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Heroes of the Worlds- The Hunt Begins

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"Devils are incapable of using those spells, without being at least somewhat Risen and such creatures hanging around in Hell long enough to get passed Nath would be killed by the hordes of not so Risen. "


Dalamar pulls up his hood, concealing his face from sight and then speaks with a voice from no emotion can be read.
"Let's carry on, we have wasted enough time already."


"Way out of hell? Oh, you know about that hmm ? Oh dear, I think you know a tad too much and I'm hungry as the boss would say 'Bored now!' "

The lyre player drops his harp and stands up and his face changes into something that looks only partially human with two oh so prominent fangs.


Dalamar backs away from the minstrel-turned-monster, weaving words into a complex song. Energy glows in his right hand and he throws it. Three missiles of pure force fly from his fingers to strike the fanged attacker.

Ranged touch attack to hit, 3d4+24 force damage.


First Post
"Ancestral spirits that reside in hell, this monster wishes to destroy us, I summon you to make him too wounded to do such a thing." Deedlit chants, a bit surprised by Alexender turning out to be a hungry monster of some sort.

An ordinary ancestral vengeance spell, 5d6 damage, save DC 17.
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Ash pounces into action at the sight of a daemonite, and draws and fires his Remington double-barreled at the beastie, while whirling in close and punching it with his metal-gauntleted piston-powered right hand (+6 to unarmed attacks).

OOC: I'm going into fantasy-fight rules territory, but I don't see why he realistically couldn't use the gun and punches interchangeably in close-combat fighting, as Ash did in Army of Darkness.
They both have the same attack bonuses (+8/+3, or +6/+6/+1 if using Ambi/TWF) , than tack on +3 when using the metal hand, I'd surmise.
That fighting style seems to be more flavorful, and true to the character.



Surprise Round
Alexandre hums a ditto beneath his breath as his hands run through complex gestures that shape some form of arcane energy for even as his spell is woven his speed increases, content with the result from that spell Alexandre hums a mournful that seems to leach all swiftness from you draining away your speed and ability to move quickly from your limbs he gestures first at Deedlit who feels the sluggish intensify but with a supreme act of will (Will Save 22) shakes the effect off, next Alexandre points at Ash who feels his natural resilence to magic battle against the spell but its just insufficient as the spell shoves through Ash gathers his will to shake of the effect but it proves just insufficient (Will Save 19) as Ash feels the slowness leak into his bones slowing his movements, next the magic moves onto Filia who easily shakes off the enchantment (Will Save 29), the spell lastly reaches Dalamar who also manages to overcome the effect (Will Save 24).

Deedlit 24
Alexandre 21
Filia 20
Ash 16
Dalamar 12

Deedlit unleahes her spell and around her gather the ethereal spirits of her ancestors glowing with a mystical light as they shoot towards Alexadre raking the flesh and spirit of the one who dared to transgress against their descendent with horrible claws, causing Alexandre to wail in agony as he suffers 24 points of damage.

However his wounds begin to heal and as he looks up at Deedlit he spits out blood.

"That hurt little girl, I'm going to make you suffer for that. "

He begins a new song that seems to be building towards a crescendo, he moves forward with inhuman speed easily covering the distance between himself and Deedlit before delivering a powerful close fisted strike to the elf for 13 points of damage, his music reaching a crescendo as his blow strikes, it then fades off and begins to build again.

Filia moves into position and swings her mace at Alexandre's head (Total Attack 26+2 from Flanking with Deedlit) but he ducks under the blow and pops back up smirking his fangs showing.

"Sorry precious, gonna have to do a LOT better than that."

Ash manages to unleash a shot from his gun (Total Attack Bonus 18-2 for being slowed) which Alexandre twists around his movements almost seeming to blur together.

"By the gods you people are SLOW! Almost no challenge at all"

Dalamar completes his spell and unleashes a flurry of arcane missiles at Alexandre but the creature weaves around them as easily as he dodged the bullets (Total Attack: 12).

"Hmm, Ya know that looked like it almost could of hurt, to bad you ain't fast enough to hit me."

Deedlit 22/35 hp
Ash 127/127 + Slowed
Filia 88/88
Dalamar 32/32 hp
Alexandre 24 damange, -X healed.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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