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HomeBrew Low Magic rules, wanna share ideas?


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I've gone whole hog and designed my own magic system, but there are a few easily portable changes (inspired by the Middle Earth d20 project):

"Magical Radar"--every spell creates a signature that can be sensed by other magical beings--say, one mile per spell level or even more. This means that casting a spell might tip off the evil wizard as to your identity and general whereabouts. Casually using magic when skills would do becomes much rarer with this rule.

“Corruption” (inspired by Star Wars d20 Dark Side points). Magic is created by life; therefore, any attempt to destroy life or dominate the free will of living creatures causes the caster to make a corruption check (essentially, a wisdom check versus the level of the spell, although previous corruption points are subtracted from the roll). IMC, casters are much less willing to cast large-scale damage spells because they recognize the slippery slope that corruption can lead to (although one player is role-playing his character's slide into evil quite well).

These two changes make magic a much less casual matter while not diminishing the power of magic--a world where magic is rare rather than simply weak.

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I do like the idea of spellcasters being able to "sense" magic being used by others some distance away and is something I'm considering folding into my own campaign (at least in some fashion). I'm also in the middle of fleshing out a magic system and classes to specifically accomodate the lower magic setting. Easy, flexible and modular being the watchwords here...

Though I'm not big on "corruption" and other detrimental spellcasting effects, I wouldn't mind seeing what you have done for your setting Willpax, even if just for inspiration.


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Aust Diamondew

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All characters in my low magic (items that is and significantly less spell casters too) game recieve the following benefits and limitations:
*1/2 BAB to AC if using shield you gain 1/2 BAB times 1.5 to AC.
*+1 to all saves for every 4 character levels.
*No item creation feats can be taken (with the exception of scribe scroll and brew potion).
*Must have DM permission to play spell caster.

I have almost no magical items (currently PCs are level 16 and have between the 4 of 'em about 50000 GP in magical gear). I'm considering in future low magic games only allowing the adept spell casting class (with 3 variations, divine, arcane preparation and arcane spontaneous) thus eliminating bards, wizards, druids, clerics and sorcerers and removing paladin and ranger spell casting capabilties.


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Aust Diamondew said:
*1/2 BAB to AC if using shield you gain 1/2 BAB times 1.5 to AC.
That is friggin brilliant. We did the 1/2 BAB to ac as per a class defense bonus as well. We figured it related better than the arbitrary class defenses posted elsewhere because rogues/monks have high dexterity to make up for the reduced BAB. However, the lack of magical shields made the sword-board fighter dumb to say the least. This solves that beautifully. Do you put a minimum (say +2?) on that then to make it worthwhile at 1st level?

Bendris Noulg

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I don't know... I prefer a Base Defense Bonus, myself, coupled with applying the ACP to Defense Rolls (or AC) and relegating Armor to Resistance/Absorption (or Damage Reduction, R&A is for Vitality & Wounds).

I've gone with a few things to keep magic rare (although it's still powerful).

1. Mage Born Feat. Required to gain levels as an Arcane Caster (Using a Level 0 Variant, characters beginning play as an Arcane Caster gain it as a Bonus Feat); Also required for Use Magic Device.

2. Spell Points. Doesn't sound Low Magic, but it is: Every Spell has a Minimum Casting Level (ex: 3rd Level Spell cast at 5th Level), and casting above that Casting Level costs extra points.

3. Channelers. Converted from Spells & Magic, the Channeler suffers from Casting Fatigue, based on Casting Level.

4. Sorcerers. Unlike Core Sorcerers, Sorcerers must research/learn Spells as a Wizard/Channeler. To this, however, they may do so faster and easier. Once learned, they may choose to memorize, which is then permenant, as a Core Sorcerer. Their spell list is also based on Elementalism, making a connection to Genies rather than Dragons.

5. Channeler vs Sorcerer. The spells of these two classes are fundamentally different. While some crossover spells do exist, the "physics" behind them is entirely different. A Sorcerer finding a Channeler's spell book can not use it, and vice versa.

6. Bard and Paladin are Prestige Classes.

7. Non-Spellcasting Ranger.

8. 3E Psionics (aka Mysticism) is considered Arcane Magic (thus, Mystics must be Mage Born).

9. Make religious obligation a major component of playing a Divine Caster (Druid/Cleric/Shaman/etc.). This tends to eliminate Divine Casters being played simply for their powers, attracting instead those that are interested in the role of politics, internal power struggles, the needs of the Spirit World, etc.

10. Sympathetic Item Creation. To create a Magic Item, the Spellcaster must create the item by hand (yes, grab apron and hammer and get yer butt in the forge...). Combine this with Power Components and a True Ritual for the actual enhancement. Remove "upgrade" ability; Once made, it's made.

11. Legendary Items. Prestige Classes tied to specific (unique or unique of a group) Magic Items, ala The Game Mechanics, making these items an investment of Character Levels rather than simply a "plug and play" feature.

12. Access to a library or laboratory is not assumed. Get one or you don't have one. Cost of these, and their effects on research/creation, are codified by library value. Divine Casters have corresponding Temple/Alter/Shrine rules.

I'm sure there's more, but it's all I recall off the top of my head.


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thanks for everyone's input.

I think I have settled on rules for Arcane Casters

A feat is required to cast arcane spells. To make the feat a bit more worthwhile it will grant an additional +1 bonus to saves vs magical attacks.

All direct damage spells are one level higher than indicated in the PHB

All Direct Damage spells do damage as per "odds-equal-ones" rule.

No instant death spells.

Casters must forge own items for use in item creation feats.

Arcane casters may use any non encumbering, non-heavy armour or shield at 1/2 of its normal PHB Spell Failure percentages so long as they take the appropriate feat.

I am still thinking abuot Divine casters and bards...for half-casters I am only going to slow spell progression.


First Post
Divine Casters:

Spontaneous Casting both Cure and Cause work for any alignment cleric.

All Clerics retain alignment based Turning/Commanding abilities.

All Clerics retain access to the normal four Domains.
Clerics gain the Granted Powers of each Domain, two powers at First level, and an additional Granted Power ever 3 levels there after (4th and 8th level)
Clerics may only cast spells that are included under the listing for their chosen Domains

In my Campaign Clerics gain a quite a bit of political power and/or community of supporters whether it be through theocratic governance, needed religious support of governors, cult-like status etc. This will translate to the free feat Leadership at 6th level with a +2 Leadership Score bonus

I need a Non-Casting Ranger class. I have decided not use the Rnger as a non-caster...or cut it entirely and encourage those who wish to be a Ranger multi-class as a Rogue/Fighter

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