High Law and Low Justice, Part 5


Cockpit Voice Recorder

Scout Merchant Vykris

0845 233/911

"This is Captain Ruzz'koff. Under Imperial Regulations we are obliged to document for the log each occassion when we turn our IFF transponder off. This is one such occassion as we are scheduled to break out into the Bleue Mer system in 12 minutes time."

"There is no security in this system. No System Defence force, no COAAC, no guardships, no customs and the only Imperial prescence is an occassional visit from a patrol visit. We may be the only vessal here, if not any we meet may not be friendly and we are a long way from help. If not quite a frontier this is still an undeveloped backwater system, we could find anything. For these reasons I am resolved to turn off our transponder and maintain radio silence until we approach the main world. I do not even propose to engage thrusters until we have completed a full passive sensor scan.

"Transponder off"
"Action stations"
The main bridge lights power down and the red lighting kicks in
"8 minutes to breakout"

This is all a bit melodramatic, especially the CVO commentary, but that is mostly for the benefit of Elizabeth Shaw who is rapturously watching proceedings. In truth yes the Imperium has neglected it's border recently and stripped assets for the Solomani Rim but you are quite close to the Domain Capital still and the chances of meeting a pirate or commerce raider are very slim.
They aren't zero though, hence the cautious approach.

Saanath is piloting with Gwydion on Gunnery and Tess on Sensors/Comms. No one else is on the bridge.
Trelene is in Engineering and Ktarle and Tuan are with the passengers.

If you want to be doing something else please say so

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ic - HLLJ

A shiver of excitement runs down Saanath's spine. Part of it is Ruzz'koff's little performance. Part of it is the feeling that finally, they are approaching Blue Mer, once the homeworld of Treth.

Taking a deep breath he settles himself into his seat and prepares for breakout.


Scout Merchant Vykris

0853 233/911

The jumpfield collapses and the Vykris' bluk precipitates back into normal space. Saanath triggers the viewports and you get your first look at the Bleue Mer system. Tess begins a passive scan of the system and is supremely confident that it is empty apart from yourselves.
While this is going on the rest of the bridge crew are able to take thier time reviewing the system. There isn't a lot to it, Bleue Mer sits a few AU off the bow and the Vyrkris' course as she glides powerless through space will require only minor adjustment and deccelaration to enter orbit. Apart from being further out than desireable it's a near perfect jump. Bleue Mer itself is only a white blob in the distance, an enlarged image reveals little more detail as there is a lot of cloud cover and a few specks of blue showing through. There isn't any radio chat you can pick from the pharmacorp base, but that may well be on the other side of the planet.

Random Encounter: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1476328/
From now on I will post a response as each PC posts rather than wait for more than one.


First Post
(OOC - Argh...talk about the newbie impressing everyone. Heeee...)

On arriving at the system, Tessa quickly does the 'listening' scans, and reports, "Nothing unusual on electromagnetic or neutrino emissions. No radio noise. It looks like we're clear."

(Edit! Wilphe, Tessa has a feat that allows a "lucky reroll" for a check, attack or saving throw. Since this is a check, it'd be eligible, I believe. It's the Dumb Luck feat. I'd like to use it on that sensors skill check. :))
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Ruzz'koff breathes a low sigh of relief, "Good, we're clear then. Mr Saanath you may plot course for orbit around Bleue Mer and ignite engines at your discretion. Ms Desjardes please continue to scan, I think we need as much information on this whole system as possible."

"Pharmacorp are very close lipped about this place and this is probably because there is something here worth killing for. That's what we are here to find and I would rather we worked out what that was for ourselves rather than stumbling across it accidentally and only realizing that we have discovered something when people start trying to kill us."


ic - HLLJ

Ruzz'koff said:
Mr Saanath you may plot course for orbit around Bleue Mer and ignite engines at your discretion.

Saanath nods, then sets about doing so.

Ruzz'koff said:
"Pharmacorp are very close lipped about this place and this is probably because there is something here worth killing for. That's what we are here to find and I would rather we worked out what that was for ourselves rather than stumbling across it accidentally and only realizing that we have discovered something when people start trying to kill us."

Saanath glances over at Tess. Officially, they are here on business, running cargo and passengers. Saanath is unsure about how much Tess knows the other reasons for coming here. Has she been told about Trel and his connection to Bleue Mer.

