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Heritage of Dragonsreach (UPDATED September 4, 2007)


First Post
An Enthusiastic Admirer

I shan't put the following in a letter to my Naneth. I don't want to distress her when we may not see one another for some while.

I'd gone out to seek more booksellers while we awaited the verdict of the council. Happening upon a small out-of-the-way shop, I soon found myself engrossed in a copy of Verilian's An Account of the History of Eaerlann. I've read it previously and it isn't terribly accurate or exciting, but nonetheless I became so absorbed in it I lost all awareness of my surroundings.

I didn't realize anything was amiss until I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went dark.

When I recovered my senses I found myself in a well-appointed room with a large fireplace. Through bleary eyes I observed a large portrait before me, still in the process of being completed by the artist. Behind me someone stood applying a salve to the knot on the back of my skull. His motions were more like caresses than healing ministrations, which I would have found unpleasant had my wits been clearer.

My hands and feet were bound, and my mouth had been stopped with a silk handkerchief. I don't think I shall look at silk handkerchiefs quite as favorably ever again.

Despite my confused state I felt a sense of relief in the realization that I could still sense Istanil, though I couldn't determine precisely where she was in relation to my own location. But I knew that she had summoned my friends and they were searching for me.

My friends had already discovered the identity of my abductor: that same admirer from the Dragon Days festival who had been causing Hedrin and Latan some concern over the past two days. His name is Wedswin Fordsworth, a name I won't soon forget.

The Silver Claws and Ice Fangs were on their way to Fordsworth's manor, accompanied by some city guardsmen. Roland was able to talk his way past the guard at the gate with his usual aplomb. But once they reached the house the guards within were more suspicious of the arrival of so many armed folk. A struggle ensued.

I could sense Istanil searching anxiously for me, but was unaware that while I was being held on the ground floor my familiar had mistakenly elected to search the second floor of the manor. Latan had dispatched Isaura to seek me as well.

When my abductor became aware that my friends were making short work of his hired swords, he ordered a particularly large specimen of that variety to pick me up and carry me out of the room. By then my head had cleared, and I called on the Lady's Blessing to aid me as I attempted to get free of my bonds. I had been bound with lengths of drapery cord that were inexpertly knotted, but despite this my first attempt at escape failed, perhaps because I was slung over the warrior's shoulder like a roll of carpet.

The swordsman and my captor hurried down a back passageway to the rear of the house and out into the garden. There the warrior laid me on a carpet. He and my abductor then both mounted the carpet and it began to rise into the air.

I should like to ride a flying carpet someday, preferrably of my own free choice. I gave another wriggle and managed this time to slip free of my bindings, eagerly tearing the silk handkerchief from my mouth. Isaura came wafting up to me then and began trying to pull me off the carpet.

At the same moment Latan swooped down on the rising carpet, buoyed by a pair of insubstantial silvery dragon wings. As I freed myself and rolled off the carpet, she shouted to me that the rest of my friends were still in danger inside the manor house.

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave her alone with the massive warrior on the carpet. I considered giving a herald's call, but it occurred to me that the swordsman was likely too strong to be affected by it. Instead I began to recite the most stirring stanza of Thandalar's Fury as I ran toward the house.

I met Istanil there, to my great pleasure. As we raced into the passage, I found Roland, Hedrin and Percy engaged with several of the sell-swords, who were well-armored but not as well trained as our Dragonsreach militia. Just as we entered, Roland collapsed. But at the same moment Hedrin had dispatched the last but one of the guards. The remaining fellow surrendered. Roland managed to heal himself enough to get back on his feet a moment later.

When Latan joined us she reported that she'd been obliged to let Fordsworth and his henchman escape, as she was too wounded to battle the bulky mercenary. I suppose that Fordsworth would have received little punishment in any case. His family is obviously wealthy and influential here in Milvarune.

I'm afraid this experience will make me more cautious in enjoying the exercise of my art in future. I must remember that not all of my admirers are likely to be as disturbed in mind as Master Fordsworth. Bless the Lady and my friends for rescuing me from his clutches.

