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D&D 5E Here Is The Full & Alternate Cover Art Of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

Here is the cover art for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, the hardcover D&D product revealed this weekend. Cover art by Tyler Jacobson Alternate cover by Hydro74 https://www.enworld.org/threads/two-new-d-d-books-revealed-feywild-strixhaven-mage-school.680500/

Here is the cover art for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, the hardcover D&D product revealed this weekend.


Cover art by Tyler Jacobson


Alternate cover by Hydro74


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Yeah @Glen the color choice, the way the top edges of the graphic curve inward, even the font choice/scaling are definitely reminiscent of some of the Endless Quest books. Actually, the 4e Heroes of the Feywild had a mini-choose your own adventure section for creating your character's unique background (instead of choosing a background). Maybe just coincidence.

Some things that pop out to me as I'm looking at the cover spread further...

The displacer beast's tentacles are upright and outstretched like the "bent" of a bird's wing and giant monarch butterfly wings have been attached with some kind of straps. That kind of inventiveness makes it seem like the "child" following the beast might be a gnome. Maybe Ellywick Tumblestrum?

It's possible there's a constellation being displayed, but I'm not enough of a FR lore buff to know what that might be. Then again, the star relationship and their varying colors may just be artistic flourish... or they might be there to evoke the Court of Stars, a sort of parliament between Seelie and Unseelie hosted by the Summer Queen Titania.

The top hat wearing figure is interesting in a couple ways:
  • His attire and pocket watch are anachronistic for typical D&D. Combined with the motion ghosts / light streaks below the tents, maybe there's a subtle hint at time travel in the sense that the carnival wanders...and possibly through time as well. When talking about the Feywild, the DMG calls out that sometimes many years may pass on the Material Plane while someone is on the Feywild, so maybe they're bringing that into the adventure.
  • He defies easy race/ancestry categorization. Shadar-kai? Well, he is bulky, has piercing blue pupils, is dusky skinned, and is sporting some sweet 19th century attire whereas shadar-kai are depicted as thin/normal build, dark eyes lacking sclera or pupils, pale skinned, and with a Gothic vibe. Hobgoblin? Well, he lacks the hobgoblin bestial nose, outward flaring ears, deep down sloping brows, and sideburns that have been intrinsic to 5e's hobgoblin art. Ogre? Yeah, his ears match 5e ogre ears, but his nose deviates from ogres.
  • He is lifting up what appears to be the Big Top Tent, but could also be a cut onion or shattered Christmas tree ornament.
A vague or invisible bird (raven?) shape appears to be flying on the far right beneath the moon, either revealed momentarily by the parting of the mists or its wingbeats causing the mists to part. Maybe this is meant to evoke the Raven Queen's involvement? (seeing as if this carnival is tied to Isolde from VRGtR, she left two shadar-kai in control of the carnival)

Lastly, the "two carnivals" appears to be the same carnival under different conditions/planes/times/moods. You can tell by looking at the highest point in the carnival art which is a sort of "streamer" tent without full tent flaps. Both the brighter/warmer art and the dimmer/cooler art have that same element.

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Crown-Forester (he/him)
Has anyone pointed out the similarities between the cover and the poster for the old Something Wicked This Way Comes movie?

Now THAT's an argument I could see someone bringing to court. It's clearly an homage, what with the tag line, but the artwork plus tag-line seals the deal. If the plot is wholescale lifted from the movie, then yeah, that would be BAD.


When I saw the book cover and the wings on that cat-thingy, my thought was 'That could be a tressym.' And that's what I'm going with. A 5E meld of a tressym and a displacer beast. If you Google 'tressym' you'll see many images with owl/bird wings, but also some with butterfly wings. Anything could happen in the Feywild at the whim of the Raven Queen. :)

I think the cat on the back of the standard cover could actually be a displacer beast made to look exotic with attached butterfly wings.
It has two sets of front legs, like a Displacer Beast.
If you look at the edges of the main wings, they look like outstretched tentacles supporting the butterfly wings, which might be artificial.
The smaller wings look clamped to its tail.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Now THAT's an argument I could see someone bringing to court. It's clearly an homage, what with the tag line, but the artwork plus tag-line seals the deal. If the plot is wholescale lifted from the movie, then yeah, that would be BAD.
From a legal standpoint. As the basis for an adventure, Something Wicked This Way Comes has been ripped off dozens of times, almost always very successfully.

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