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Historic Old World Fantasy New World

Thomas Bowman

First Post
Old World Circa 1492 AD

Fantasy New World

Native Americans

get replaced by Elves

Everything we know about the Old World from our history books is true until Columbus makes his fateful voyage across the Atlantic, and discovers new lands full of elves, magic, and monsters. The Geography of the New World is the same as well as the same normal animals Wild elves inhabit North America, more civilized ones replace the civilizations of the Aztecs and the Incas. the Spaniards have gunpowder, wooden sailing ships, while the elves live close to nature and use magic. What would you say happens?

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
There has to be some reason why the magic-users STAYED in the Other World. Maybe salt water (and vapor) interferes with magical power flows?

I was looking at the thread about "Dragons Conquer America", so I've got a head full of those images right now. It's not hard to imagine raids back and forth between Spanish Cuba and the Aztecs, maybe using the southern tip of Florida (we presume the Everglades are an effective barrier) as a forward base / staging area.
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Thomas Bowman

First Post
There has to be some reason why the magic-users STAYED in the Other World. Maybe salt water (and vapor) interferes with magical power flows?

I was looking at the thread abut "Dragons Conquer America", so I've got a head full of those images right now. It's not hard to imagine raids back and forth between Spanish Cuba and the Aztecs, maybe using the southern tip of Florida (we presume the Everglades are an effective barrier) as a forward base / staging area.

This is what I was thinking of when I misinterpreted "Dragons Conquer America" "Dragons Conquer America" doesn't really make sense if the Dragons are already there. Under my scenario the reason magic doesn't cross from the New World to the Old is because magic doesn't work in the Old World but it does in the New World. You see the borders of the map of the New World? Beyond the edges of that map, magic doesn't operate, you can't teleport beyond the edge of that map, you can travel to other magical planes of existence from there, you can summon extraplanar creatures for example, but no means of magic will take you across the invisible border to the nonmagical half of the World. Why that is, nobody knows, the result is that the Old World is historical right up to the year 1492, the Viking voyages of Leif Erikson were largely forgotten about by this time, it contained tales of magic, but those were considered fables and ignored. Columbus did his voyage just as the history books say, his three ships crossed that invisible barrier between the nonmagical world to the magical one without incident, when his crew landed on that first island in the Caribbean, they encountered elves. if they were D&D elves, what would happen from there? Chances are the first magic users they encounter won't be high level. Probably Columbus would refer to them as "Indians," Columbus having never actually seen an Indian doesn't really know what they look like.

Thomas Bowman

First Post
Let me reinterate, this is my interpretation of what I think something like "Dragon Conquer America" should have been. Here we have D&D dragons ad many other fantasy Creatures. I will discard the half world magic barrier, and will say simply that magic does not exist in what we know of as the Old World. The Old World consists of three continents, those would be Europe, Asia, and Africa, those continents exists just as our history up until 1492 says they should. There are no monsters, no magic, and no fantasy races other than humans. North America and South America as well as the Carribean is populated by elves at a similar technological level as those Native Americans they replace. There are also dwarves in New Zealand and halflings living as aborigines in Australia, Gnomes also dwell in the woodlands of New Zealand, while the Dwarves tend to live in the mountains.

Some of the regions where the nastier Native American Empires dwelled in our world are instead populated by Orcs, and they just love to make sacrifices of the elves to their god Gruumish. The Elves of North America live a less organized existence. There are different kinds of elves in different parts of the Americas, there are the familiar woodland and wild elves, there are also grey elves living in the mountain ranges, their are elves living on the plains and the deserts out west. Magic works in the Old World once it gets their, but the elves and other fantasy races did not know the Old World existed until it discovered them, and then things begin to change in both hemispheres. That is the scenario I am presenting here. There are also various aquatic races living in the Caribbean and through much of the Pacific Ocean These races tend to live in shallow water, they can transit through deep ocean areas, but the crushing depths of the deep ocean is not a place for them to live.

This is a D&D setting where the various continents are monoracial or biracial until the Age of Discovery begins. Christopher Columbus' voyage changes everything. There are three races of humans: Europeans, Africans, and Asians (also including Indians from the Indian subcontinent). That is the extend of the human world, history of these three continents has generally played out the way our history books say, No one there really knows how to use magic, no real monsters have been sited. The New World consists of three continents as well. North America, South America, and Australia and the Ocean in between Elves and Orcs inhabit North America. Elven races include High elves, wood elves, wild elves, gray elves, aquatic elves, and drow. the Orcs inhabit the surface and also live under ground along with other goblinoid races.


The main question is, do the plagues still happen and can magic stop them? If the New World will be depopulated like it happened in real life it will still be conquered. The only difference magic will than make is that the Europeans will be even more brutal and merciless, as magic is the sign of the devil.

Thomas Bowman

First Post
If were using D&D rules, then the spell Cure Disease will cure whatever diseases the Europeans bring, the only question is at what level Cure disease becomes available? I think diseases will still ravage the landscape, as their will only be so many clerics of high enough level to cast Cure Disease, Cure Light Wounds won't do much good as far as diseases are concerned. the Europeans won't have magic until they learn magic.

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