyrants are, thus a divinity of "Power [for power's sake]," thus embodying the UNfavorable traits of Leadership (which in a fantasy RPG almost certainly includes a degree of military/combat prowess) and the orderly control, as well as malevolent (Evil) or, at best, "apathetic" [to the needs of your "subjects"] rule. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) Darkness; the Hells and their denizens, the embodiments of Lawful Evil - Devils; and things associated therewith like all manner of suffering, deal-/pact-making, perhaps deadly parts/elements of nature, and so things that support or seek to control the unknown and wicked dangers of the world, things that are strong and unyielding, powerful, like chromatic dragons, devils, cruelty, slavery, and so on.

Golgoran: The LE Masculine: the Gods' Tyrant/Adversary; god of supremacy, the acquisition of power; domination and malevolent rule, and so the orderly usurpation of the universe; manipulator of those under his banner; [would-be] vanquisher of the forces of Good and Chaos. A Dark Knight and Fearsome King crowned in a ring of cold iron spikes.

Hellaina: The LE Feminine: the Gods' Corrupter/Seductress/Manipulator; goddess of tainting and corrupting other beings to create horrors; thus a source and/or patroness of monsters and monstrosity; she is mythologically attributed as being the world's first vampire and/or succubus; unbreakable contracts/dealings (to the letter and no further!), manipulation, & "winning" [within the confines of the rules/Law] are of paramount importance; seducer and manipulator of the Good, but through the exercise of Laws to ensure the interests of Evil and Subjugation as an outcome; deep thought, weaving schemes, and wild cunning. A Mistress of Monsters and Irrefutable Beauty crowned with serpents. She is often portrayed as flanked -if not surrounded by- by bats or succubi.

The Neutral & Evil: Neutrality, thus fairness, balance, recognition and acceptance of the Dualities of the universe, and Despair (as an ideal and practice). The Evil deals, ultimately, in subjugation, making things "less" than they are, perhaps also sadism and cruelty, ideals of selfishness and personal power (bringing down "the Good" or acute personal gain), doing what is wrong and/or negative for others in favor of what is good for the self, and through those actions furthering the "Evil" and thus Subjugation of/among the greater society/community. This is the divinity who is grovelled to by common folk, thus deities of every-/anyone and broadly negative ideals, thus embodying Selfishness and the furthering and/or fighting FOR thereof. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) Greed, Accumulation [I got mine!], Gluttony, the detrimental uses and elements of Nature (poison, swamps, darkness and cold), and things associated therewith like wealth, perhaps poison, Darkness is still important, probably the nighttime and slowing/entropic times of year like winter, and keeps the elements of avoidance if not activity against and fears of light and good, but in more concrete terms (than the high "ideals" of Lawful Good), like stealing, killing/murder, suffering and sadism, making/having enough food/money/shelter in general and specifically having MORE than others to exert power over them, and so on.

Inkkial: The NE Masculine: the Gods' Thief/Murderer/Deceiver; god of shadows and shadowy pursuits; unseen movement and machinations, illusion and deception, and so the god of corrupt nobles as much as street thugs; patron of criminals; spy and assassin against of the forces of Good. An Unseen Chill and Stabbing Whisper donning cloaks of shadows.

Ishh: The NE Feminine: the Gods' Despair/"the End"/Necromancer; goddess of decay and entropy; thus death, putrification, and so also associated with swamps, evil witchcraft, and disease; a bringer of wickedness and despair; she has deep/unknown knowledge and unearthly skill in all sorcery; her association with death/disease makes her the ruler over undeath and the creatures of; she is believed, mythologically, to be responsible for the inevitable downfall of the gods and their hold on Creation [at which point, then, it is written, Golgoran and Jackuul will destroy the universe in their battle to assert control/their own supremacy]; association with entropy and the evil side of the magical arts give her a close association with the season of Winter and the hopelessness and barrenness therein. An Empty Face and Dark Sorceress bent in robes of dripping black ichor and wielding a twisted staff.

The Chaotic & Evil: Chaos eschews the constraints of Law for Freedoms, thus more individualistic, untamed nature (including "human nature"), thus an appreciation and/or acceptance of the "wild-ness" thereof, and still Destruction (as ideals and practices, anything that acts against the Law [and Good] is fair game). The ideals of freedom and power demand an appreciation and adherence to Personal Strength [and the exercise thereof over others less strong]. The Evil deals, ultimately, in destruction, making things "less" than they are, perhaps also sadism and cruelty, ideals of selfishness and personal power (bringing down "the Good" or acute personal gain), doing what is wrong and/or negative for others in favor of what is good for the self, and through those actions furthering the "Evil" and thus Subjugation of/among the greater society/community/civilization. Best symbolized and associated with (by simple mortal minds) the Fire, the Abyss and its denizens, the embodiments of Chaotic Evil -Demons, and things associated therewith like pain, blood, violence, monsters, perhaps deserts, inhospitable or inhabitable natural settings as a whole, and so on.

