HM's Rise of the Runelords - OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
As promised...

[sblock=Jeyanah Asasehn]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Sky Dancer [gestalt; Oracle(wind)/Fighter(mobile fighter)]
Level: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common(Taldane), Shoanti, Varisian
Deity: Vanan (The Wind)[/sblock]
STR: 13
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 16[/sblock]
HP: 14 = [1d10+(1d8/2)=14] + 0 (CON) + 0 (misc) + 0 (favored class)
AC: 17 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 3 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Touch: 13 = 10 + 3 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Flatfooted: 14 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +3 = +3 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Sky Dancer)
CMB: +3 = +1 (STR) + 1 (BAB) + 1 (size)
CMD: 15 = 10 + 1 (STR) + 3 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +2 = +2 (Sky Dancer) + 0 (CON)
Reflex: +3 = +0 (Sky Dancer) + 3 (DEX)
Will: +2 = +2 (Sky Dancer) + 0 (WIS)
Speed: 35 ft.
Damage Reduction: none
Spell Resistance: none
Spell Failure: n/a[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Curved Blade(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d10+1(S), CRIT18-20x2
Cestus(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d4+1(BorP), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d4+1(SorP), CRIT 19-20x2
Handbo(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d6+1(B), CRIT 20x2 Special: trip
Dagger(range): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d4+1(P), CRIT 19-20x2, Range 10'[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
Size medium
Speed 30'
Extra feat at 1st level
+1 skill rank per level[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
-All Simple Weapons
-All Martial Weapons
-Shield Proficiency
-Tower Shield Proficiency
Bonus Fighter Feats

Spellcasting (divine, spontaneous)
Mystery; Wind
Oracle Curse: Haunted
1st lvl: Touch of Electricity[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
DM Bonus- Persuasive
Human - Totem Spirit - Tamir-Quah (Wind Clan)
1st lvl- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Curved Blade)
Fighter Bonus: Weapon Finesse

a) Fast-Talker(social)
b) Bred for War(Shoanti)(racial)
c) Giant Slayer (campaign)[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 6 = [4 (class) + 1 (INT) + 1 (Human)] x 1 (LvL) + 00 (misc) + 0 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -1

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                        Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
+08 =  Acrobatics()          +03    +01   +3  +02   -1   DEX
+01 =  Appraise              +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+08 =  Bluff                 +03    +01   +3  +01        CHA
+00 =  Climb()               +01    +00   +0  +00   -1   STR
+01 =  Craft():_____         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+09 =  Diplomacy()           +03    +01   +3  +02        CHA
+na =  Disable Device^       +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+03 =  Disguise              +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+02 =  Escape Artist()       +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+02 =  Fly()                 +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+na =  Handle Animal()^      +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+04 =  Heal()                +00    +01   +3  +00        WIS
+10 =  Intimidate()          +03    +01   +3  +03        CHA
+na =  Know:Arcana^          +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Dungeoneering()^ +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Engineering()^   +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Geography^       +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:History()^       +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Local^           +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nature^          +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nobility^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Planes()^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Religion()^      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Linguistics^          +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+01 =  Perception            +00    +00   +0  +01        WIS
+03 =  Perform:_____         +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Profession()^:_____   +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+02 =  Ride()                +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+05 =  Sense Motive()        +00    +01   +3  +01        WIS
+na =  Sleight of Hand^      +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+na =  Spellcraft()^         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+02 =  Stealth()             +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
+00 =  Survival()            +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+00 =  Swim()                +01    +00   +0  +00   -1   STR
+na =  Use Magic Device^     +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
Divine, Spontaneous, Charisma based
Caster Level: 1
Concentration: +4

Spells per Day:
Orisons: unlimited
1st lvl: 4

Spells Known:
Orisons: enhanced diplomacy, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, sotto voce, spark
1st Lvl: shield of faith, burning disarm, cure light wounds[/sblock]
Equipment                    Cost  Weight
Travler's Outfit             free   0lb
Chain Shirt, masterwork     250gp  25lb                
Elven Curved Blade           80gp   7lb
Cestus                        5gp   1lb
Handbo                        1gp   2lb
Daggers(x3)                   6gp   3lb
Wrist Sheath, spring loaded   5gp   1lb
-dagger                       2gp   1lb
Masterwork Backpack          50gp   4lb
-bedroll                      1sp   5lb
-flint and steel              1gp   0lb
-lantern, hooded              7gp   2lb
-rations(4 days)              2gp   4lb
-whetstone                    2cp   1lb
-potion of cure light         50gp  0lb
-waterproof bag               5sp  .5lb
--soap                        1cp  .5lb
--charcoal stick              5sp   0lb
--ink(1 vial)                 8gp   0lb
--inkpen                      1sp   0lb
--journal                    10gp   1lb

            Total weight carried:  58lbs
Treasure: 1gp, 7sp, 7cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
light- 0 to 58lbs
medium- 59 - 116lbs
heavy- 117 - 175lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 6'-2"
Weight: 175lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Skin Color: tanned
Appearance: (see picture)
Demeanor: ???[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]"The giants took my family . . . not my life, though I thought it at the time.

