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Hobgoblin Bard 10 mess.


This mess, unlike the monk, is all mine. The character was my first high level character, and my first spellcaster, and about my fourth or fifth 3.x build. I was really quite clueless - spells, skills and feats all over the place.

The character was created in response to a request for a healer for the party. I wasn't really interested in a cleric, and I really wanted to play a Hobgoblin. I came up with Tsu'koka, Hobgoblin Male Bard (Song Speaker) 10. The Song Speaker concept is mine (just to give the character some background), and is basically for troop support using Bardic Music and Cure spells.

You can see the original here. I've sblock'ed it to save space (and hide my ineptitude).

[sblock]Tsukoka, Song Speaker of the Sabaku Sept
Male Hobgoblin Bard 10
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)

Hit dice: 10d6+20 (hp: 62)
Initiative: +3 _______________ [+3 Dex]
Speed: 30 ft. ________________ [base 30 ft.]
Armor Class: 26 [+10 armour, +1 shield, +2 deflect, +3 dex].
* Touch 16.
* Flat-footed 23.
Base Attack +7/+2
Attack melee: +9 _____________ [+7/+2 bab, +2 str]
* +1 Unholy Mace + 10/+5 melee (1d6+3, 20x2.)
* +2 Keen Gladius +11/+7 melee(1d6+4, 15-20x2)
Attack range: +10/+5 [+7/+2 bab, +3 dex]
* +1 Short Comp Bow (S+2) +11 ranged (1d6+3, x3, 70 ft.)
Special Qualities: DarkVision 60 ft., Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music.
Saves: Fortitude: 3/+8, Reflex 7/+11, Will 7/+9
Str 14 _______________________ [6 points]
Dex 16 _______________________ [6 points, +2 racial]
Con 14 _______________________ [4 points, +2 racial]
Int 12 _______________________ [4 points]
Wis 14 _______________________ [6 points]
Cha 16 _______________________ [6 points, L4,L8 increase]
Skills: (6+1)*13 = 91
* Bluff +8 ___________________ [5 ranks, +3 cha]
* Concentration +7 ___________ [5 ranks, +2 con]
* Decipher Script +4 _________ [3 ranks, +1 int]
* Diplomacy +6 _______________ [3 ranks, +3 cha]
* Gather Information +8 ______ [5 ranks, +3 cha]
* Hide +8 ____________________ [5 ranks, +3 dex]
* Knowledge (History) +6 _____ [5 ranks, +1 int]
* Listen +10 _________________ [8 ranks, +2 wis]
* Move Silently +12 __________ [5 ranks, +3 dex, +4 racial]
* Perform (Sing) +15 _________ [12 ranks, +3 cha]
* Perform (Oration) +7 _______ [4 ranks, +3 cha]
* Sense Motive +7 ____________ [5 ranks, +2 wis]
* Sleight of Hand +6 _________ [3 ranks, +3 dex]
* Speak Language _____________ [4 languages]
* Spellcraft 5/+6 ____________ [5 ranks, +1 int]
* Intimidate +7 ______________ [4 ccranks, +3 cha]
* Ride 3/+6 __________________ [3 ccranks, +3 dex]
* Combat Casting _____________ [L1]
* Mounted Combat _____________ [L3]
* Power Attack _______________ [L6]
* Point Blank Shot ___________ [L9]
* Spell Focus (Enchantment) __ [??]
Languages: Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Infernal, Orc.

Spells Known
6 x 0th: Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Lullaby, Message, Read Magic.
4 x 1st: Alarm, Cause Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear,
4 x 2nd: Blur, Cure Moderate Wounds, GlitterDust, Scare.
4 x 3rd: Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Good Hope, Haste.
2 x 4th: Neutralise Poison, Summon Monster IV.
Spells per Day
3 x 0th, 3 x 1st, 3 x 2nd, 2 x 3rd, 0 x 4th.

* Worn/Carried: two +2 Keen Gladius, +1 Unholy Mace, +1 Short Comp (+2 Str) Bow, Efficient Quiver, two big daggars, +3 Mithril Chainshirt, + 3 Braces of Armour, +2 Ring of Protection, Darkwood Buckler, W: CMW (50 charges), W: CLW (20 charges), dark heavy cotton loose pants, loose jacket, +1 Cloak of Resistance, Battered Leather Bag, Scrollcase.
* In the Efficient Quiver: [60 small] 50 Arrows, 3 SmokeSticks; [18 medium] 8 Javlins, 4 ShortSpears; [6 large] 3 LongSpears, Short Comp Bow, Longsword)
* In the Small Bag: Fig of Wondrous Power (serpentine owl), 2x Feather Token (swan boat), two P: Bull's Strength, two P: CLW (1d8+1), P: Unknown (4 doses), Daggar (Unknown Enchantment), Smokestick, two Thunderstones, the usual crap that soldiers carry around (200gp's worth)
* In the Scroll Case: three S: Identify, two S: Unseen Servant.

341gp, 2 x black pearl (@500gpv), 2 x pearl (@100gpv)

Mount: Blood (Dire wolf) + Military Saddle and bags.


