D&D 5E High level campaigns - foes?


I'm working on generic NPC blocks for each of the factions in the level 13-20 campaign I'm pulling together. Most of them are coming out in the CR 3-CR 9 range, with the highest to-hit so far being a +9 amongst the "generic" series for each culture, which typically go Commoner, Archer/Hunter, Champion/Classed, Spellcaster. Is that pretty typical for enemies in published higher-level campaigns?

I can work with that (the party will often be outnumbered) but want to be sure I'm in the right ballpark.

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Don't know what is "typical" – we have very few official modules designed for high-level play – but looking at the WotC hardcover adventures I do own and focusing on the NPC Challenge Ratings...

Tomb of Annihilation: Acererak CR 23, Albino Dwarf Warrior CR 1/4, Artus Cimber CR 7, Champion CR 9, Dragonbait CR 5, Liara Portyr CR 4, Mwaxanaré CR 1/8, Ras Nsi CR 7, Volo CR 1/4, Xandala CR 7, Zindar CR 8

Baldur's Gate - Descent into Avernus: Fist of Bane CR 1/2, Iron Consul CR 2, Black Gauntlet of Bane CR 6, Night Blade CR 1/4, Reaper of Bhaal CR 2, Death's Head of Bhaal CR 5, Necromite of Myrkul CR 1/2, Skull Lasher of Myrkul CR 1, Master of Souls CR 4

Curse of Strahd: Baba Lysaga CR 11, Barovian Witch CR 1/2, Esmeralda d'Avenir CR 8, Izak Strazni CR 5, Madam Eva CR 10, Rahadin CR 10, Rictavio CR 5, Strahd CR 15

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