"I was born into the Otòn tribe of the Tamiir-Quah Shaonti 17 summers past. My life in the mountains of northern Varisia was good; I had the love and respect of my family, and I excelled in the games and contests my people use for preparing their youth to enter the world as adults.

"But I never reached my passage. On the eve of my name-day and marking ceremony - the 14th anniversary of my birth - the giants attacked my tribe and slaughtered all of my kin. I was 'spared' only because I had retreated to our sacred cave to prepare myself for my naming. Lost in the trance my people use for ground and center, I did not even hear the sounds of the ending of my world.

"When I 'awoke' and went to join my people, my ground was shattered, my center blown away by the storm of slaughter revealed to my eyes.

"The tempest of my grief was almost my destruction, but I lived through the body of the storm and eventually found it's eye. A . . . presence . . . called to me, caught me up and anchored me in calm. I know not the length of time I spent within the eye of my grief-storm, listening to the council of winds all around me, but when the eye released me from its calm I found that I had passed through the other edge of my sorrow. The winds that once howled of the passing of my tribe now sing to me of purpose, though I know not what it is.

"Bereft of kith and kin, past the age of my youth but unable to live amongst the Shaonti as an adult because I had not completed my naming, I left the mountains of Varisia. For the past three years I have traveled the land, doing what I can to preserve my honor and hone my skills as I seek the purpose to which the wind calls me. I have met many people, made many friends; I have learned much of the calling of the wind and improved my martial skills.

"I know that the Otòn continue - they whisper to me when the winds are quiet, they play their mischievous tricks upon me to remind me of their presence. It is not much, but it suffices. I am at peace.

Except for the giants."[/sblock]
[sblock=Notes] Favored Class Bonus used to gain an additional Orison at 1st level (alternate racial option)[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock][/sblock]

Found the weight - it lists the rations and the daggers as 1lb and I was just adding down the column and not looking over to see the x3 or x4


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First Post
Bennet Embare, yes... The apostrophe might be a bit much. Hm.

Well, anyway, yes. That's the class. Daughter of Yesterday. Or possibly Yesterday Daughter.

Astonishingly hard to find a good guide to the Egyptian language on the web. :)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
NP not need yet.

Could you do me a bigger favor and check out my 3 encounter LPF adventure Ogre in the Rushes

please, please, please

I'll help you along with your conversion to the other sheet format. :D


Thanks, HM! Copied her over to the RG.

I'll look at 'Ogre,' since you were so kind ;) . . . but be warned, I'm already judging three other adventures, so I'm pretty time limited in terms of reading along :p.


First Post
Alright, I think I've made all the necessary adjustments to my PC. Background still needs a bit of work, but all of the mechanics should be done.

Chase Lockwood

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Woodsman (Gestalt Cleric (Erastil) // Ranger: Trapper)
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Erastil[/sblock]

STR: 13 (+1) (3 points)
DEX: 14 (+2) (5 points)
CON: 10 (+0) (0 points)
INT: 10 (+0) (0 points)
WIS: 18 (+4) (10 points, +2 racial)
CHA: 12 (+1) (2 points)[/sblock]

HP: 14 = [10+4] + 0 (CON) + 0 (misc) + 0 (favored class)
AC: 16 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + (misc)
AC Flatfooted: 14 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Ranger)
CMB: +2 = +1 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 14 = 10 + 1 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +2 [+4] = +2 (base) + 0 (CON) [+2 vrs Poison/Disease (trait)]
Reflex: +4 = +2 (base) + 2 (DEX)
Will: +6 = +2 (base) + 4 (WIS)
Speed: 30 ft.
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]

[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Longsword: +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (STR) // 1d8+1 (S), CRIT 19-20x2
Longbow: +5 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (feat) + 1 mw // 1d8+1 (P), CRIT 20x3[/sblock]

[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Wis
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill Point/Level[/sblock]

