HM's Skull & Shackles AP-OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
A fit it seems to be a martial rogue - but skips some of the normal skills for a rogue - I will allow it on two conditions:

1) You will not be allowed to combine this with any other class, save the Shackles Pirate PrC. I don't wish for this possible untested class to suddenly find a great combo no one saw.


2) We lose the DR progression for another ability. It seems an odd thing for this pirate to have. Most of his abilities are roguish and instead of the DR we could allow for him to take a rogue talent those couple times.

All and all looks ok to me so please tell me what you think about the stipulations and or anything else you can think of for the DR switch.


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A fit it seems to be a martial rogue - but skips some of the normal skills for a rogue - I will allow it on two conditions:

1) You will not be allowed to combine this with any other class, save the Shackles Pirate PrC. I don't wish for this possible untested class to suddenly find a great combo no one saw.


2) We lose the DR progression for another ability. It seems an odd thing for this pirate to have. Most of his abilities are roguish and instead of the DR we could allow for him to take a rogue talent those couple times.

All and all looks ok to me so please tell me what you think about the stipulations and or anything else you can think of for the DR switch.


Yeah, the fluff tries to make it out as a cross between the barbarian and the rogue, and I see that. But I see some ranger in there and fighter. Seems to me like they took the Unearthed Arcana Thug Fight variant and UA variant to swap Fighter Feats for Sneak Attack. But I liked the flair and saltiness.

1) Hadn't even thought about some other class, so agreed. As for PrCs, if and when we come to that point, all PrC's would be subject to HM inspection and rejection save the Shackles PrC. Sound good? Heck this is the only fighter class that could qualify for that PrC.

2)Agreed. perhaps give the option for a feat or a rogue talent?


Thy wounds are healed!
For #2 it should be alright to say you gain a Rogue talent at instead of DR's 1-3 and can start choosing Advance Rogue talents for DR's 4 and 5 as the form has Combat Trick and the latter let's you chose Feat as talents.

So you could be getting feats in there.

Glad you like the changes can't wait to see what you come up with and how he does in game.



Thy wounds are healed!
I use notepad for that.

Type it out on notepad and then copy/paste it in. It looks a mess but will straighten itself out after you submit the post.



Thy wounds are healed!
I have been looking into that. The only thing I can think of to not cost a lvl in another class or feat is...

Heirloom weapon or Ancestral arms (meaning you'd have to change to half-elf).

I think that the HW would be the route to go. We could say it is an item from the elemental side of the family and handed down for generations. It coould lead to some good RP.



When you say " inter party relations " , what do you mean exactly? Do you mean stuff that would happen in the beginning of an IC thread, or should we propose how our characters know one another?

Nightstorm could, for instance, have met Reiko in a fight, where they may have learned respect for one another by pummeling each other with their fists. And perhaps Jabe Cooper or his former alchemist master was someone that Nightstorm used to go to for stuff regarding poisons...

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