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Hidden Kingdom – Where is it Going? The Arthurian Role-Playing Game

Hidden Kingdom – Where is it Going? The Arthurian Role-Playing Game

Hidden Kingdom – Where is it Going? The Arthurian Role-Playing Game
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I was asked where Hidden Kingdom is going and what people could expect with supplements. This is a great question, but there is something you need to understand about Hidden Kingdom. When we designed the game the idea was to keep it simple – at least in terms of how to play the game and game mechanics. There is a rich background and background story, but it is simple to play and you can start playing it very fast. The other thing is it is designed so you can play it one time at a single setting and have a full game experience or have a long campaign.
That being said any additions to the game will only be made to enhance smoothness of play or will be a natural extension of the existing system that will not add layers of complication – in terms of mechanics. I love complications in terms of strategy.
Three areas o fGame Mechanics that I can see supplements and changes too are as follows:

  1. The basic combat system. It will remain the same but I want to add an element for Critical Hits. As the combat system stands it is hard if not impossible to kill someone with one hit, we did not want a bloody game and we wanted combat to be a drawn out affair like in the stories. However, the stories also include people being killed with one stoke of the sword and that has to be present. (although rare.) The game assumes most combat to be between Knights with similar equipment. Armor, Shield, Broad Sword (or lance), and all combat stats are based on that; but you can use different weapons with some adjustments. I want to reduce the To Hit penalties for stronger knights when they go to a bigger weapon (Battle Ax or Two Handed Sword) and work in some more advantages for the use of a mace. Possible add some other weapons. The trade offs for different weapons has to be done in such away that it will take more than simple math to make a choice. There are some other ideas along these lines.
  2. The alignment system needs to be fleshed out. Right now you earn points for accomplish task associated with your alignment. There needs to be a real fleshing out of the points and how you get them. Also in designed encounters and quest points for certain task need to be included in the module. But this is just the first part of the change. Accomplishing things within ones alignment(s) will have tangible consequences. These will often be things like attracting followers and retainers, economic benefits for your province or kingdom, and then negative consequences too. A Powerlord may become the object of a Quest Knight (to bring him to justice). A Christian Knight that establishes churches and monasteries may attract Viking Raids. One theme in the tails of King Arthur is that the Land and the King are one. As the King goes so goes the Land. Noble and just Kings bring peace and prosperity. I really want to see this fleshed out.
  3. The economics of the game has been kept very simple. Wealth is measured in Food Production, Spear Production, and Horses. I would like to expand this somewhat to Crops, Fishing, Live Stock, Wood, and Metals. Different provinces would have different strengths and weakness depending on locations. Mountainous areas will have good metal production, coastal communities might have some boats and good fishing. This will lead to trade and trade offs. Perhaps new types of military units based on local economics. It will also allow an expansion or fleshing out of the provincial disaster rolls (and new ways for Alignment to come into play). But of course the game also needs a simple and stream lined alternative for those more interested in just questing and such.
Those are all areas of Game Mechanics, but Hidden Kingdom is designed to have a certain feel about it. The game is supposed to take you into the semi mythical dark ages and times of King Arthur. I think there are some modules that can help with this:

  1. The situation-type encounters in the game where designed to reflect how in the stories knights would frequently ride upon a situation and become involved in a larger matter. There are 96 of these in the game and they are really a key part of the design. More of these should be written and added to the game. (There is some room to work on the Monsters and Beast Section). They will be made available as a supplement.
  2. Stand alone modules of larger Quest. Although there are the Quest in the Legends (The Grail Quest for example) I think we could make some quest that reflect the mood of the stories and existing Legends where the player does not know how it is to end.
  3. A map of France. Parts of France where very big in the Arthurian Legends. It was where Lancelot and his kin where from (although in this game we have given them a place in Britain). This would expand play area and possibilities.
There are other areas that we can and will work on and will, but these are the ones I have some strong ideas about and a direction I would like to go.

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