D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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Prince of Dorkness
Also, for those who don't like the specific scene depicted in the art, this is the main piece of art for the Wizard. There might also be more artwork throughout the rest of the Wizard class description. Maybe one might be of a wizened old caster in long robes and a pointy hat.


She looks like Strixhaven Wizard of the College of Silverquell, the type of magic she's using, the outfit, its a specific type of wizard.

This is a Strixhaven College of Silverquill mage:

Sorry, not really seeing what you are seeing. What art are you talking about?


I don't want to insult anyone, but I think it shows a decided lack of imagination if you think that you "can't do this in D&D". Apparently your D&D is a lot more limiting than mine is!

Besides, it's clearly Globe of Invulnerability. But like some have said above, it doesn't need to be GoI. It could be anything that protects the Wizard that the player chooses to describe that way.


Where is that Singe?
Besides, it's clearly Globe of Invulnerability.
Funny, I never realized that spell made spellsbooks and staffs "float".... :unsure: [Checks spell description...] No, nothing there. Hmm... I suppose the book might be resting on a stand we can't see?

Strange place for globe of invulnerability, too, since she can't go anywhere with it. Oh, I know, maybe her fellow "wizards" are off screen and going to bombard her with 5th and lower level spells to see if she successfully cast the globe? She's just practicing. Yep, very wizardly. Ok, you've convinced me. :p

Wait! I see it now, there's another spellbooks up top! This is a simple Globe of Spellbook Repulsion spell, used by wizards everywhere when they get tired of studying and have simply had enough. She's probably preparing to multiclass to cleric, sorcerer, or warlock to free herself from the "tie of the tome" shackle that has been keeping her back all these years.

Anyway, put the book in one hand and the staff in the other and it would be more D&D and less "Storm" IMO. Still not great, but ok.


Funny, I never realized that spell made spellsbooks and staffs "float".... :unsure: [Checks spell description...] No, nothing there. Hmm... I suppose the book might be resting on a stand we can't see?

Strange place for globe of invulnerability, too, since she can't go anywhere with it. Oh, I know, maybe her fellow "wizards" are off screen and going to bombard her with 5th and lower level spells to see if she successfully cast the globe? She's just practicing. Yep, very wizardly. Ok, you've convinced me. :p

Wait! I see it now, there's another spellbooks up top! This is a simple Globe of Spellbook Repulsion spell, used by wizards everywhere when they get tired of studying and have simply had enough. She's probably preparing to multiclass to cleric, sorcerer, or warlock to free herself from the "tie of the tome" shackle that has been keeping her back all these years.

Anyway, put the book in one hand and the staff in the other and it would be more D&D and less "Storm" IMO. Still not great, but ok.

Ah. I get it. It's not a lack of imagination - it's that you're using all your imagination to find all the ways that you could deny this picture's validity, instead of using it to support the fiction being told to you by this artist.

I'm more into "Yes, and..." style D&D.

For all we know, she's being attacked by a Djinn or an air elemental. Or she's battling another wizard who animated all those books to attack her. I could probably keep listing ideas all day.

I mean, I get it - you don't like the picture. That's fine, whatever. I'm neither here-nor-there about it. I'd rather she was holding the staff, too.

But to argue that any of this couldn't happen in D&D is to severely limit D&D beyond what I'm comfortable condoning. This IS D&D. So is your "gritty old wizard in a pointy hat". It's all D&D.


Other than the fact that she's black, how in the heck is that "Storm"?

Lessee, we've had comments that this looks too anime (hello, 2003 called, it would like it's complaint back), it looks like Storm from X-Men because... she's black? and Strixhaven, because... she's a wizard?

Y'all realize that this isn't the complete image right? This is just a cropped part. Just like the other Silver Dragon image in the other thread?

But, sure, keep up the good work. Gotta keep that negativity flowing. Endlessly bitch about how WotC isn't talking about 50th Anniversary enough and the new release, and, when they do actually talk about it, do nothing but endlessly bitch about the work they are doing.

Why in hell do you people even participate in the hobby? I don't get it. It utterly baffles me that people who obviously hate everything WotC does, no matter what they do, continue to tell all and sundry that they hate WotC. Do you really think that if you complain just that one more time people will finally see the light and pat you on the head and tell you how right you are? What do you get out of this?


Other than the fact that she's black, how in the heck is that "Storm"?

Lessee, we've had comments that this looks too anime (hello, 2003 called, it would like it's complaint back), it looks like Storm from X-Men because... she's black? and Strixhaven, because... she's a wizard?

Y'all realize that this isn't the complete image right? This is just a cropped part. Just like the other Silver Dragon image in the other thread?

But, sure, keep up the good work. Gotta keep that negativity flowing. Endlessly bitch about how WotC isn't talking about 50th Anniversary enough and the new release, and, when they do actually talk about it, do nothing but endlessly bitch about the work they are doing.

Why in hell do you people even participate in the hobby? I don't get it. It utterly baffles me that people who obviously hate everything WotC does, no matter what they do, continue to tell all and sundry that they hate WotC. Do you really think that if you complain just that one more time people will finally see the light and pat you on the head and tell you how right you are? What do you get out of this?

I'm on your side here, but you're probably getting more "worked up" about it than it's worth worrying about.

OTOH, I do think that there's a bit more to the "Storm" idea than just that she's black, though I don't agree with the complaint: Storm's eyes go white when she uses her powers; She's a young black woman with white hair (Storm's is whiter than the Wizard's, but still); Things tend to fly around in her wind like the books are doing; There's a similar sort of "pause" that this artwork has - she's floating there doing her thing while things fly around her, and THEN the action happens. It all adds up to a similar "feeling" to Storm, even though this woman doesn't actually really look like Storm in any real way. She evokes the feeling.

Still not much of an argument against the piece.

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