HM's Carrion Crown AP - OOC


Hmmm, it would appear that it is not worth investigating then. I was not intending to look into things by digging up graves nor running around the graveyard without permission. I never said to do it that way. ;)

If we spend a day researching, we can use the night to skulk in the Restlands without wasting a day and losing a trust point unnecessarily. Also a night time stake out by the prison to see if we can hear the ghost is something we might as well do after this encounter too. No sense wasting time by waiting until the next night. Of course that assumes we will be in shape to do such after defeating Jack.

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We have to sleep sometime. I'm not keen on running around with whatever fatigue penalties HM sees fit to place on us.

HM, I know now as we're entering combat is probably not the best time to ask but if you would consider allowing Gregori to add the alchemist archetype: Vivisectionist to his sheet I would appreciate it. Focusing his alchemy in this fashion fits his character a bit more than having bombs... Just let me know, yea or nay. Thanks.


Thy wounds are healed!
It does seem to fit at that GE. I just have a couple questions about the archetype:

- With getting rid of bombs why does it not replace the Throw Anything feat that alchemist recieve?

- Why does it list plague bomb, poison bomb, etc. as discoveries that complement the archetype. There are no bombs to make sticky?!? :confused:

All and all I think you should adjust Gergori when you get the chance.



The group Initiative I am fine with, as long as we can coordinate actions so ranged attackers can go first before the others enter melee. Things certainly go faster with that method.

But, again that would assume people think that way and try to do better teamwork. So far that has not been our strength yet, but we have not fought enough together to work that out either.

Even with Initiative counts, I like delaying and 5ft steps to help coordinate attacks to take advantage of people's tactics. I tend to feel that liberal use of readied actions and 5ft steps can also help particularly when you know your opponent is going to come to you.

This is something I wrote concerning use of group initiative for a DM workshop on another site:
But wait, someone is bound to think that they don't need to invest in bonuses for initiative then. Not true, if Initiative is rolled the way I do it (again DM rolling them all).
1. Roll Initiative for every participant individually (even each monster individually).
3. Then average each side for the order between good guys and bad. So high initiative helps your side.
2. Then on the losing side, check the individual rolls. If any rolls beat all of the winning side's rolls then they (and only they) get to act first in Round 1 and then they go again when their losing side goes. So that Rogue with Improved Initiative helps his side win, but if they lose yet he still beats the other side individually, he gets to go first.
So I disagree that investing in Improved Initiative is wasted. Unless your goal is to act before your allies, then it is not.

I think it would be helpful IC and/or OOC to discuss general tactics so we know what people's preferences are. Then during combat our characters can actually interact and talk to each other.


It does seem to fit at that GE. I just have a couple questions about the archetype:

- With getting rid of bombs why does it not replace the Throw Anything feat that alchemist recieve?

- Why does it list plague bomb, poison bomb, etc. as discoveries that complement the archetype. There are no bombs to make sticky?!? :confused:

All and all I think you should adjust Gergori when you get the chance.


I don't have the answers to those questions except to say that it probably wasn't fully thought through before added to the book. Probably not the smartest thing to say when asking your DM to let you use something but there it is.

Thanks, HM. I'll try to finish it this weekend.



I think it would be helpful IC and/or OOC to discuss general tactics so we know what people's preferences are. Then during combat our characters can actually interact and talk to each other.

I'm for working out some tactics. This is our first real battle, though, and I think it should take a little time to work it out among our characters. Gregori is a melee fighter but he'll generally need one round (or more) to prepare himself so he's at optimal fighting capabilities, then he'll rush in. Setting up for flanking will benefit him a lot now that HM has approved Vivisectionist for Gregori's use.


At this level, Firvin only has a few important things to help turn the scales when the fight is most challenging.
1. Her best damage attack is the Elemental Ray (ranged touch) with 5 per day. This is best used before anyone engages all the targets in melee since she doesn't have Precise Shot.

2. After that is timing of her Inspire Courage. I am not sure it will be best always to lead with that over trying to catch an opponent with lightning first.

3. Once melee is joined, she can realistically only use Magic Missiles after that. Unless the melee players use strike and 5ft step away tactics to open up a target for her ranged touch attacks.

4. Her grease spell with have situational uses, but I am not sure to base any tactics on it yet. Most likely for crowd control.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Halál prefers to open with a ranged attack - bow if he's got it armed, spring-loaded dagger if he's got a melee weapon loaded up - then close for melee. Getting Quick Draw will give him a little more flexibility.

Flanking is almost always a good idea for him, of course, especially once he gets two weapon fighting, so he's likely to delay a little and see where the heavier melee folk position themselves before entering melee himself.

So far he's been a little hampered by role-play. For example, since he couldn't see exactly what was going on in the alley, he wasn't sure deadly force would be the best choice. (I'm trying to put the 'Good' in 'Neutral Good' and look out for the villagers, as well as thinking that if who/whatever was behind the alley attack was connected to the other stuff going on it might be good to take them alive.) Not the best way to survive a life and death encounter, but I think I might be able to find a decent middle road between "hack and slash" and "pacifist."

I'm all good with group initiative done according to pm's system (or any other that doesn't impair Halál's ability to get that first action). Just gotta pay more attention to what those who've posted first have done so I'll remember to impose that ranged penalty when appropriate.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Be no worries than when you get to the prison then. Everything there will be trying to kill you. :p

(I saw you posted and thought it was a comment on Jack wanting a feather, LOL).


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