[sblock=Class Features]
- Proficiency w/ all simple and martial Weapons, and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except

tower shields)
- Aura (Faint Good)
- Spells
- Channel Energy (1d6, Will Save DC12, 6/day)
- Domains
- Orisons
- Spontaneous Casting
- Favored Enemy: Undead (+2)
- Track (+1)
- Wild Empathy (+2)
- Trapfinding (+1)[/sblock]

[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Bonus DM - Alertness
Bonus Human - Improved Channel
1st lvl- Weapon Focus (Longbow)

a) Birthmark
b) Hagfish Hopeful (+2 to Fort saves vrs Poison & Disease)
c) Rich Parents[/sblock]

Skill Ranks: 08 = [6 (class) + 0 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 01 (misc) + 01 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 01
ACP: -1

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
+00 =  Acrobatics          +02    +00    Y  +00   -2   DEX
+00 =  Appraise            +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+01 =  Bluff               +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-01 =  Climb               +01    +00    Y  +00   -2   STR
+00 =  Craft:_____         +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+01 =  Diplomacy           +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA
+03 =  Disable Device^     +02    +01   +0  +02   -2   DEX
+01 =  Disguise            +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Escape Artist       +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+00 =  Fly                 +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+na =  Handle Animal^      +01    +00   +3  +00        CHA
+04 =  Heal                +04    +00    Y  +00        WIS
+01 =  Intimidate          +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA
+na =  Know:Arcana^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Dungeoneering^ +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Engineering^   +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Geography^     +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Know:History^       +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Local^         +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Nature^        +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nobility^      +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Planes^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Religion^      +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Linguistics^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+10 =  Perception          +04    +01   +3  +02        WIS
+na =  Perform	           +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Profession^:_____   +04    +00   +3  +00        WIS
+00 =  Ride                +02    +00    Y  +00   -2   DEX
+10 =  Sense Motive        +04    +01   +3  +02        WIS
+na =  Sleight of Hand^    +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+na =  Spellcraft^         +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+06 =  Stealth             +02    +01   +3  +02   -2   DEX
+08 =  Survival            +04    +01   +3  +00        WIS
-01 =  Swim                +01    +00    Y  +00   -2   STR
+na =  Use Magic Device^   +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA

Languages: Common, Varisian[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells & Domains]
Concentration Checks: +5

- Good: Touch of Good (+1), 7/day
- Community: Calming Touch, 7/day

Spells Per Day
- Level 0 (DC14): 3
- Level 1 (DC15): 2 + 1

Spells Prepared
- Level 0 (DC14): Detect Magic, Light, Create Water
- Level 1 (DC15): Command, Obscuring Mist + Protection from Evil[/sblock]

Explorer's Outfit (n/a, n/a)
Chain Shirt (100gp, 25lb)
Composite Longbow, masterwork/+1STR (500gp, 3lb)
Arrows (durable), 40 (40gp, 6lb)
Longsword (15gp, 4lb)
Dagger (2gp, 1lb)
Boarding Axe (6gp, 3lb)
Backpack, masterwork (50gp, 4lb)
- Blanket (1sp, 1lb)
- Wandermeal Rations, 2 days (2cp, 1lb)
- Flint & Steel (1gp, 0lb)
- Fishhook & Line (2sp, 0lb)
- Flask [water] (3cp, 1lb)
- Thieves' tools, masterwork (100gp, 2lb)
Hunter's Cloak & Boots, masterwork tool: stealth (50gp, 1lb)

Total weight carried: 53.0 lb (LIGHT)

Starting Wealth: 900gp (Rich Parents trait)
Current Wealth: 35gp, 6sp, 5cp

Carrying Capacity:
Light: 1-58
Medium: 59-116
Heavy: 117-175[/sblock]

Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Tanned
Nationality: Varisian
Appearance: <See Picture> Chase is a ruggedly handsome man in his late twenties, with dark brown hair and
eyes. He wears his hair short, with well-trimmed beard and mustache. His well-tanned skin is evidence of
much time spent outdoors, and he has a leanly muscled physique. He generally dresses in well-worn and
oft-patched clothing of leather and roughspun, dyed in the greens and browns of the woodlands that he
favors. He bears a bow-shaped birthmark on the back of his hand, and he considers it to be the mark of Erastil.
Demeanor: Calm, casual.


[sblock=Background](In progress) Chase originally hails from a wealthy family, and at an early age took an interest in hunting and archery. His parents were more than willing to provide him with the best equipment for what they called "his hobby." Chase came to love the woodlands and wilderness, though, and began to spend more and more time in the wilds. This infuriated his parents, who did not believe that such behavior was fitting for one of his station. The dispute devolved into a feud, and Chase took his leave of his family and the city, to dwell in the wilderness which he loved.