A thought strikes Saanath. It seems so obvious that he can not but think that someone has had it before. But he can't remember ever discussing it. The organism used to knock out the passengers and crew of the Devonn was also found in Trel's blood stream. Trel came from Bleue Mer, which is now run by a pharmaceutical company. And a pharmaceutical company is the type of place that could make weaponised organisms. Does Pharmacorp have any connection to the Nobbit-Bobbit family? Saanath wonders what is in the ships library data. K. might know something. Saanath decides he needs to talk to the others. But later, when they can do so privately.

With a shake of his head, Saanath returns his attention to the job at hand.

When the opportunity arises, he pulls Ruzz'koff aside to run his ideas past the captain. When spoke out loud, it all sounds a little far fetched even to his own ears. Saanath wonders if he is jumping at shadows.


Ruzz'koff hears Saanath out, "It fits. A secret like that is worth any amount of killing and chicanery. Shouldn't be too difficult to find out if it is true. If that organism can be found on Bleue Mer then we should be able to isolate it given that we know what to look for; but it is really a matter for Dr Ktarle"

A trivial search reveals that the Nells have substantial interests in Pharmacorp; but then they substantial interests all over the Sector so in itself that is not especially suprising. In fact if they did indeed diposess Treth and erase any knowledge of his existance they would have needed equivalent connections (or a lot of chutzpah).

There is definitely nothing out there, unless it is distant, small, or running silent. General survey of the system indicates two tiny airless rockballs further in from the main world, another Luna size rockball further out and then three small gas giants. There also seems to be a lot of comets and ice chunks floating around but not a lot of rocky bodies.

There doesn't seem to be any satellite comms or sensors around the main world; so your arrival is probably still unannounced.

Saanath / Tess:
Ktarle looks at the system survey, "An oxygen destroying organism is only going to be found where there is lots of oxygen that is constantly replenished; or where it has already destroyed it all - baring some freak local isolated ecosystem in a cave or somewhere in which case our chances of finding same are slim. So we might as well start at the mian world ase know for sure Treth has been there."

Ruzz'koff looks at you all, "Sounds good?"

[sblock]Sorry, have not had a day off since whenever[/sblock]


"To the main world then. Take your time and run thrusters on partial power so we have time to scan, I also want to wait for our landing site to come in site so check that we are the only guests in system before we get too close."
"As we may need to leave in a hurry I suggest that we refuel first and for free in so far as we can, if only because that will enable the processors to work on cracking it while we are in port. The entire world is water, I can't see them trying to charge of for it."


The Vyrkris thrusters slowly decelerate the craft towards an orbital insertion; as the destination rotates around into view. The research station is a collection of habitat modules that you reckon is consistant with 4-500 people - though if animals are also being kept here (as your cargo indicates) that would eat into that total. There is no sign of any other vessals on planet, nor of any anti-ship weapons such as missiles or turrets (of course these aren't so easy to find...)

The downport itself, such as it is, is a simple area of vegetation that has been cleared to bedrock about a click and a half away from the main site through some thick vegetation.


ic - HLLJ

Ruzz said:
"To the main world then. Take your time and run thrusters on partial power so we have time to scan, I also want to wait for our landing site to come in site so check that we are the only guests in system before we get too close."

"I'll take a route that will give us an orbit around the planet. That way we can see if there is anything hiding around the back, just to be on the safe side. If they get stroppy, I'll tell them I just muffed the approach vector. After setting the course and confirming the calculations, Saanath leans back in his chair.

"Where do you want splashdown? My suggestion would be here."

Saanath indicates a point a couple of miles off a nearby coast.

"No sign of any storms. Actually" - here Saanath indicates up another window - "the climate indicators look like it might be warm enough for a swim. No sign of any hostile or dangerous species either. At least, not according to the Library data listing.

"Actually, I could really go for a swim about now."

"Or do you want me to call them up and get some co-ordinates?"

[sblock=ooc]"This is free trader Vyrkris requesting co-ordinates for a fuelling splashdown."

Bluff +11, Liason +9, +11 with bluff synergy if required to get a splashdown first. 'need time for the processors to work', 'not sitting in the arse end of nowhere out on that rock with no cover with no fuel in the tank and no way to make tracks if trouble comes knocking'. He will start with nice and friendly.[/sblock]

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