HM's Skull & Shackles AP-OOC


Apparently not, same thing happened again! Apparently, if the post gets too long and I hit enter for return, it goes back to the forum and loses the post.

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appearance: Long black hair, seafoam green eyes, birthmark of Jolly Roger on left arm. Height: 5'9" weight: 120lbs.

Background: Born to a dockside whore from an unknown father, when birthmark was seen given to church to raise. [I know I'm coming up with nothing but cliches here.]
Last edited:


Traits: birthmark of Jolly Roger, undecided. Feats: Selective Channelling, undecided Skills: profession: sailor, heal, knowledge, relegion.

Ok, got her started, hopefully you can just quote the whole thing into a new post and then be able to edit it.

Edit: I still need to fix your skills from the bard array. I will work on it here and there tonight. Oh and your combat stuf.


Thy wounds are healed!
Ok last couple character checks:

Review for Tara:

-Looks like weapon stats has not been updated. They ave a size bonus listed along with the wrong DEX and STR mods
- Spent 2 skill ranks two many - and have Class skill bonus for Know history as +4
- Equipment is up to you but it will be somewhere on board. Just let me know if you want to keep it as is - don't see a problem with it working out as there is things to find/steal on the boat.

Review for Kolto:

- No need for an experience tracker we will be using the mile stone rules for this.
- Hope your CON isn't zero that would make you an undead pirate
- Might need to relist AC as Canny Def is only when you are wielding your bonded blade.
- CMB should be +2; CMD should be 14
- Skills list INT mod (for points gained only) as +7 Should be +5
- spells prepared missing a cantrip? You could leave it open but should list it as such.


Almost done reading the module so I think I will be starting an IC tomorrow night. We can iron out the details as we play, this being pbp we will have time.

rangerjohn all you need is your hard crunch, feats, traits, domains, etc. We can get the numbers together as we play, with little problem. For the Rp part the numbers aren't overly important and I think it's time to start.

A check in from everyone would be nice and I need everyone to take a minute to clear out their equipment section in the RG and chose one item that weighs a pound or less to keep. This is something that was missed as you were searched.

I have everyone's equipment listed in the loot section so you can slowly get it back (or not).

Also we will not be using XP for this but milestones. The module list when you should be a certain lvl so I will use that as a guide and post it so you can know what is needed of you and your characters to advance.

See you all buccaneers in the IC tomorrow.


Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ok last couple character checks:

Review for Kolto:

- No need for an experience tracker we will be using the mile stone rules for this.
- Hope your CON isn't zero that would make you an undead pirate
- Might need to relist AC as Canny Def is only when you are wielding your bonded blade.
- CMB should be +2; CMD should be 14
- Skills list INT mod (for points gained only) as +7 Should be +5
- spells prepared missing a cantrip? You could leave it open but should list it as such.


Almost done reading the module so I think I will be starting an IC tomorrow night. We can iron out the details as we play, this being pbp we will have time.

rangerjohn all you need is your hard crunch, feats, traits, domains, etc. We can get the numbers together as we play, with little problem. For the Rp part the numbers aren't overly important and I think it's time to start.

A check in from everyone would be nice and I need everyone to take a minute to clear out their equipment section in the RG and chose one item that weighs a pound or less to keep. This is something that was missed as you were searched.

I have everyone's equipment listed in the loot section so you can slowly get it back (or not).

Also we will not be using XP for this but milestones. The module list when you should be a certain lvl so I will use that as a guide and post it so you can know what is needed of you and your characters to advance.

See you all buccaneers in the IC tomorrow.


All fixed. Kensai lose one prepared spell per level per day, so the cantrips are correct I think.

Ready to go!


I assume that we were to keep our standard clothing as well. In any case, I opted to keep my spring-loaded wrist sheath and the smoke pellet loaded in it. Technically that is two things I suppose, but if they missed the sheath they would have to miss what was in it.

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