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HomeMade WC3 Race (+4 ECL) and PrC

Night Elves - Female (note females are the warriors of the race)

These shadowy, immortal beings were the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years ago. The Night Elves' reckless use of magic drew another ancient race only known as the Phaerimm into the world and led to a catastrophic war between the two titanic races. The Night Elves barely managed to banish the Pharimm from their kingdom, but their wondrous homeland was shattered and drowned by the sea. Ever since, the Night Elves refused to use magic for fear that these dreaded abomenations would return. The Night Elves closed themselves off from the rest of the world and remained hidden atop their holy mountain of Hyjal for many thousands of years. As a race, Night Elves are typically honorable but very cunning, but they are very distrusting of the 'lesser races' of the world. They are nocturnal by nature and their shadowy powers often elicit the same distrust that they have for their mortal neighbors.

Night Elf females worship Elene, the moon goddes as their patron deity. Elene is the Torillian goddess Selune but her secret moonworshipping people are since recently being influenced by Shar, the goddess of secrets and she hasn’t been effective in creating a cult of her own worshippers amongst these aincient and powerfull Elves…. yet. Shar seeks to become the patron deity of these ancient and powerfull people and have them turn to Arcane magic once again so they can use their magical herritage to its full extent and Shar is planning on using these potential immensly powerfull sorceresses as her own elite army.

-4 Str + +6 dex -2 con +0 int +2 wis +2 cha

AL: Chaotic Neutral

Night elf speed = 50 ft

+2 racial to listen, move silently and wilderness lore checks

At night Night Elves recieve a +4 bonus to hide, Spot and search checks

Night elves recieve a racial +2 dodgebonus to all creatures, this increases to +4 at night

Night Elves receive a +2 Bonus to reflex and Willsaves

Night Elves have 120 ft darkvision

Shadow Meld (su): at night female shadow elves that reamain immobile count as invisible units, this is a unique ability for only the females of the race.

Nondetection (su): Night Elves are under effect of a continuous non detection ability and it has a caster level of a wizard equal to its class level

Trackless step: Night Elves leave no traces in natural enviroment en can't be tracked.

Night Elves have spellresistance of 11 + classlevel

Light blindness: Sudden exposure to bright light (such as a sunlight or daylight spell) blinds the Night elf for 1 round. In addition, Night Elves suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolles, saves and checks while operating in bight light.

Night elf females are proficient with anytime of bow (not crossbows) and the Sivor, night elves detest the use of melee weapons and gain -1 penalty when using melee weapons. (Sivor: Thrown weapon, range 40ft, damage 1d8 (S) (Kind of chakram but different ), special: It can bounce 1d4 times after hitting anything determined by the DM on a failed attack roll. A very interesting weapon and yes it can bounce off walls, the ground, the ceiling... (Use at your own risk))

A Night elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for the door.

Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.

Cold resistance: By living in "The North" and the high ice for thousands of years the Nightelves have grown resistant to cold and so they ignore the 5 five damage of the cold subtype.

Special: The Night Elves have refused to use magic for fear that the Phaerimm would return, the Night Elves are forbidden to practise the Art and use arcane magic although very many Night Elves are born with a very strong link with the Weave and because of this they would make great sorcerers but their law forbids them and for thousands of years no Night Elf has practised the Art and tried to devellop their gift out of fear and custom. (Night Elf sorcerors have +1 to their save DC and +1 caster level als racial bonus)

Favored class: Druid for Males (have way other stats and much less abilities) and fighter for females. Sorceror for both but only renegades use it and they will be hunted by Sentinels till killed.

Languages: Night Elves speak Hyjallan and draconic

SPECIAL NOTE: At night means natural darkness, magical darkness does NOT grant special abilities with the "at night" description!

The Sentinel - Prestige Class

Sentinels are the elite of the Night Elf army and they are the ones entrusted with safeguarding the secret of the existance of their race and the location of their homeland. Sentinels are also called upon when renegade Night Elves have fled their homeland, most of the times because they were discovered to be practising the forbidden Art and devellopping their innate magical abilities. The use of Arcane magic and to reveal themselves to the outside world are 2 things that are forbidden and stand central in the Night Elf society. The revealing of the location of their homeland is something all Night Elves fear for and have striven to keep it a secret and they have succeeded for thousands of your under the protection of the Sentinels.