I pray the council will make their decision quickly. I should like to get away from this town as soon as possible.
Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "What's Istanil (the walking book) doing?"
sniffles: "Running back to Silver Cottage."
Devo: "You should get a page to do that."

Jubilee: (to Istanil) "Did Thilme' fall down a well?"
Devo: "An inkwell."

Zora: "His name's Wedswin T. Fordsworth. Go ahead and say it - his initials are WTF."

Zora: "You think you plan for everything. Then the players show up."

Hedrin: "Join us! We'll rule Milvarune as Hedrin and guard!"

Hedrin: "I know who he is - he's Foppio."

Zora: "Percy knocks the guard out with his stool."
Devo: (to guard) "'You have a little stool in your helmet.'"

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First Post
A Dragon Reborn

Suddenly the prospect of visiting Chult seems less exciting to me than it did yesterday. We may be obliged to leave without Percy.

This part of my tale begins with some items my friends had relieved from Master Fordsworth's hired swordsmen. In the pouch taken from the leader of that group were found three peculiar stones. They seemed both metallic and stony, and were not a mineral any of us recognized immediately.

When Roland attempted to determine if these odd stones were magical in nature, the arcane aura they produced proved to be so powerful that he was rendered senseless. We couldn't rouse him. We had already summoned a healer from the Lady's temple, and Roland was quickly put under the priest's care, as were we all. Having recovered from whatever potion my captor had given me, I was the only member of our small company suffering no wounds. When my friends settled down to rest I recited the lullaby from The Tale of the Seven Daughters to aid them in their recovery.

The following morning - this morning, though it seems much longer - Latan attempted to use her alchemical skill to identify the strange stones, taking them to the temple to use their facilities. The sellsword's pouch also proved to contain an ioun stone, of which Hedrin took possession.

Latan was unable to determine the nature of the three mysterious stones, despite her best efforts. But as we discussed them I began to feel a nagging familiarity about them. I recalled a tale of the blood of a god being transformed into stones resembling these in description. We all felt oddly drawn to them, Latan most of all. We began to wonder: could these stones perhaps be the Lady's blood?

We hadn't had an opportunity to speak with the captured mercenaries, and now we wondered how the sellsword had come to possess the stones. Could he possibly be among the Blessed? Had he been drawn to the stones as we were?

Before we could pursue this further we received a summons from the temple. The council of Dragonsreach were ready to speak to us. Determining to ask Father Merrick about the stones, we set off at once for the Lady's temple.

As we viewed the council members through the scrying pool, I saw that not only were Father Merrick and Father Borabyl present but also Commander K'Von and numerous other dignitaries of Dragonsreach. It seemed that the council members were divided in their opinion of what our next step should be. Many of them felt that we Silver Claws are not sufficiently strong to face Lerner Provol and his compatriots. I can't say that I disagree with that opinion.

Father Merrick then asked us what our opinion was on the matter. As one we all expressed a desire to travel to Chult, to do whatever we can to save the Blessed there. We know we can't face Lerner head-on, but we are the best choice to oppose his terrible quest.

Unfortunately we do not know precisely where this village he seeks is located. The elders of Heritage cannot scry where it lies. We also cannot guarantee that we will arrive before Lerner does. He has a head start, and Master Whitetree's enchanted vessel isn't available to us at present. The council is in negotiation with the gnomes of Milvarune for use of a portal located near here, but there is no assurance that the gnomes will agree.

Having imparted this information to us, Father Merrick then went on to give Latan some suprising news: her parents may have been found! An odd message has been sent by the Seelie Court, but no one has examined its contents for fear of capricious fey magic. Latan will have to wait until she can examine it for herself. I don't envy her the frustration of wanting to receive that message. I can't imagine what it must be like to have never known one's own family.

I may also have an opportunity to see my dear Ada again before we leave. He is coming to take the Ice Fangs back to Dragonsreach. I hope he arrives before we depart, though that seems unlikely. We'll need to leave as soon as possible to have any hope of reaching the village before Lerner, and though my father is swift it will still take days for him to reach Milvarune, even if he's already left Dragonsreach.

