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homebrew world. Forsaken. comments welcome.

Lost and Damned 2

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Forsaken (version 0.1)


Tales are told by all the races of the world of Barus, that the gods would only live for a thousand years and then they pass away from our world, leaving the faithful without answers to their prayers as a test of their faith in the gods, for a period of one hundred years and then they would be reborn, this was called by the races the Darken Time, however the elven legends say that after last Darken Time, the gods did not return…..

The servants of the gods, the priests and Avatars were at a lost when after the Darken Time they tried to commune with their gods and had no response back….

Ordered civilisations crumbled as the faithful lost their faith over the years, as the time of despair began, the once proud nations which were built upon the worship of the gods grow despairing as all fell apart around them, and some priests turned to worshipping the Avatars instead….

Those who did so were blessed with limited divine magic, those who didn’t found that their magic faltered and faded away, save for the weakest of their divine magic….

As the worshipers of the Avatars became more common, they and the Avatars grew in power, however despite how much they were worshipped, they could never gain the power the gods had….

However, some priests have appeared with power beyond imaging of the people of this day and age, casting divine spells capable of even bring the dead back to life, some say that they are the chosen of the gods, and that they have returned to reclaim their world….

Those that disbelieve the words should heed however, that since that time the gods died when this age began, that one thousand and two hundred years have passed….

Chapter 1: Fragments of history

During the Age of Quietness, much history was lost, as the societies of Barus crumbled, for the temples and churches were one of the main bodies responsible for the keeping of the great histories of our world, of course the mages kept their own histories however they soon locked themselves away as the troubles started, for the people lost hope during this time and riots broke out amongst the lands, as the priests spells failed, so the blights spread among the crops in the field, as their spells failed plagues spread amongst the nations, killing hundreds then thousands.

But worst of all was what happened next…. War….

For soon the people lost their sense of justice and their morals became twisted as they realised that they must resort to their base instinct in order to survive the dying society that they were struggling in, soon leaders emerged at the head of armies to take from their neighbours that which they felt they needed as their bellies grew empty from hunger and starvation threatened almost everyone….

The nations collapsed from the petty wars that emerged and broke up into small fiefdoms simply in order to survive….

Many did not….

In the thousand years that passed the situation stabilised into small countries which held a fraction of the land the once proud nations ruled, huge empires had collapsed into small towns held by the strongest, instead of an elected official or divinely chosen leader….

During this time however the Avatars found that they could grant minor powers to their chosen followers and that they still held great powers themselves, some chose side’s amongst the races, some kept to themselves, the worse however decided to cause chaos and destruction for their own amusement….

Many sages say that those Avatars were responsible for the great wars that occurred, who will ever know if they are right, for the Avatars are not saying….

Nor does the Elves and their fellow first race, the Dwarves….

For they also kept meticulous detail in their histories, huge rooms hold dusty books on the seven ages that have transpired throughout our worlds life, however the elves did not let me read them, neither did the dwarves, but the dwarves did present me with a tome with which the following concepts of our world are detailed in….

Forsaken © Darren Richardson 06/11/2002

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