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Point blank Shot, Weapon Focus (any bow or thrown weapon), Dodge, Track, leadership, Sharp Shooting, Precise Shot.
Skills: Climb 4 ranks, Spot 2 ranks, Hide 2 ranks
Special: Must be Female Night Elf, have befriended a Hippogriff and tracked down a person who discovered Hyjal or a renegade nightelf.

Hit die: d8

Proficiency: A Sentinel is proficient with all bows and crossbows and with the Sivor and with any type of armor and shields.

(Sivor: Thrown weapon, range 40ft, damage 1d8 19-20 x2 (S) (Kind of chakram but different ), special: It can bounce 1d4 times after hitting anything determined by the DM on a failed attack roll. A very interesting weapon and yes it can bounce off walls, the ground, the ceiling... (Use at your own risk))

Class Skills: Hide (dex), Move Silently (dex), Wilderness Lore (wis), Spot (Wis), Search (Int), Listen (wis), Knowledge(nature) (int), Balance (dex), Craft(bowmaking) (int), Climb (Str), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (str), ride (dex).

Skillpoints at each level: 4 + int modifier

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Keen arrows, Range increment Bonus
2nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Concealment Reduction 10%, Projectile Improved Critical
3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Evasion 10%
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Moon Sivor, Uncanny Dodge
5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Concealment Reduction 20%
6th +6 +2 +5 +2 Evasion 15%, Call Hippogriff, Mounted Archery
7th +7 +2 +5 +2 Projectile Improved Critical
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Concealment reduction 30%
9th +9 +3 +6 +3 Evasion 20%
10th +10 +3 +7 +3 Fury of Elune

Keen Arrows (ex): At 1st level, all projectiles and Sivors the Sentinel fires behae as if they were keen weapons in adition to any other properties they might posess. Thus, a normal arrow fired by a Sentinel has a threat range of 19-20 instead of 20. This effect does not stack with any other keen effect.

Range Increment Bonus (ex): With each level the Sentinel gains, the range increments of her projectile weapons or Sivors increase by 10 feet (added after multipliers). Thus, a 10th level Sentinel who has the Far Shot feat would have a 280-foot range increment with a heavy crossbow (120 feet x 1.5 +100 feet).

Concealment Reduction (ex): When the Sentinel reaches 2nd level, her miss chance against opponents with concealment drops by 10%. Thus she has a miss chance of 10% rather then 20% against an opponent with one-half concealment. her miss chance drops by an additional 10% at 5th and 8th level. This ability never reduces her miss chance against any opponent below 0%.

Projectile Improved Critical (ex): When the Sentinel reaches 2nd level, the critical damage multiplier of all her projectile or Sivors incease by +1. Thus, an arrow that normally deals x3 on a critical hit instead does x4 damage in her hands. When she reaches 8th level, these critical multiplayers increase by an additional +1.

Uncanny Dodge: At 4th level and above, she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.

Evasion: At third level the Sentinel has become able to bring her dexterity and dodge ability to a new level. Her increadible speed and agility allow her a chance to evade blows and projectiles aimed at her, this starts at level 3 with 10% and increased with a aditional 5% at 6th and 9th level.

Moon Sivor: For every Sivor thrown that hits a target, the Sentinel can have it bounce to a second target within 15 feet of the first target. The second attacks requires a new attack roll although at a -5 penalty.

Call Hippogriff: At 6th level the Sentinel can call upon its befriended Hippogriff and ask for its service as her steed. If this succeeds depends upon the DM and might take a quest to convince to Hippogriff to accompany his friend for the rest of its life (This Hippogriff Functions as a steed in the same way a steed of a Skymage from Lords of Darkness does for sharing of saves etc.)

Mounted Archery: If the Sentinel succeeds in gaining the hippogriff as her steed she automatically gains the mounted archery feat even if she doesn't meet its prequisites.

Fury of Elune: When a Sentinel reaches 10th level she has become as swift as the night and blessed by her goddes with the speed of the moonlight that shines eternally upon Hyjal. The Sentinel gains extra attacks per +4 BAB instead of +5.

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