When that discussion concluded, the three stones were produced. As they were drawn out of their pouch all of us noticed that the scryed image in the pool grew much sharper. Hedrin sniffed the air and remarked that he could now actually smell the room in Dragonsreach from which the image came!

Father Merrick leaned in closer to the pool as if he too were drawn to the stones. He didn't recognize them as anything familiar, but out of sight of the pool I could hear two of the senior bards from Heritage begin chatting excitedly about the same tale I had recalled. I strained to hear their words.

As I was trying to overhear my former teachers and identify their voices, Hedrin noticed that Percy was now looking very intently at the stones. Thinking that perhaps his prophetic gift might give him some special insight, Hedrin suggested that Latan hand the stones to Percy.

The moment the stones touched Percy's hands they seemed to melt into his flesh. There was a burst of blinding silver-white light and I felt something large strike me hard, sending me tumbling against a wall and over the edge into unconsciousness.

Praise the Lady that a priest was there with us in the scrying chamber, and he wasn't as badly injured as I. He called on the Lady's healing power to save me. When I opened my eyes I caught a brief glimpse of a fully-grown silver dragon standing within the chamber. Then the dragon spread its wings and burst through the roof, showering the room with debris as it took flight.

I rose shakily to my feet and looked around me. Hedrin and Roland both rushed outside to follow the flight of the dragon. Latan hurried out to help anyone injured by the destruction of the roof. Percy was nowhere to be seen, though some of his possessions lay upon the floor. The scrying pool had been tumbled off its stand and the waters spilled, cutting off our communication with Dragonsreach.

I went out into the corridor to aid any injured. Fortunately there were few injuries and none of them serious. When my companions didn't immediately reappear, I returned to Silver Cottage to find that Latan had run back to check on her tressym kittens. One of them, Tamber, has become quite attached to Percy.

I say this last because the dragon was Percy. Yes, the stones were of the Lady's blood, drawn from her before she ascended to godhood. They became divine when she did. And it seems that Percy is one of her children, though he himself was unaware of it. Contact with his mother's sacred blood transformed him and caused him to mature in an instant.

Our best guess is that in his confusion he has flown back to familiar territory, to Dragonsreach. Whether he will return to us in time for our journey to Chult, or at all, is still unknown. We have only what little information Father Merrick could express to Roland via a sending.

Whatever Percy does from this day forward, I wish him well.
A round wet stain appears on the page.

Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "It's a suppository - I mean, a supposistory."

Jubilee (later): "I didn't say that. It was a suppository."

Zora: "Could you get your eye-Ow!-n stone out of my eye?"

Hedrin: "Aw, it was a denial of service spell."

Zora: "The dragon appears and the room explodes!"
Jubilee: "I'll have what he had for breakfast!"


First Post
GM's input...

Excellent writeup, Sniffles!

I have to say, that when I introduced the "stones", I had many, many, MANY scenarios in mind for what might happen with them.

FWIW, this group is the most intelligent bunch of PCs I've ever met, and it's difficult to do anything without them being able to figure it out in-game. However, the DC for the knowledge of the stones was set pretty high. No one really had any skills commensurate with the stones. Even with Bardic Knowledge, it was pretty high.

What are the odds?

Out of the MANY scenarios, giving all three to Percy was the most outside possibility of them all. One, I could see. But not all three.

Well, there starts the conundrum. Can't exactly have an adult or mature adult dragon running around in the party, can I? <EG>


First Post

Hey! I had "Jack of All Trades" going that day. I did *so* have the knowledge I needed. You just wouldn't let me roll it! ;)



First Post
A Fey Wind to Chult

We're on our way to Chult. The Fey Wind will carry us from Milvarune to Calimport, and from there we will probably arrange travel across the Lake of Steam or down one of the rivers to the south. I should ask Istanil to tell me about the lands that lie between Thesk and Chult.

