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D&D 5E Homebrew Race - Durulz, the Ducks of Glorantha


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Hello everyone. I've modded a race from the Glorantha setting for 5e, using halflings as a base. Love 'em, hate 'em, would you play 'em?

(Lore text hacked and slashed from Glorantha the Second Age - Ducks, A Guide to the Durulz, by Brian Steele.)


The Durulz are truly cursed by the gods and looked upon as secondary creatures nearly everywhere that they go. Through a series of decisions (some might call them bad decisions); the Durulz fell from the sky forever after an influential god took their wings and bound them to the ground like normal creatures. It is as if the world and its powers collectively decided to deal the Durulz a losing hand. Even so however, the Durulz refuse to fold.

The Durulz have had to spread out across the lands of the world to survive. They are survivors and pragmatists to the extreme, knowing that if they let their guard down for a second that something in this age would swallow them up – perhaps literally. The vast majority of the Durulz populations of the world are on their own, turning to one another and what few allies they have managed to make over the generations.

Bitterness is an armour. All Durulz know that they are considered a joke, the lowest of the low and it has formed a palpable cynicism and bitterness in their hearts concerning many of the Big People. Durulz find it useful to be able to shield oneself from their jibes and condescension by going into every situation with a shade of negativity covering their interactions.

Ignorance is not bliss, it is the norm. Durulz know from birth that they are going to be looked down upon by the Big People of the world – when they are looked upon at all. No one listens to the plans or rants of a Durulz. It is more common for a Durulz’s plan or scheme to be heard, ignored and then reiterated by a Big Person as their own. For most Durulz this is only seen as an annoyance for their first few years. It will take that long for a crafty Durulz to learn to use it. Being hidden and being ignored is all just a matter of perspective.

Being a Durulz is hard but it makes them harder. If adversity and challenges strengthen those who can overcome them, the Durulz are probably the strongest race to be found – even if no one would ever believe it.

Bitter, cynical, callous and belligerent...these are the Durulz.

Durulz Traits

Your Durulz character has certain characteristics in common with all other Durulz.

Ability Score Increase:Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age: Durulz mature at the same rate humans do and can live up to 75 years. Any that manage to survive to 50 years old can be considered to be an ‘elder’ in the Durulz community, earning the right to complain incessantly and judge everything he witnesses.

Alignment: Most Durulz tend towards the lawful alignment, believing that survival depends the safety of their community. Some Durulz might have a calling to fight evils and selflessly solve others’ problems – but most know that it is better to keep their own skin intact before risking it for someone else’s.

Size: Durulz are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.

Bitter Defiance:You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Naturally Suspicious: You have proficiency in the insight skill

Overlooked and Ignored: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Sardonic Manipulation: Every Durulz learns how to leverage their awareness of the preconceptions of others to influence their actions and reactions. When you take the Help action to give a creature advantage on an ability check, the creature you aid can use your Wisdom (Insight) modifier instead of it's own relevant modifier. You can use this trait once per short or long rest.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Auran.

Durulz Quirk (1d6)

  1. Distinctive lisp
  2. Constantly clicking and whistling
  3. Exceptionally oily plumage
  4. Compulsive preening
  5. Explosive temper
  6. Excessive molting

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