Song Speakers

Song Speakers begin life riding with the troops, inspiring courage and motivating the flagging with their chants and music, and their lash. During the nights they prowl the camps reciting the stories of the great warriors and rooting out weakness. Gather Info, Intimidate, Move Silently, Listen and Perform skills are most valued amoung the young Song Speakers, as are healing and psycological spells.

Song Speakers who survive long enough usually find themselve the war lords' messenger, negotiator and spy. Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive as well as the sneaking and info gathering skills all become important.

Song Speakers are usually a little more pragmatic than most, seeing the laws and codes as tools rather than restrictions.

Recently I read an article bards (The Bards Munchkin Fakebook) which suggested using bards for spell countering. Its 3.0 based, but seems to be viable for 3.5 as far as I can tell. So I thought I would rework Tsu'koka and see what I could come up with. He really doesn't have the clout to go up against the big boys, but I would like to keep some combat ability. Spells are where I'm struggling, but the feats are also proving tricky.

I haven't been through the equipment yet, so there may be some wonky numbers.

Tsukoka, Song Speaker of the Sabaku Sept
Male Hobgoblin Bard 10
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)

Height: 6'1'
Weight: 210 lb.
Eyes: Black.
Hair: Grey.
Skin: Burnt Orange
Homeland: Lost.
Patron Deity: Unknown.

Hit dice: 10d6+20 (hp: 62)
Initiative: +3 _______________ [+3 Dex]
Speed: 30 ft. ________________ [base 30 ft.]
Armor Class: 26 [+10 armour, +1 shield, +2 deflect, +3 dex].
* Touch 16.
* Flat-footed 23.
Base Attack +7/+2
Attack melee: +9/+4 __________ [+7/+2 bab, +2 str]
* +1 Unholy Mace + 10/+5 melee (1d6+3, 20x2.)
* +2 Keen Gladius +11/+7 melee (1d6+4, 15-20x2)
Attack range: +10/+5 [+7/+2 bab, +3 dex]
* +1 Short Comp Bow (S+1) +11 ranged (1d6+2, x3, 70 ft.)
Full Attack: xxx
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: xxx
Special Qualities: DarkVision 60 ft., Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music.
Saves: Fortitude: 3/+8, Reflex 7/+11, Will 7/+9
Str 12 (+1) __________________ [ 4 points]
Dex 16 (+3) __________________ [ 6 points, +2 racial]
Con 14 (+2) __________________ [ 4 points, +2 racial]
Int 14 (+2) __________________ [ 6 points]
Wis 10 (+0) __________________ [ 2 points]
Cha 18 (+4) __________________ [10 points, L4,L8 increase]
Skills: (6+2)*13 = 104 points
* Concentration +14 __________ [12 ranks, +2 con]
* Diplomacy +16 ______________ [12 ranks, +4 cha, +2 syn]
* Perform (Sing) +16 _________ [12 ranks, +4 cha]
* Sense Motive +12 ___________ [12 ranks, +0 wis]
* Spellcraft +16 _____________ [12 ranks, +2 int, +2 syn]
* Gather Information +10 _____ [ 6 ranks, +4 cha]
* Hide +9 ____________________ [ 6 ranks, +3 dex]
* Knowledge (Arcane) +8 ______ [ 6 ranks, +2 int]
* Move Silently +13 __________ [ 6 ranks, +3 dex, +4 racial]
* Perform (Percussion) +8 ____ [ 6 ranks, +4 cha]
* Speak Language _____________ [ 4 languages]
* Ride +5 ____________________ [ 2 ccranks, +3 dex]
* Weapon Finess ______________ [L1]
* Enshew Materials ___________ [L3]
* Spell Focus (necromancy) ___ [L6]
* Leadership _________________ [L9]

Languages: Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Infernal, Orc.

Spells Known
6 x 0th:
* Detect Magic - divination, M
* Flare - evocation
* Light - evocation, M
* Lullaby - enchantment
* Message - transmutaion
* Read Magic.
4 x 1st:
* Alarm - abjuration
* Cause Fear - necromancy
* Cure Light Wounds - conjuration
* Remove Fear - abjuration
4 x 2nd:
* Blur - illusion
* Cat's Grace - transmutation, M
* GlitterDust - conjuration, M
* Scare - necromancy, M
4 x 3rd:
* Cure Serious Wounds - conjuration
* Dispel Magic - abduration
* Summon Monster - conjuration
* Haste - transmutation, M
2 x 4th:
* Break Enchantment - abjuration
* Dimension Door - conjuration
Spells per Day
3 x 0th, 4 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, 1 x 4th.

* Worn/Carried: two +2 Keen Gladius, +1 Unholy Mace, +1 Short Comp (+1 Str) Bow, Efficient Quiver, two big daggars, +3 Mithril Chainshirt, + 3 Braces of Armour, +2 Ring of Protection, Darkwood Buckler, W: CMW (50 charges), W: CLW (20 charges), dark heavy cotton loose pants, loose jacket, +1 Cloak of Resistance, Battered Leather Bag, Scrollcase.
* In the Efficient Quiver: [60 small] 50 Arrows, 3 SmokeSticks; [18 medium] 8 Javlins, 4 ShortSpears; [6 large] 3 LongSpears, Short Comp Bow, Longsword)
* In the Small Bag: Fig of Wondrous Power (serpentine owl), 2x Feather Token (swan boat), two P: Bull's Strength, two P: CLW (1d8+1), P: Unknown (4 doses), Daggar (Unknown Enchantment), Smokestick, two Thunderstones, the usual crap that soldiers carry around (200gp's worth)
* In the Scroll Case: three S: Identify, two S: Unseen Servant.

