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Hidden Kingdom – Arthur's Britain – Unique Alignment System – Part 7 & 8 of 27 Unique Game Features.

Hidden Kingdom – Arthur's Britain – Unique Alignment System – Part 7 & 8 of 27 Unique Game Features.

Hidden Kingdom – Arthur's Britain –Unique Alignment System – Part 7 & 8 of 27 Unique Game Features.
Check us out on Kickstarter
Most Role-playing Games have an Alignment System that defines the goals and objectives of the players. The Alignment System in Hidden Kingdom is very unique. There are two sets of contrasting Alignments; first off you have Christianity Vs Paganism; this was the obvious conflict of the age. But you also have the conflict of Chivalry Vs. Raw Power (or what we call Powerlords in the game). Chivalry was an effort to bring law and order and peace between the conflicting religions and racial/political groups. Although we might think of Powerlords as evil from our cultural perspective I think we need to see it as the old order, Might Makes Right, and a willingness to do what it takes for your team (and faith).
It is easy for us to Vilify the Kings that opposed the young King Arthur, but look at it from their perspective – He is some young punk of questionable birth claiming to be King of all of Britain based on his alleged ability to pull some sword from a rock. It in some legends he killed a bunch of northern kids to try and hide his dalliance with King Lots wife.
In life we often are faced with conflicting values we have when making decisions. In Hidden Kingdom players have two alignments; Christian or Pagan; Chivalrous or Powerlord. Often the objectives of the alignments are in conflict. Players need to make a choice about which of their values they are going to follow.
The goals of a player are not power for powers sake (although power can be very important) but how well a player can fulfill their alignment goals.
Join the Quest supporting our Kickstarter Campaign. Unleash your inner Knight! Join the Hidden Kingdom group on Facebook and follow Fun Quest Games on Facebook.
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Howdy, i am a collector and i was wondering whether the almost impossible to find supplement of the original version of HK will be included in the KS or not... will it be a stretch goal o be part of the game as a whole?
thank and best

I have had this question on other forums. I hate to say this but I cannot find a copy of my own game right now. I probably have a copy of the supplement stored somewhere and am looking for it. If I could find it I would include it. If I find it I will make it available again. The good news is if I can get a 2nd printing of HK I will be putting out a number of supplements and modules; they will cover a lot of the same ground as High Chivalry with the same game focus. One of my updates on Kickstarter covers where I hope to go with the HK in the supplements and such. I have had 30 years to think about it and feel we can really make this a great game.

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