HM's Rise of the Runelords - OOC


My instincts for what classes those characters would be in a party is: rogue with two-weapon fighting, cleric of Gorum with shock greatsword, ranger with two-weapon fighting and a wizard with a cat familiar and martial weapon proficiency (longsword). Alternatively, the first character could be a fighter/duelist with two-weapon fighting, and the last character could be a magus with familiar and wand wielder arcana. Edit: Second one could be a battle or metal oracle with skill at arms.
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Were I in this game, I would be looking at the wizard (as I dropped the one game where I played a wizard), or the rogue (despite playing a ninja in one of your other games). The cleric is out, as I already have an oracle and a cleric in Dr. Simon's games, and as you know, I am just about to get started with a dual axe wielding ranger ;) .


First Post
Okay, I'm most interested in the shocky sword girl, and the magely mage.

Here are some thoughts:

1) Empyreal Sorceror/Monk. The cat familiar could come from having Eldritch Heritage: Arcane. The sword could be from a number of sources, feat or trait.

2) A Lore Warden or Tactician Fighter / Wizard or Witch.

Crazy Sword Girl:
1) Barbarian (perhaps Elemental Kin)/Oracle ...probably Battle, or possibly Nature.

2) This one's weird, but I'm kind of feeling it. Magus/Barbarian...Invulnerable Rager maybe.
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Oh, hahaha... I see what that crazy two-class stuff was about. I did not see the stuff on gestalt rules. And here I was thinking " Who the heck would multiclass like that? "

In that case, I think the first is obviously a rogue/mobile fighter. The second would be a stormborn sorcerer/elemental kin barbarian. The third is a skirmisher ranger/druid. And the fourth is a banishment abjurer/warrior of the holy light paladin.


I see the the first character as a fighter/rogue, or oh a rogue/cleric of Cayden Cailean. That last one would be fun combo. And that is my bid for the rapier (favored weapon of Cayden) /dagger dual wielding character.

Edit: HM as a reminder, I have started a Runelords game, and can discuss what I know, and these days I do forget things :)

Disposable Hero

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I'm drawn to the dual axe wielding guy since I've been thinking of making a dual wielder and this is the perfect chance. The combos I see for him is the ranger (skirmisher)/Inquisitor of Abadar over anything with Erastil. The two weapon warrior fighter was something that kept coming back to me when I looked at him and was thinking of combos as well. Now that I'm thinking of it so did cleric of Abadar because he hunts down creatures to protect the surrounding citites and other places where people gather.

So I think it goes without saying that the dual axe wielding character would be the on I'm interested and would like to play if no objections.


First Post
I've done some conceptualizing, and I'm really, really liking the Empyreal Sorceror/Monk idea for the wand lady.

Really a lot. I realize it's still pretty early and no one's calling dibs on anything yet, but...




I am going to suggest a slight revision on the first character as my bid.

Male Human Knife Master 1/Mobile Fighter 1, Chaotic Good
Str 13 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 12
Traits Fencer, <Campaign Trait>
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Alertness
Skills Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local), Perception, Perform (Dance), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Use Magic Device

The campaign trait would be decided on after we had figured out our backgrounds and how they might fit together.
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