341gp, 2 x black pearl (@500gpv), 2 x pearl (@100gpv)

Mount: Blood (Dire wolf) + Military Saddle and bags.


Song Speakers

Song Speakers begin life riding with the troops, inspiring courage and motivating the flagging with their chants and music, and their lash. During the nights they prowl the camps reciting the stories of the great warriors and rooting out weakness. Gather Info, Intimidate, Move Silently, Listen and Perform skills are most valued amoung the young Song Speakers, as are healing and psycological spells.

Song Speakers who survive long enough usually find themselve the war lords' messenger, negotiator and spy. Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive as well as the sneaking and info gathering skills all become important.

Song Speakers are usually a little more pragmatic than most, seeing the laws and codes as tools rather than restrictions.

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I'd drop the Spell Focus (necromancy) feat. You only have 2 necromancy spells anyways, and they are redundant. Drop Cause Fear and replace it with Expeditious retreat (for yourself or your mount) or Disguise self, which can always be useful.

You have three +3 weapons??? That's 54,000 gp worth of magic equipment right there... I think it's a little much, since 10th-level characters are supposed to have 49,000 gp worth of equipment. Since you're not going to go into the fray that often, I suggest spending money on one good range weapon, and one melee weapon.

I'd also drop the Weapon Finesse feat, unless you plan on wading into melee a lot (which I doubt). Get a feat that makes your bardic music more effective (either gives you more Bardic Musics per day, or makes the effect last longer). There were feats in Song & Silence that already have been updated to 3.5, IIRC, or will certainly be in Complete Adventurer...

Also, about Eschew Materials... Since it's a metamagic feat, it'll take you a full round action to spontaneously cast a spell with the feat. You could take the Mounted Combat / Mounted Archery route instead.



First Post
Since you're into mounted combat, you might want to invest in a masterwork cold iron lance and a Wand of True Strike. If you keep your Power Attack feat, you could fire up a True Strike first (using Use Magic Device skill) and do a mounted lance charge at +20 attack (+20 True Strike, +1 Str, +1 masterwork, +2 charging, -4 non-proficiency) and 2d8 + 30 damage (2x BAB from Power Attack = +14, +1 Str, double damage from mounted lance charge).

I'd redirect skill points from Hide and Perform (Percussion) into Use Magic Device.


Altamont Ravenard said:
You have three +3 weapons??? That's 54,000 gp worth of magic equipment right there... I think it's a little much, since 10th-level characters are supposed to have 49,000 gp worth of equipment. Since you're not going to go into the fray that often, I suggest spending money on one good range weapon, and one melee weapon.

I started with the Unholy Mace and bow. The Keen shortswords and a fair bit of the other stuff was picked up later. The GM has thrown some fairly well equiped opponents at us and we, naturally, looted the corpses.

Altamont Ravenard said:
I'd also drop the Weapon Finesse feat, unless you plan on wading into melee a lot (which I doubt). Get a feat that makes your bardic music more effective (either gives you more Bardic Musics per day, or makes the effect last longer). There were feats in Song & Silence that already have been updated to 3.5, IIRC, or will certainly be in Complete Adventurer...

Also, about Eschew Materials... Since it's a metamagic feat, it'll take you a full round action to spontaneously cast a spell with the feat. You could take the Mounted Combat / Mounted Archery route instead.

The Enshew Materials was a bit of a whim and probably not really worth a slot for this character. And I probably won't be wading into many combats I suppose. Not when the DM likes to throw giants at us. But it does feel strange to have no melee feats (guess what type of character I usually play?)



kjenks said:
Since you're into mounted combat, you might want to invest in a masterwork cold iron lance and a Wand of True Strike. If you keep your Power Attack feat, you could fire up a True Strike first (using Use Magic Device skill) and do a mounted lance charge at +20 attack (+20 True Strike, +1 Str, +1 masterwork, +2 charging, -4 non-proficiency) and 2d8 + 30 damage (2x BAB from Power Attack = +14, +1 Str, double damage from mounted lance charge).

I'd redirect skill points from Hide and Perform (Percussion) into Use Magic Device.

Attack +20, Dam 2d8+30. Now there are some numbers to get a monster's attention. Thats the sort of thing the two Ogre characters are doing.

Werther von G

First Post
Altamont Ravenard said:
Also, about Eschew Materials... Since it's a metamagic feat, it'll take you a full round action to spontaneously cast a spell with the feat.

Actually, Eschew Materials is a General feat, probably to avoid that very problem.


Is there a Metamagic way to increase the HD limit of Cause Fear and Scare. I originally thought Empower would do it, but it doesn't look like it - All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half.

Voidrunner's Codex

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