My Ada arrived aboard the Fey Wind - I had misunderstood and assumed he would come overland from Dragonsreach. I was so pleased we were able to meet the ship when it arrived. Ada is of course not particularly interested in Milvarune. He is never comfortable in towns or cities. He proceeded immediately to Silver Cottage to settle his small contingent of the Dragonsreach guard there.

After my father and the guardsmen arrived, Latan arranged for young Troy to travel to Dragonsreach via another vessel, to transport Tamber the tressym to Percy. Roland had received a message from Father Borabyl that Percy had arrived safely in Dragonsreach. We'll miss him.

Latan has observed that Tamber seems to be developing some peculiar traits, such as a forked tongue and a silvery sheen to his coat. Most curious.

Ada brought us a message directly from Percy: he bequeathed most of his belongings to us, including his prized enchanted chest, his magical glove, and a potion bandolier of high quality. I've taken charge of the bandolier as all of my friends already have such items. Roland and I have filled it with curative potions and a vial of antitoxin in preparation for our journey to the jungles of Chult.

The information Istanil provided tells me that not a great deal of detail is known about Chult. For many years it was impossible to scry the chief city, Mezro, and there was no outside trade permitted. Only in recent years has the city been opened to the outside world. We must be prepared to suffer from insects, disease and extreme heat. I shall have to leave off carrying my duelling cloak, as it will be too heavy for the sweltering jungle.

While we voyage to Chult, Ada will be taking the Ice Fangs into the mountains to deal with the drow. He told us that the council had expected us to be able to negotiate an agreement with them, but as we will not be available for that purpose it has been decided to use a more aggressive approach. I pray to the Lady that she keep my Adarinya safe.

During the night he and I sat quietly in the cottage garden, enjoying one another's company while exchanging few words. He lent me the earring Naneth enchanted for him so that I could speak briefly with her. I'm so accustomed to seeing both of them wearing those baubles that I sometimes forget what their purpose is. I wish that Naneth had time to create one for me.

It will be exciting to visit such a far-away and little-known place as Chult, but I shall miss being able to return to Heritage to tell my mother of my adventures. I promised her I would write often and send the letters on whenever possible. The letter I just completed for her has yet to reach her, thus I gave her a brief summary of our activities in Milvarune, sans my unwilling encounter with Master Fordsworth. I thanked her for sending Istanil to me as well. As soon as I introduced Ada to my new companion he admitted that the animated tome was Naneth's doing, as I had suspected.

Our farewells were perforce quick the following morning, as Ada wished to set out at dawn with the Ice Fangs. Afterward my friends and I began to prepare for our voyage, since the Fey Wind would set sail within a few hours. I've purchased as many spell scrolls as I can afford without depleting all my funds, while my companions sought out potions of useful substances. Though I've never been as interested in the natural world as my father is, I'm glad I listened to his words in my childhood. That knowledge will be useful now. And fortunately Hedrin has spent more time in the wilderness learning from Ada than I have.

I regret that the council was unable to reach an agreement with the gnomes for us to take advantage of the portal in Milvarune, as it would greatly speed our journey. But with the Lady's blessing we'll make a swift voyage to Chult and be able to reach the village we seek before Lerner's company finds it.
Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "So what happened last time?"
sniffles: "We were making a long-distance pool call."
Jubilee: "Our call got dropped."
Devo: "Somebody peed in our pool."
Hedrin: "Somebody Percy'd in our pool."
Devo: "There's a stool in our pool?" (Percy's favorite weapon was a 3-legged stool he kept in his glove of storing.)

Jubilee: "Why does it matter how the portal is activated?"
Hedrin: "Well, if it requires a blood sacrifice of three gnomes..."
Jubilee: "Can't we just find three gnomes they don't like?"

Devo: "There's a Coleman stove in Percy's chest."
Zora: "And there's Coleman at his stove."


First Post
From Milvarune to Candlekeep - Again

The Fey Wind is the fastest ship on the Sea of Fallen Stars. As a result she's small and rather cramped by comparison to Master Whitetree's vessel.

