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Heroes of the Worlds-Introduction


It is a fateful day for on many worlds a wild unnatural storm breaks loose in the sky, though the sky was clear and sunny a mere moment before.

In these many worlds heroes seek shelter in nearby forests during their journeys.

On Krynn, Dalamar ducks into the shade of overhanging trees,......

.........on a world floating above a Sea of Chaos, a Priestess slips beneath the forest bows,............

.....in a world where everything seems to be 8 bits a mage in black darts under a forest canopy,.............

................. somewhere else a Samurai seeks shelter under the branches of an ancient forest,............

......on Earth, Ash takes shelter in a nearby glade,..........

... while on a world far distant a Goddess's Chosen, in training opens a magical door in a House that radiates magicall energy and steps through into a forest of sunshine......

....and in yet more worlds two wielders of white magic one an elf, one a human take cover under leafy boughs.

However all is not as it seems for as each of these disparate champions take cover they find that the forest they are now in is not the one they sought refuge in.

Thisforest is dark and a half-moon shines above amidst a sea of stars, eerie noises can be heard from all around, noises like predators,yet not like any predator these heroes have heard before.

As each hero takes their bearings they realise several strangers stand nearby. (OOC-These are the other characters)

Suddenly an ancient voice, reverbrating with the evil of ages and carrying echoes of power far beyond mortal ken, echoes eerily throughout the forest

"Come my children let the Hunt begin!"
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Althalus turns around and shouts, "Dweia! This isn't funny! Where am I? Dweia? Dweia? Where are you? Argh."
He turns around and it surprised to see other people just as confused as he is.
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Deedlit looks at the others there, and wonders what happened. She begins pondering, and starts casting a spell

Spirits of the forest, reveal the magic of the area
OOC:I am casting a detect magic after althalus goes. Though I am a good aligned magic-user, as far as elf shamans(Or all elves for that matter. Every elf on Lodoss will have a level of shaman) go on lodoss, they all cast the same spells, so there is no difference between light and dark shaman magic.(And we leave healing to the clerics)
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Filia looks around at the confused people.

"Does anyone know where we are?"

Filia glancs around taking in the new scenery and new faces. She is also keeping an eye out for anything that might attack her.
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[color=sky blue]A young girl, obviously confused and baffled turns around and looks about the forest, "What's happening here? Where are my guardians? Lulu, Wakka?" The girl turns back around, she then whistles loudly..."Oh, I'm sorry I ignored you, my name is Yuna." The girl smiles and then bows to the rest of the group, "I seem to be lost, can you please help me?"[/color]
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Filia looks up when Yuna speaks.

"I'm Filia. I would be glad to help you. However, I'm as lost as you are. Maybe one of these kind and gentle strangers would happen to know what is going on here. These woods are rather different from the one I was just in and they seem to be dangerous."

Filia gets out her special teacup and one of the normal one's she carries. She speaks the command word for green tea and pours half the amount of liquid into the other teacup.

"Here(offers the normal teacup half full of green tea to Yuna). Drink of some this. It will calm you down."

Filia slowly drinks from her teacup while the other people get their bearings.
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Deedlit listens to the conversation, but her energy is focused on her detection spell
OOC: What did I pick up on detect magic?
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[color=sky blue]"Thankyou...thankyou very much." Yuna takes a sip from the cup and eventually returns it to Filia, she then turns to look at the rest of their group, trying to discern if their intentions are of benevolence.[/color]


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Confused at finding himself in an unfamilar place, Black Mage jumps back and looks around suspiciously at the people he sees around him. His eyes quickly alight on the two pretty girls having a bit of tea together, and he scurries over.

Approaching the two, Black Mage stands still, just looking back and forth between them in awe.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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