Jackuul: The CE Masculine: the Gods' Warmonger/Destroyer; god of war, bloodlust, and so battle, anger, wild fury, violence on the whole, the inflicting of and/or enjoyment of death, pain, and suffering of others; destruction for the sake of destruction, exerting power over others and the world around you, not in the pursuit of "control" [as the LE does] or "self-interest" [as the NE does] but for the sheer pathological enjoyment of exerting your power/strength over others to their detriment. An Unstoppable Force and Furious Warrior armored in flames, nearly always portrayed with a battle axe and/or sword in each hand and dripping in blood.

Karri: The CE Feminine: the Gods' Fire Queen/Consumer/Annihilator; goddess of demons, deserts, and the destructive properties of fire; thus sandstorms, wildfires, scorched earth, etc...; she spawned the first demons and even the so-called "demon lords" are her children; she is the bottomless Abyss; a purveyor of all manner of suffering, consumer of the natural world til there is nothing left, particularly the Good and creatures that embody it (the fae/sylvan creatures, celestials, etc...) to ensure the Evil and utter annihilation (through Chaos) as an outcome. A Primordial Demoness and Unfathomable Power in regal gowns of misery, crowned in multi-colored flames.

OK! Onto the "two per race" children of these 18 aspects of "The Nine." More in a bit.


Steeliest of the dragons
Ankho & Ahmankara (LG): create the Titans: Kors, the Celestial Smith, & Lamath, the Holy Lightbearer. They make the first elves.

Bephron & Cythia (NG): create the Titans: Morm, the Celestial Mage, & Marmaran, the Blessed Shieldmaiden. They make the first celestials as aides and agents (and eventually soldiers) for all of the titans and gods of good.

Cantor & Daeris (CG): create the Titans: Nerethryn, the Celestial Rider, & Osterys, the Sacred Tender. They make the first fae and sylvan folks.

Eulongoth & Enphathame (LN): create the Elementals: Onnogan, the Divine Mountain, & Piann, the Enduring. They make the first dwarves, and many of the first earth & air elementals.

Creator & Nature (N): create the Light Dragon, Quentrimian, who in turn forms the Sun, & the Prismatic Dragon, Refaractrios, who in turn forms the Moon. Together, they spawn dragonkind who fracture through the eons into myriad various sorts and affinities.

Fathom & Guranna (CN): create the Elementals: Ranash, the Divine River, & Sebille, the Even-keeled. They make the first merfolk, gnomes, and many of the first water & fire elementals.

Golgorn & Hellaina (LE): create the Archdevils: Sorrophant, the Infernal Warduke, & Taela, the Calamitous. Sorrophant & Taela create the various tiers of devils, corrupt and ensnare dragons and giants to their wicked causes, and, when attempts to conquer the mortal realms are made (and mortal soliders/agents required), they taint and corrupt the goodly races to create their endless armies of goblinkind, the evil elves known as "Drow," and other diabolic breeds. Taela, herself, begins the spread of vampirism.

Inkkial & Ishh (NE): are too selfish and more interested in the corruption and stagnation of creation to "create" anything of their own. Ishh, however, brings about the first Undead, raises the Trolls & Hags from the swamp-muck, and numerous monstrous races "fallen" into existential evil become the thralls of Inkkial. Envious of Taela's "marvelous" vampirism, Ishh also formulates the disease-curses now known as lycanthropy, ghoul fever, and mummy rot.

Jackuul & Karri (CE): Following NO "rules" but their own, produce innumerable destructive forces: the kraken, the tarasque, and other unimagined horrors. But they are too chaotic and interested in destruction to "create" anything so organized as a "race" or society to give culture...though more than a few mortal beings (created by others of "the Nine") find/encounter them and are warpped by their association. The Orc and the Sahuagin being the chief examples of such races. Through the warping influences of their Evil Chaos, many evil dragons, evil giants, and most notably, Demons -from warped/chaos-tainted devils, are "made." Ironically, for not being "creator" beings themselves, Jackuul & Karri are, in fact, responsible for many of the most dangerous inhabitants of existing creation.

As will be noted, Humans don't appear in this list. They are generated, many many ages later after several existing beings and races are lost, changed or tainted (via various alignment shifts, plots, tragedies, planar migrations, etc...), or whose numbers become too great, when the divinities need some stabilizing force that can reliably exist. They are created as empty vessels and granted free-will to be able to produce a species of unlimited potential -versus pre-ordained affinity or destiny- to supply all of the deific entities with "believers" to sustain their power and existence.

There....think that does it.
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Victoria Rules
It seems you've made up an entirely new set of deities for this system, but I'm lazier than that. When I came up with a very similar system I just took existing deities from various pantheons both historical and fantastic and plugged them in to the slots. I also added another layer of four between the One (Azathoth, who also represents true Neutral) and the 16 on the M-F L-C G-E axes, to make a total of 21.

For example Loki is the Male Chaotic Neutral, Orcus is the Male Chaotic Evil, Llolth is the Female Chaotic Evil, the Morrigan is the Female Neutral Evil, and so on.

The layer of four runs along M-F and G-E axes - Moradin is the Male Good, for example - as in my cosmology the L-C axis didn't arise until later.

And the best part? It's all work I only ever had to do once. Now if I ever need a pantheon for a game I can just build it off of this framework, changing only some names if necessary to suit the local culture(s).

Gray Lensman

That's Awesome work Steeldragons. I actually don't come here much anymore but glad I happened to find this today.

I am actually concentrating on SciFi gaming ATM.

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