Latan and her tressyms immediately made themselves at home in the crow's nest - although I doubt the tressyms are truly at home aboard a ship. I found a quiet corner where I could continue my reading on our destination out of the way of the crew as they prepared to cast off.

I was startled by a scream. I glanced up from my book but saw only that the sailors were pointing up at the main mast. Then I was engulfed by a strange sensation that seemed familiar to me, though at first I couldn't recall why. I rose to get a better look around and realized that we weren't in port in Milvarune any longer!

The coastline in the distance looked familiar too, but I didn't recognize it for a moment because I hadn't expected to see it again so soon. It was the Sword Coast near Candlekeep.

I turned my gaze toward the crow's next again as the sailors were still staring in that direction, at least those who weren't pointing and exclaiming at the coastline.

Two tiny figures hovered near Latan in the crow's nest, their wings blurring like the wings of hummingbirds. One figure was blue in color and the other purple. Latan appeared to be conversing animatedly with them.

I realized with a start that the hovering figures were the two construct fairies from Candlekeep. They chatted with Latan a short while longer, fluttered about the ship briefly, and then were gone.

When Latan descended from the crow's next, she explained that the two artificial fairies had come at her summons from Dragonsreach, where they had been avidly observing Percy's transformation. Latan had asked them if they could take us to Chult as they had carried us from Candlekeep to Waterdeep.

Unfortunately the fairies had taken "us" to mean the Fey Wind and her crew as well. They were unable to bear us directly to Chult, perhaps because of the residue of the magical barrier which once surrounded that land. Instead they had used their fey magic to carry us to the nearest place they knew.

Our lady captain took this unexpected turn of events in stride. She was familiar with the Sword Coast and immediately informed us that we would be able to reach Mezro in ten or twelve days with good winds.

I must confess I was a bit disappointed that we would lose our opportunity to see Chondath or Sespech and the Lake of Steam. Roland was disappointed too. But reaching Chult ahead of Lerner and his confederates is far more important than our desire to see more of the world.

As the Fey Wind set her sails for the south, Latan told us more of what she'd discovered from the fairies. They've developed since we saw them last. Roland and Hedrin described them as looking even more like miniature duplicates of Latan than they did when they were first made. They've also chosen individual names for themselves. The purple fairy is Antla and her blue twin is called Nalta. There are only so many combinations one can make of the sounds in "Latan".

After the excitement with the fairies our voyage began uneventfully enough. Roland is a natural sailor and blends in as if he's been at it all his life. Latan enjoys the crow's nest and doesn't mind the spray the ship kicks up as she cuts through the waves. Hedrin isn't happy to be aboard a ship again, but he occupied himself with learning how sailors fight and keeping himself fit.

I spent my time studying the navigational charts, learning seaman's tales from the crew, and employing my spells where I could to make myself useful.

On the third day as we passed through Asavir's Channel near the Nelanther Isles, a storm rose up to assail us. The entire crew was on deck so we went below to keep out of their way. I told the captain to send anyone to me who was injured. Sadly I don't know any spells or have any ability to treat seasickness. The little ship tossed and rolled on the waves like a leaf on a fast-flowing brook, and my stomach tossed and rolled along with it. But despite my sickness I was able to heal a sailor who broke his leg when a wave slammed him against the gunwales. I also found good use for the ancient draconic word I've newly learned to say. Spoken properly it can relieve fatigue and reduce exhaustion.

The storm abated the next day. Latan and I took turns casting healthful rest so the sailors could recuperate as they slept. The captain was very grateful for our aid, which made me glad that my studies of draconic lore can be of practical use.

On the sixth day of our voyage we came to the port of Memnon on the Calimshan coast, where we paused to resupply. While the sailors loaded fresh water and fruit, my friends and I took the chance to explore the marketplace, sampling the local cuisine and purchasing some native attire to make us more comfortable in the heat.

Refreshed and restocked, we set off once more toward Mezro. On our ninth day at sea a second storm threatened. The crew grew anxious, for they warned that storms often drive huge sea creatures before them.

