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Hollow's Last Hope [IC]

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Jebbo nods in agreement. "A-yup, ah reckon it might be f'the best if we burn th'place. Don't be wantin' t'have no other travelers comin' across some sort o' killer kettle, now, do we?" Jebbo walks away from the hut, and sits down against a tree to watch as the hut is set ablaze. Foolsbait sits upon his shoulder, likewise waiting for the inevitable inferno. "You mind your distance, now, Foolsbait. Don't want no fox fricassee tonight!"


First Post
Cyryn and Loricallior take one last moment to examine the floor of the hut, but it is just bare earth. There is no floorboard or rug to conceal a hidden cellar entrance or the like. Still, the party takes a few moments and kicks at the dirt, just to be sure.

With the search of the hut complete, and the rat's tail root in hand, the group decides to move on...but not before burning the witch's hut to the ground. Cyryn, Hakkara, and Jebbo wait outside, while Loricallior and Jared get to work. Each uses his own fiery magic to light the hut ablaze, creating a conflagration within from the various dry sundries found there. Exiting quickly, they join the others at the edge of the glade, and watch as the flames consume the witch's house. Thick plumes of dark smoke rise up above the trees of the forest, as the hut collapses into a burning mass of tinder. With the destructive deed done, the party turns to leave.
Later that afternoon, as the party continues through the forest, the group stops suddenly as the sounds of voices, and someone moving noisily through the forest growth, is heard from up ahead. Just at that moment, a muffled voice can be heard from Loricallior's pouch, "Beware, someone approaches." The party takes up defensive postures, ready for anything. Then, from out of the trees ahead emerge three humans, dressed in the garb of huntsmen. One has a brace of rabbits tied to a rope and thrown over his shoulder. They pull up short, looking startled at the presence of the party. Then, one smiles and speaks in a slightly slurred voice, "Hail, fellow woodshmen!"

OOC: Your responses to these hunters?


Loricallior notes whether the vegetation all still leans away from the site, whether they have had an effect on the cursed land, before leaving with the others as they head off towards the dwarven ruins.


First Post
Jebbo, seeing the cheery woodsmen, immediately grins and steps forward towards the woodsmen. "Hullo, there! Well, we ain't exactly woodsmen..." Jebbo stops for a moment, glancing at Hakkara. "Or woodswomen, but we're flattered y'think so! So, where y'from, where y'goin'?"

[sblock=OOC]Typical Jebbo... if we need to get some info out of them, I'll make a Diplomacy check (assuming it is possible or necessary) since I think that I have the highest modifier. Who knows, these guys could be friendly. Jebbo certainly thinks so... god, I love low Wis and Int scores.[/sblock]


First Post
Voadam said:
Loricallior notes whether the vegetation all still leans away from the site, whether they have had an effect on the cursed land, before leaving with the others as they head off towards the dwarven ruins.
The vegetation appears to be unchanged. Doubtless, the changes wrought upon the flora by the unnatural glade took years, if not decades. Loricallior can only hope that it takes less time for the natural order to reassert itself in this bizarre clearing.


"What business have you in these woods?" Hakkara demands, sword at the ready. "We are here, same as you, traveling. Have we not the same right as you to travel and do as we please? Or would you try to stop us?"

OOC: Barbarian Diplomacy. :D


First Post
Azgulor said:
Cyryn, if not already in eye contact with the trio, attempts to slip unnoticed into the trees.
Cyryn: Hide Check (1d20+6=26)

At the first sound of voices, Cyryn ducks deeper into the nearby trees, effectively vanishing. There is no indication that these hunters even know he is there.

Nazhkandrias said:
Jebbo, seeing the cheery woodsmen, immediately grins and steps forward towards the woodsmen. "Hullo, there! Well, we ain't exactly woodsmen..." Jebbo stops for a moment, glancing at Hakkara. "Or woodswomen, but we're flattered y'think so! So, where y'from, where y'goin'?"
The first woodsman speaks again, "We're from the Hollow of course...Falcon'sh Hollow, I mean. We've been out here huntin' for...how long hash it been, Nero? Yeah, about a week, I guessh. Tryin' to catch ush a dunlied or a moorshnake, but all we found ish these here rabbitsh."

Insight said:
"What business have you in these woods?" Hakkara demands, sword at the ready. "We are here, same as you, traveling. Have we not the same right as you to travel and do as we please? Or would you try to stop us?"
The inebriated woodsman seems taken aback by Hakkara's aggressive posture. "Huh wha? Shtop you? Godsh lady, I'm tryin' to be frindly like! Relax, okay?" He holds up his hands in a placating gesture.

At this point, the hunter's attention settles on Foolsbait, contentedly sitting on Jebbo's shoulders. "Shay, that'sh a...a...whattay call it...firefoot fennec you got there? That would look great above my mantle back home. You wanna sell it? How much you want for it?"


YeOldeAlbatross said:
At this point, the hunter's attention settles on Foolsbait, contentedly sitting on Jebbo's shoulders. "Shay, that'sh a...a...whattay call it...firefoot fennec you got there? That would look great above my mantle back home. You wanna sell it? How much you want for it?"

Loricallior smiles and steps forward "A generous offer friend, you have great taste in beautiful animal furs. However this little fellow is not for sale. We are from the hollow as well of late, and are in fact on quest to save its people from the plague that has befallen many of its people. Tell me, have you come across an old dwarven mine nearby? We seek it out as part of our quest."

Voidrunner's Codex

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