It was in the woodlands that Chase came to know Erastil, and began to follow the path of Old Deadeye.

Chase is an explorer and hunter, taken to wandering the wilderness, and bringing the word of Erastil to
those that would hear it. He is something of a loner; while he can certainly enjoy the company of others,
he spends most of his time wandering the forests and hills of the world, away from civilization. Chase is used to having little in the way of money and belongings, but is fully capable of living off of the land.[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]None yet[/sblock]

[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock]​


Thy wounds are healed!
As far as I can tell all characters are ready save Khepri - and here's a little help for you on that Shayuri.

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human (Garundi)
Class: Bennet Embare [gestalt: Empyreal Sorceror/Monk]
Level: 1
Alignment: ??
Languages: Common, Osiriani, Varisian, Thasslonian
Deity: ??[/sblock]
STR:   00      10       +0        0         0       10
DEX:   05      14       +0        0         0       14
CON:   02      12       +0        0         0       12
INT:   00      10       +0        0         0       10
WIS:   10      16       +2        0         0       18
CHA:   03      13       +0        0         0       13
HP: 12 = [1d8+(1d6/2)=11] + 01 (CON) + 00 (MISC) + 00 (favored class)
AC: 17 = 10 + 0 (armor) + 2 (DEX) + 4 (WIS) + 1 (dodge)
AC Touch: 17 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + 4 (WIS) + 1 (dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 10 = 10 + 10 (armor) + 0 (MISC)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
BAB: +0 = +0 (Bennet Embare)
CMB: +0 = +0 (STR) + 0 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = 10 + 0 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 4 (WIS) + 0 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +2 (Bennet Embare) + 1 (CON) + 0 (MISC)
Reflex: +4 = +2 (Bennet Embare) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Will: +6 = +2 (Bennet Embare) + 4 (WIS) + 0 (NISC)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: 00%[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Unarmed Strike(melee):
Attack: +0 = +0 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 0 (MISC)
Damage: 1d6+0(B) = +0 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 20x2
Special: may choose to deal non-letahl dmg at no penalty

Flurry of Blows(melee):
Attack: -1/-1 = +1 (BAB) + 0 (STR) - 2 (TWF)
Damage: 1d6+0/1d6+0(B) = +0 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 20x2
Special: may choose to deal non-letahl dmg at no penalty; may substitue disarm, trip, and sunder combo manuvers for an unarmed attack[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Wis
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill Point/Level[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
weapon proficiencies: all simple, plus hand axe, kama, nunchaku, sai, short sword, shuriken, and siangham (and any other weapon labeled as a monk weapon)
AC Bonus
Bonus Feats
- Dodge
Flurry of Blows
Stunning Fist
Unarmed Strike

Eschew Materials
Empyreal Bloodline
- Arcana: Use Wisdom instead of Cha for spellcasting, +2 Religion and Heal
- Spells:
- Feats:
- Powers:
* - Heavenly Fire, +4 rng tch, 1d4+1dmg/heal, 30', 7/day[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
b Scholar (+2 Arcana/History)
h Point Blank Shot
1 Skill Focus: Arcana

campaign: Scholar of Ancients (+1 Arcana/History, speak/read/write Thassalonian)
magic: Focused Mind (+2 concentration)
racial: Scholar of Ruins (+1 geography/dungeoneering, dungeoneering class skill)[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 06 = [4 (Class) + 0 (INT)] x 1 (LvL) + 1 (human) + 1 (favored class)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -0

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+02 = Acrobatics()          +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+00 = Appraise()            +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Bluff()               +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Climb()               +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 STR
+00 = Craft():_______       +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Diplomacy             +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Disable Device^       +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+01 = Disguise              +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+02 = Escape Artist()       +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+02 = Fly()                 +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+na = Handle Animal^        +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+06 = Heal()                +04  +00  +0 +02     WIS
+01 = Intimidate()          +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+10 = Know:Arcana()^        +00  +01  +3 +06     INT
+na = Know:Duneroneering()^ +00  +00  +0 +01     INT
+na = Know:Engineering^     +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Geography^       +00  +00  +0 +01     INT
+07 = Know:History()^       +00  +01  +3 +03     INT
+na = Know:Local^           +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Nature^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Nobility^        +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Planes^          +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Religion()^      +00  +00  +0 +02     INT
+01 = Linguistics^          +00  +01  +0 +00     INT
+08 = Perception()          +04  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+01 = Perform():________    +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Profession()^:______  +04  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+02 = Ride()                +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+08 = Sense Motive()        +04  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+na = Sleight of Hand^      +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+04 = Spellcraft()^         +00  +01  +3 +00     INT
+02 = Stealth()             +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+04 = Survival              +04  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+00 = Swim()                +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 STR
+na = Use Magic Device()^   +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
arcane, spontaneous, Wisdom based
Caster LvL: 1
Concentration: +7