I'd hardly had a chance to absorb this information when it was upon us. The Fey Wind lurched, nearly knocking me from my feet. I turned toward the waves and recoiled in horror as a huge spade-tipped tentacle loomed overhead!

To be continued...

Quips & Quotes:

Hedrin: (to Zora) "Are you lying?"
Jubilee: "Are his lips moving? Is he the GM?"

Zora: "Hedrin can do that all day."
Devo: "Unless he's taken underwears."
sniffles: "Boxers or briefs?"
Devo: "Depends."

Jubilee: "Did we get attacked on the second day and you forgot to tell us?"
Devo: "No, no, the eighth day."
Zora: "As in it ate you."

Devo: "I pick up some Calimclothes."
Hedrin: "Calimglam."
Zora: "Calimbling."

Jubilee: "Can we buy a slave here to take back to Chult and set free?"
Zora: "'But I'm from Waterdeep!'"


First Post
Storms and krakens and dragonturtles, oh my!

As the vast tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the Fey Wind, Roland began to give a heartening oratory. Hedrin blasted the tentacle nearest him with his eldritch energy, and was promptly snatched up by it in a nearly unbreakable grip.

I attempted a spell to make my thinblade more efficacious against the kraken's limbs, but having such a limb waving so close to me made me lose my concentration and the spell dissipated without effect. Unable to think of anything better to do, I stabbed the tentacle and called on the Lady's Blessing for speed. A heartbeat later I was breathing a prayer of gratitude as the tentacles snatched up several sailors and carried them overboard but left me standing on the deck. Istanil wisely secreted herself underneath the stair to the stern.

I kept jabbing at the kraken's arms as rapidly as I could, but my slashes seldom hit the mark. Ada would have been disappointed in me. Two tentacles wrapped themselves about the main mast and began to reach for Latan in the crow's nest. I looked away when I caught a glimpse of Hedrin. He had been struggling to free himself of his prison but couldn't overpower the strength of the muscular appendage. He became so infuriated that he began to foam at the mouth like a mad dog!

Roland's inspiration was losing its efficacy so I began to recite the most inspiring passage from The Children of Hurin to encourage my companions. I must have inspired myself as well, because my attacks became more effective. The tentacle I had been focusing my attention on fell limp and dropped into the water.

I had scarcely been able to see what my companions and the crew had been doing during the struggle, my view being blocked by the forest of kraken limbs. But now I saw that they had successfully driven off the rest of the tentacles, which were now all withdrawing beneath the waves. Sadly they took three of the crew with them when they went. Hedrin tumbled into the water but didn't sink! He stood atop the waves as if there was some hidden stone beneath them and marched right back to the ship.

Once the kraken had departed, I offered the Lady's healing power to everyone who needed it until my daily allotment ran out, then used my wand. I had to use it sparingly as we don't know how difficult it will be to purchase curatives in Chult. When everyone had recovered and rested Captain Taurendil held a memorial service for the sailors who'd been carried off by the kraken. Naturally after that the mood aboard ship was rather subdued.

It's only just occurred to me how odd it is that the captain of our ship has the same name as my Ada. She isn't of elvenkind. I wonder how she came by such a name. If I have an opportunity I'll ask.

Latan has been visited again by her fey 'sisters', Antla and Nalta. They brought her a rose made of crystal, which apparently held the message from her long-lost parents. I don't know what message it contained. That is no doubt private. Latan asked the fairies to carry the Fey Wind back to the north if need be. But I believe it is the captain's plan to remain in the region and trade along the coast for a time. We can't rely on the Fey Wind to get us back to Dragonsreach, though. I suppose we'll worry about that when the time comes.

On our tenth day at sea we neared the harbor of Mezro. Captain Taurendil warned that a dragonturtle guards the port, and our vessel approached with caution. In no time the fabled guardian came out to meet us. I wish I could have seen Aramag free of the water to admire him in his entirety, but I doubt he often goes ashore, if ever.

