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Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A


Here's a question for Erik if he's still lurking about.

I know there are mechanical differences, but were obyriths meant to be an "official take" on Qlippoths? In your campaign do you/would you essentially make them the same "race"?

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Psion said:
I know there are mechanical differences, but were obyriths meant to be an "official take" on Qlippoths? In your campaign do you/would you essentially make them the same "race"?

That was already answered.

Erik Mona said:
coyote6 said:
A question for Erik: How closely do the obyriths and qlippoth match? Can I just use the two words as interchangeable terms for the same race of beings? 'Cause I really like me some Armies of the Abyss . . .
They are slightly different applications of the same concept, which is to say a pre-tanar'ri demonic race. In my own campaigns, I will most likely make them the same race.



Reference to yochol: why should it have dominate person? the article seems pretty clear in the tactics for it, and the Knowledge-planes table for it also says it has dominate person. Suggestions?


Sorry, miswording.

I meant to say: why are we being told that it having dominate person is a mistake in the codex? Since it is referred to several times, it cannot be a misprint.

James Jacobs

hamishspence said:
I meant to say: why are we being told that it having dominate person is a mistake in the codex? Since it is referred to several times, it cannot be a misprint.

Either way... there's an error in the stat block. If you go with dominate person (my preference), then you need to raise the save DC for the ability. If you don't want to change the save DC, change it to charm person. I'm not sure how WotC will want to handle the errata for this... my recomendation upon further thinking about it is to make it dominate person and raise the save DC to 20.


The EN World kitten
Razz said:
I hope so, the klurichir would suck if they downgraded it though. It'll lose its flavor as the "demon that even gives balors nightmares." :(

Sadly, that's pretty much already the case. The Fiendish Codex officially retconned the klurichir's CR to being 17, which seems to be the last nail in the coffin for them being weaker than balors in 3.5.


First Post
After reading FC I at least two times now, I can really say that this book is imho quite solid addition to my D&D bookshelf :)

James, I have some questions to you about the Demonlords and Demonomicon:

1) I know it much too early to ask...but do you have any concepts about who the next Demonomicon "star" will be ??
2) I was wondering if Haagenti will ever appear in Demonomicon ?? Do you think he would be able to cast spells as a wizard - like Orcus or Mephistofeles ??

Thanks !!


First Post
Monster Manual 2 Demon Princes

It was nice to see the demon princes mentioned in MM2 of first edition get some developement. What a coincidence that my version of Aseroth and Mastiphal came close to what was in the book. I had Aseroth as a prince of cold as well (he looked like a human with a bear's head and claws, huge hooves and white fur) and Mastiphal in my case was also red-skinned, four armed, and horned (but with wings and tail).

I had Obox-ob as a lord of worms and slugs (I guess that is Ugudenk's province now) and I had Ahrimanes's layer named Ahriman-abud also.

Tinker Gnome

Shemeska said:
And also, noticed the DL deities included in the list of layer lords this afternoon. Sweet.

Which is something that the people who work on DL over at Sovereign Press arent too happy about. To quote Cam Banks from the Dragonlance.com forums upon hearing about this.



I agree with him, DL should NOT be in the Great Wheel, as it never was originally. To quote Mr. Banks again

Two problems with this:

1. Dragonlance's cosmology was separate before it became incorporated into the Great Wheel (around the time of Manual of the Planes). The Dragonlance Abyss and the Greyhawk Abyss weren't originally identical. MotP and 2nd edition AD&D even had to move Takhisis to the Nine Hells since she's lawful evil. So it's not so much a retcon as a retcon of a retcon, and we worked hard to clarify all of this in the recent DL gaming sourcebooks.

2. Chemosh isn't chaotic evil, he's neutral evil. So either he's slumming in an Abyssal layer or he's not the Dragonlance Chemosh (who is incidentally a major player in recent Dragonlance novels.)

Are all the chaotic evil Faerunian gods included in the list?


So, as far as I am concered, there are NO DL gods in the Great Wheel. :)
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