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Heroes of Highdale IC


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OOC: Doing the ogres' actions as a separate post.

The lead ogre staggers to his feet and draws a javelin from the sheath strapped across his back. Blood and fluids leak profusely from his acid-seared skin as he roars in fury, seeming to grow larger even than before. He hurls the javelin at Kay'nar with frightening accuracy and the barbed shaft lays open the elf's thigh as it hurtles past.

OOC: Ogre rolls a 20! Javelin hits for 16 points of damage. You're lucky he didn't confirm the crit threat! :)

Most of the other fathachs get to their feet as well. Two of them are badly wounded already, while one has a dented nose and the two others are unscathed. The path is too narrow for them to all move in for the attack. One of the injured giants flees further up the path. As your eyes flick in that direction, you see that the path switches back again, then slopes up sharply and ends a few hundred feet away against a rock face that was hidden from your previous position on the trail. You get an impression of a door or gate, but don't have time in the midst of battle to take much note. The other badly injured foe hangs back from you, and fumbles with something in the hide bag he carries. He lifts out what appears to be an entire small watermelon, which he pops in his mouth and chews loudly. Black seeds and red juice spill down his chin and he looks somewhat recovered from his wounds.

Two fathachs move to attack Girble and the newly arrived Blasco. The one whose nose Girble dented rears up and brings his immense club whistling down toward the halfling's head. Fortunately, the creature's aim is not on par with his strength and he misses cleanly.

The other swings his club at Blasco but can't connect with the nimble halfling.

The remaining brute seems to be eyeing his leader carefully. Suddenly he drops the rope he was holding and barrels into his chief's back. His target grunts in surprise and tumbles headlong off the ledge, over the head of the still-struggling Bargulg and lands in a heap on the tumbled, jagged rocks below, then lies still.

His killer shouts triumphantly in his own tongue* and pounds his chest before turning toward the heroes.

*For anybody who speaks Giant:
[SBLOCK]"Now I run raiding parties. Now I get best share!"[/SBLOCK]

OOC: Ok, the ogre leader is down (the residual acid damage would have taken him out next round anyway... You now face three basically uninjured ogres (one of whom is down a few points from Girble's hit) and one who was badly mauled but seems a little perkier now. The remaining, badly injured ogre is 40 feet behind the others (probably about 70 feet from the nearest PC) and running for all he's worth toward the door in the cliff face. Actions?

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Quick as a wink, Alex grabs a peculiar thing that looks a little like a brass panpipe from her satchel. "I'll get the one that's running!"

As the bizarre creature that was once a mule continues to pound its chosen ogre, with both claws this time, Alex twists, putting the 'pipes' to her mouth. Her cheeks puff out, and each of the five tubes flashes and discharges a small bolt of blue-white light. The tiny things swoop madly around, evading obstacles and allies until they get close to the fleeing fathach...pause for a moment...and then converge on it, each one a small hole in its hide!

(Alex Magic Missiles the fleeing fathach, and Max keeps clawing his target, taking a full attack to do so now. 2 claws +!7 to hit each, 2d6+9 per hit)


First Post
Kay'nar grimaces as the javelin takes him and then comments as the leader is pushed over the cliff and pancakes below, "Humpty dumpty had a great fall. . ." He teeps to his still charmed buddy, "Now I should finish the rest of the Ogre males so all the women and all the treasure will be mine, and mine alone! For I am strong! All of the females will beg me, they will!"

If Alex can't finish the runner, then Kay'nar makes with the zappies at him using his spear mod for 200' range, else at which ever ogre looks to threaten his companions most (probably one attacking Blasco or Girble).


Eldritch blast is a ranged touch attack, so not sure about the comments about there being prone and thus easy to hit for now. For an ogre, Kay'nar probably hits on a 2 wether the big guy is is sitting, standing or caught practicing the Kama Sutra.. ;-) Go with another emowered blast for 8d6 *1.5 + 4d6 *1.5/2 rounds no SR, no save if the target is looking fairly well, if notably injured, then skip empower
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"Hah! Is that all you big dumb monsters can do?" Girble moves around, making fun of the creature, and takes a few more swings.
[sblock=OOC] Yay full attack! You didn't mention if you adjust the previous damage for the buffs or not. Girble's going to shift to try to flank (now or in the future) with Blasco.

Also, whether or not the fleeing ogre is taken down would affect my action--I'd probably send a Holy Smite his way.


AC: 29
hp: 82 + 10 temp
Attack: +14/+9
Damage: 1d6+2

Active Spells:
Divine Power, 7 rounds left
Shield of Faith, 99 rounds left[/sblock]


First Post
Blasco 'The Wolverine'

OOC2: Ok, since Ogre Barbarians cannot be flat footed and are considered large, tripping plus SA is not going to be an option. So hey, if a Cleric Halfling can go in and mix it up, so can a rogue. I hope.

With a quick he eye, he instantly takes inventory of the unfolding skirmish. Weapons in hand, he picks out his targets like a honed tactician. And when he engages his enemies, he strikes with such precision that even an experienced surgeon would be envious of.

OOC2: Flanks Girble's Ogre
Standard Action: Full Attack Action (Attack: +19/+19/+14) (Damage: 1d3+1)(SA: +4d6 re-roll 1's)
Move Action: 5’ Step if needed

Voidrunner's Codex

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