Aramag demanded some tribute to allow us to pass safely. This proved rather difficult as we hadn't brought much of value beyond the trade goods the captain purchased in Memnon. I could think of nothing of mine to offer, and instead tried to play to his vanity. Unfortunately I had no success. His greed far outweighs his pride. My friends gave up several items of minor worth, including a wand of shielding that Latan presented him. Hedrin gave over every gold piece he carried. We'll have to make that up to him somehow. Satisfied, Aramag let the ship pass, though he indicated that our sacrifice would only allow the Fey Wind passage into his harbor once.

As we prepared to dock in port, Captain Taurendil gave us a token sent by my Ada - it will permit us to summon the ship once in dire need. I've taken charge of the token. Next we'll need to seek any information regarding the village of the Blessed and whether Lerner may have preceded us. And we'll need to find a guide to show us around the country.

Roland and I are both excited to see as much as we can of Mezro and the people of Chult. Everything here is quite different from anything I've ever experienced before. The architecture of the buildings is quite unusual, and the people are much darker-complected than the people of more northerly lands. I hope I'll have an opportunity to learn some Chultan tales and lore. But our first priority is to find the village of Blessed before Lerner does, the Lady willing.
Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "Okay, kraken..."
Hedrin: "That'd be the ship."
Jubilee: "No, that's creakin'."
sniffles: "It'll be crackin' the next round."

Zora: "Aw, crap."
Jubilee: "No rules for that!"

Zora: "She grimaces... and then Hamburglars."

Zora: "Yes, (the kraken) is a weapon of mast destruction."

Devo: "Don't cast swim while you're in the water."
Zora: "No, you've got to wait an hour before you cast swim."


First Post
Finding Our Way

Praise the Lady! It seems we won't have as much difficulty locating the village of the Blessed as I'd feared. I should trust in her more. I wish I could convince Latan to do the same. She's so doubtful sometimes that it worries me. I suppose that's just part of her fey nature.

After our brief farewell to the crew of the Fey Wind, Roland suggested we make our way to the temple of Ubtao and pay our respects to the deity who once ruled this land in person. Latan didn't understand why we should need to do that, but she didn't refuse to come along.

The temple is certainly an impressive structure, especially in a country like Chult that is less civilized than the lands further to the north. It's the tallest building I've ever seen, made of crystal and colored glass and broader at the bottom than at the pinnacle. Curiously it has only one entrance. I'd have expected more in such a large structure. When we made our way through this single portal we found ourselves in the Hall of Champions, a tall chamber filled with huge black stone statues of the barae, the protectors of Chult. There were a few other visitors in the Hall, most of them looking as out of place as we did.

Roland and Hedrin became attracted to some disturbance near an empty plinth. Hedrin claimed that a man who'd been standing there a few moments earlier had simply vanished. There's a rumor that one of the barae was exiled for his involvement in wiping out the Eshowe people, and supposedly if you say his name you'll be whisked away to his current location. Evidently the empty plinth must have been meant for a statue of this exiled barae. I don't know if the rumor is true, but just out of caution I won't inscribe his name here.

At the end of the Hall of Champions there was an archway that seemed unnaturally dark. We couldn't see any light coming from it, nor hear any sounds from beyond. But we didn't think it would hurt us, as Ubtao isn't an evil god. So we took a chance and stepped through together.

We didn't arrive together on the other side. I found myself in a cupboard. When I stuck my head out into the corridor I saw no one. I stepped out and called for my friends, but heard no reply. Catching a scent of something cooking, I proceeded in that direction. This led me into a kitchen, where numerous servants were busy preparing food. They didn't seem disturbed by my presence and pleasantly offered me something to eat. When I explained that I'd gotten lost they didn't seem surprised. I mentioned that I'd become separated from my companions and that led to the discovery that Hedrin had already been to the kitchen. The cooks directed me down another corridor.

I quickly stumbled upon Hedrin in the temple apothecary. The healer greeted us very kindly and again didn't seem surprised or perturbed by visitors wandering around the temple. While we were chatting with him Roland found us. He told us he'd arrived in what appeared to be a throne room. Apparently if one doesn't have a set destination in mind, the magical portal in the archway will send the visitor to a random location.