Spellcasting (DC 14+lvl)
0 (unlimited): Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Jolt
1 (4/day): Shield, Magic Missile[/sblock]
Equipment                         Cost       Weight
Explorer's Outfit                 free        0lb
Backpack,                          2gp        2lbs
Bedroll,                           1sp        5lbs
Compass,                          10gp      1/2lb
Small Steel Mirror,               10gp      1/2lb
50' silk rope,                    10gp        5lbs
Waterskin,                         1gp        4lbs

Blank Journal (50 pages),         10gp        1lb
Ink (3oz),                        24gp        0lb
Inkpens (10),                      1gp        0lb
Scroll Cases (4),                  4gp        2lbs
Paper (5 sheets),                  2gp        0lb

                    Total weight carried:    20lbs
Total GP spent: 74.1gp

GP: 105
SP: 9
CP: 0
Gems: none

Carrying Capacity:
Load        Normal
light:    000-033 lbs
medium:   034-066 lbs
heavy:    067-100 lbs
Size: medium
Gender: female
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
[sblock=Background]Her name is Khepri, which means 'morning sun.' She is of the Bennet'embare (ben-net em-bar-ay), which sort of means 'daughters of yesterday' though I likely have the Egyptian grammar completely wrong. Fortunately, it's fantasy so I get to make it up and not care.

The Bennet'Embare are a monastic sect of women living in a sacred mountain in Osirion. They were founded as lorekeepers, but trained a militant order for self defense and, later, for exploration and uncovering new lore. In keeping with their ascetic tradition which was originally to prevent themselves from being attractive targets for bandits and raiders, their militant order are almost entirely monks.

Khepri was born in the sacred mountain, her mother a war refugee who died of infection shortly afterwards. She was raised by the sisters, and joined the militant order; having little natural gift for study. Her gift for magic awakened later in life, as she trained, and incorporated it into the discipline of self-perfection the monks taught her.

Even the sisters of battle are expected to contribute scholastically though, and what Khepri lacked in raw talent, she made up for in steadfast dedication. The sisters knew that tasks given her would be done, perhaps not as quickly as by some, but inevitably. She worked harder than just about anyone, and learned a great was expected for one of the Daughters.

In the end, she focused her studies not on the tombs of the ancient god-kings, or the ruins of the old empires in Osirion. Though they were rich subjects, they were also well-explored. Generations had been born, lived, and died studying those places, decyphering their secrets, and plundering their riches. Khepri wished to find something new. Something a far off land where most of the Daughters lacked the martial training or magical ability to tread safely.

She learned of old Thassilon and was instantly hooked. She poured herself into every book and every record the Daughters had, learning everything she could...and finally set out to see it for herself.

Her first port of call...Sandpoint.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock][/sblock]

Just need to copy her into the RG and finish a few things.

Looking to update tonight, but until then I need to call my first alt and see if he will take over for DH (who has vanished).
@Fenris - Would you like to take over (and thus make your own version of) the dual axe wielding character?

See you all in the IC.

Last edited:


Thy wounds are healed!
Went with Wind Oracle//Mobile Fighter (couldn't use Aldori Swordlord because 1) it shares substituted abilities with MF and 2) it's in the Inner Sea World Guide, not in the list of allowed sources.

Were you looking to get Aldori Dueling Mastery? Since I opened up a small amount of leeway for others I was looking to offer you a newer feat if you were.

Exotic Dueling Mastery(combat): Your devotion and grueling training to the use of a weapon not used by the common soldier, gives you added abilities in combat.

Prerequisites: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(chose any light or one-handed exotic slashing weapon), Weapon Focus (with chosen weapon), Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks as long as you start combat with your chosen weapon in hand. As long as you wield your chosen weapon in one hand, you gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC—if you wield it in two hands, this bonus drops to a +1 shield bonus to AC. Although your weapon inflicts slashing damage, you treat it as if it were also a piercing weapon when determining the effects against your opponent.

Think on it.



Thy wounds are healed!
Since Mowgli has his Rulebooks open to the feats sections (Crossbow Mastery :p ) Thought I'd give this a bump for him and Fenris

Update tonight - goblin pyros (huzzah!)


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