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High Law and Low Justice, Part 5


ic - HLLJ

Saanath accepts the koffee from Gwydion and takes a place at the table. He leans back in his chair, enjoying the peace and quiet of a ship not cluttered with passengers. "Lets steer clear of passengers in the future, if we can help it. They are a pain in the thrusters."

He greets their captain with a nod. He listens to Ruzz'koff's suggestion but his response is a less than enthusiastic shrug.

"I'd rather take their money than their livelihoods. Ursa may not like the belters, but I bet they have no difficulties taking their money when the belters hit town.

"Instead of getting all hot under the collar about something they can't do anything about, Ursa should set something up so both sides come out ahead." Saanath pauses for a moment to think.

"Belters are a tough lot. I'd rather not tangle with them. A simple sensor sweep, maybe. It would be good practice. But I doubt Ursa can offer the sort of money that would make getting any more involved worth while.

"Anyways, I'll put together some options for the remaining cargo space based on a Missarge, Ursa route."

[sblock=ooc]Mostly luxury consumables, entertainment, etc. Distractions for those stuck on a world with little to do.[/sblock]

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"I agree with Saanath. It would be either killing some spacers unable to defend themselves, or we would have a really tough fight on our hands, risking the ship. I've seen my share of slaughter, don't really fancy another go at it. Wouldn't have left the mercs otherwise. And face it, either way it's a merc job. I don't see the doc agreeing in killing belters either. Some of them have their children with them on the ship, crazy fools."


Ruzz'koff's tail tip twitches, in a movement more feline than canine, "You are both right of course; but my am I still itching for some action rather than this covert ops malarky. However, I like Saanath's idea of a sensor sweep - even if we don't follow it up. The equivalent of turning on the lights and seeing what the roaches are up to."

"Do you two want to go to our appointment with the Missarge Development Corporation offices or do you want me to come?"

He is interupted by a low buzzing, there is an incoming message, for Gwydion - Scout encoding, "Do you want it patched though here or do you want it in private?"


ic - HLLJ

Wilphe said:
"Do you two want to go to our appointment with the Missarge Development Corporation offices or do you want me to come?"

Saanath shrugs. "I can handle it if you like."

Saanath finishes his koffee and pushes away from the table. After grabbing his bag he heads off with whoever wants to come.


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Saanath shrugs and settles back into his chair. "Let me know when you are ready."

When Gydion is ready, Saanath grabs his bag again and heads off to Missarge Development Corporation.


The screen currently shows an Imperial Sunburst when Gwydion accepts the message it wipes away to reveal the face of Senior Scout Tjoyia Theoklitos, by the background this was recorded in her office on Dukh and is dated 9 days ago.
She smiles broadly,
"Hello Gwydion, I hope you are settling in okay and getting back in the swing of things. I'll be brief, I am sending someone new to join you. Sorry for the short notice and to have to do it this way without consultation but I think you will find her an asset and when she introduces herself I am sure you will understand why I've done things this way."

"Tessa is one of us, but she is not currently a Scout," Tjoyia does not seem to feel the need to explain this further, "She is also a native of Diamond Prince, and comes with more than one reason for wanting your mission to be a sucess. Her records are attached her, but I think you are best off letting her introduce herself."

"Safe voyage and good fortune and fair winds attend you."

<Message ends>

<You have an incoming call from a Passenger 'phone aboard the Liner Xerxes Accept/Reject>
<Call begins...>

Authentication on this message, if anyone wishes to check, is 100%. And given that Saanath and Trelene have rather good T/Computer it'd need to be a brilliant forgery.

Enter Tessa, stage up


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The screen flickers, then clears to show a woman's face. She looks to be in her late twenties, possibly early thirties, though with a bright smile that 'youthens' her face significantly. Her long-lashed eyes are an unusual pale shade of green that contrasts with her tan skin complexion and dark brown hair, which is a bit windblown-looking but short enough to carry the look off without seeming sloppy. She's wearing a blue shipboard jumpsuit without insignia, with an undershirt's collar just showing over the zipper.

"Hello Gwydion. I'm Tessa Desjardes (pronouncing it 'day-yards'). I guess you got Tjoyia's message by now, which probably means you have a lot of questions. I'll answer what I can...and anything I can't now, I will when we're face to face. Scout's honor. As for me...I'm formerly of Diamond Prince, asteroid miner like my old man. I got a lucky strike, decided I wanted to see the galaxy a bit, so I joined the ISS."

"So! Tell me about yourself! Ship, crew...the whole bit."


First Post
The screen shows a muscled man with long hair that'sz showing the first hints of grey. Half of his face is tattood in a tribal pattern.

"Hi tessa. I got the message. Welcome, I'd say. You've got some serious people vouching for you, so I guess welcome to the crew. Why don't we just wait 'till we are face to face before we discuss the misadventures of the crew, 'kay? We'll be waiting for you when we disembark. Just look for the tall barbarian, I'm not that easy to miss."

He checks the arrival time for the ship, then wanders over to saanath and the captain.

"The scouts just gave me a ring. They have someone whom they'd really like for us to hire. Here's her data. Looks like she could be usefull."

To Saanath.
"Let's go pick her up, then move on to the merchants."


ic - HLLJ

Saanath watches with interest as Gywdion fields a number of calls. But he begins to frown as he pieces it together from what he hears of Gywdion's side of the conversation. Recent experience has made Saanath somewhat wary of strangers. At this point Saanath would rather not even have passengers on board. They have a good team. They don't need anyone else. So why slot someone new into the mix? There are already too many fingers in the pie. Things are going to be difficult enough without having to worry about hidden agendas. The fact that the decision has just been foisted upon them just adds insult to injury. Saanath's regard for 'authority' drops another notch.

Still, Gwydion doesn't seem to be concerned. Saanath decides to hold fire until he has had a chance to meet this new addition to the crew for himself. He make a conscious decision to try and not let his irritation with the ISS bureaucracy taint his vision too much. Judge her by her own merits. Besides, between Trelene and himself, he is pretty sure they can rig up some systems to ensure no one starts mucking around with the ship or its systems without them knowing about it. Saanath make a mental note to have a chat to Trelene about it when he gets back.

Saanath glances over to see what Ruzz'koff is thinking. Not that Vargr expressions are easy to read.

Saanath takes the data card from Gwydion and slots it into his computer. A quick peruse of her file first can't hurt. He will take a look at it along the way.

"Right, ready when you are."

[sblock=ooc]So, anything juicy in the file?[/sblock]

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