Latan didn't turn up, so we set off in search of her. On the way Roland explained that the throne room had contained a map of the city on which he could see all the populace moving about as tiny motes of light, and by their colors could determine who was a native and who was a traveler! I should like to see that device myself should I get the opportunity.

We found Latan back at the entrance. She told us that was where the archway portal had deposited her, so she'd simply waited for us to return. Roland had left a donation to the temple with the healer, so we concluded that our business at the temple was done and set off to seek a guide for our search. There is no official guild of guides here, but we'd learned through the information Istanil provided that guides into the interior can be found in certain parts of the city.

Unfortunately we had little success in procurring a guide. The man we spoke to didn't seem disposed to help us, even when Roland explained that the village we seek is in grave danger and we only want to help. Hedrin had the impression that the man was afraid of something. He insisted that he couldn't help us and that all the other guides were away from Mezro at present. At an impasse, we decided to go and find an inn before trying again to find a guide.

After we'd found rooms and had a meal, Roland, Hedrin and I set off for the scholar's quarter, while Latan decided to visit the agricultural market. Roland and I were a bit concerned that she should go off on her own, and Hedrin offered to accompany her, but she insisted she'd be fine and wouldn't approach Lerner or his cronies if she saw them. She was so determined that we gave in. Before we left Roland performed an augury to determine if there was danger, and received a response that nothing immediate threatened us.

Mezro is laid out in a circle, divided into four equal quarters, though what lies within those quarters isn't an equal distribution of the populace. The wizard's college lies within the scholar's quarter, and we hoped there to find a sage who would know of the village of the Blessed. While Roland and I went to seek a sage, Hedrin acquainted himself with some warriors who were practicing in a nearby courtyard.

We had to wait for a time at the library until the sages returned. We took the opportunity to do some research. We didn't find a great deal, although Roland didn locate a tome containing some vague information about a kind of forbidden magic and hunters who would bring outcasts back to their villages. Apparently those who could perform this strange magic would often leave their homes and these hunters would return them, but Roland couldn't determine from the meager information if the practitioners of the magic were brought back under duress. The book had been transcribed some 70 years ago, which wasn't promising. My own researches were even less successful.

Hedrin then rejoined us and told us that one of the warriors he'd, met Bantu by name, had been friendly enough to tell him a little about the village we seek. Bantu had given Hedrin the names of several guides who might be willing to take us there. After a short time we were introduced to a sage called Shasu who seemed more receptive to our inquiries than the would-be guide had been. When we told him what we sought he immediately remarked, "You seek the village of the Blessed." It was such a relief to find someone who knew what we were talking about!

Shasu was very secretive, but he explained that the village is treated with great respect here and the reason the guide wouldn't speak with us is due to the desire of the citizens to protect the Blessed. The Blessed of this village helped the people of Chult in their last war. The village can't be located by any scrying magic. The people of Mezro had once given the villagers a protection of some sort, but it seemed that they didn't really need it. Shasu also told us we might be able to find guides who would be better than the ones Bantu had mentioned to Hedrin. But we may need to speak with the king and gain his permission first.

Hedrin also reminded me of an event I'd not thought of for a long while. Some 90 years ago a monk named Xiao Lu left Dragonsreach suddenly and never returned. I was only a child then and didn't pay much mind to that, but I'd heard of it through my Naneth. According to Bantu, the village of the Blessed here had been established by a woman whose voice had the power to do amazing things - and this woman fit the description of Xiao Lu!
Quips & Quotes:

Zora: "One of the two explorers over there is dumbfounded..."
Devo: "... and one is dumb and not found."

Zora: "You get the feeling the chair can turn."
Hedrin: "Roll a turn check."
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First Post
sniffles said:
After a short time we were introduced to a sage called Bantu who seemed more receptive to our inquiries than the would-be guide had been.

Actually, I think Bantu was the name of the warrior I talked to.


Voidrunner's Codex

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