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Horror Western - two players only

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Hey all,

Its going to take a bit of time to get a character up to speed. Initially, I was thinking along the lines of a divine spellcaster to complement Silentspace's combat skills. With his paladin levels, that seems a little redundant. The "arcane symbols" made me think of perhaps an arcane spellcaster, then i thought of a shamanistic character - some type of druidic analogue. But all of these are rather too dnd'ish perhaps. But the idea of a shapechanger does appeal. A lycanthrope came to mind (lupines vs vampire anyone?) but I suspect that is going to push the character well over her ECL 3 limit.

Humm. Ideas anyone?


OK. Smart 2/Something Else 1.

For as long as she can remember, her family has hunted the forces of darkness. Her father, tacturn, tactical, intractable. Her eldest brother, light and lithe. Her younger brother, brave and as brutal as the shotgun he weilded. From lamp lit east coast metropolises, to the starlit expanses of the wild west they fought. An endless, silent, unseen war raged in the hours from dusk to dawn. Mostly.

But Jiania was wrong. They were not her family, and they did not hunt the damned. They were hunted. For years her family had hidden the truth from her. For years they had protected her. But last night, one by one, Rath's booming shotgun, Derricks flickering blade and her father's arcane hexes were overwhelmed, stilled, silenced by the monstrous thing that came out of the darkness that cloaked the small farm.

Perhaps it if had come alone things would have been different. But with it came shuffling, shambling ragged parodies of people that swept out of the darkness and threw themselves mindlessly at the farm and its defenses.

And Jianna. Jianna. In those dark hours before dawn Jianna should have died. Jianna would have died if Jianna was all that she was. In those dark hours Jianna discovered she was something else. Something emerged, erupted, exaulted. Divine.

But in the grey light of dawn, surrounded by the bodies of her "family" and the shattered farmhouse she struggles to remember. The memories are fractured and fragmentary. Her mind shys from returning there. Whatever she is, or is becoming, it will have to wait until she can give it her attention. For right now she has to bury the bodies of the only family she has ever known, and then get the hell out of here. The sun is approaching its zenith as she hammers in the last cross. Words fail her, so she just stands in silence, tears streaming down her face.

She gathers up what little remains of her family's possessions; Raths shotgun, Derricks blade and her father's diary (incomprehensible). The last of the water is used to sluice away the sweat and dust. Dressed once more in canvas pants and a warm leather jacket, a battered hat pulled low, she mounts "Horse" and sets off west - chasing the day or fleeing the approaching night she is not really sure.

Half Celestial 1? OK, perhaps another dodgy idea. It kinda came to me as I was watching some of the Darkwatch clips. The half celestial template is rather powerful (+4 LA), so I though maybe it could be taken as levels.


Doghead: Sounds good. Which book is the half-celestial template in? I think Anger of Angels has a half-celestial progression, but we won't have to worry about that for a while.

Looks like we can start soon. I'll have the first post up in just a while. :)


Realised that I was, as usual, trying to do too much with the character. I stripped her back to her streetrat/farmgirl roots and added a touch of arcane/combat to reflect her exposure (and some training I suppose) to those things as she was growing up. Not really maxed out in anything, but hopefully she should develop well as she advances.

I went with Charismatic rather than Smart. I have only done up to level 2.

Human female Charismatic 2 / Half Celestial 1.

Str 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex 13 (+1) [5 points]
Con 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int 13 (+1) [5 points]
Wis 12 (+1) [4 points]
Cha 15 (+2) [8 points]

Initiative +1 .................... [+1 dex]
Action Points 22 ................. [5 + 6]*2

Hit Dice 2d6+2 (hp ??)
Base Attack Bonus +1
* longsword +1 melee (1d8, 19x2, S)
* shotgun +2 range (2d8, 20, 30 ft.)
Base Defense Bonus +1

Reputation +1
Wealth Bonus +6 .................. [5 + 1]

* Fortitude +3 ................... [+2 base, +1 con]
* Reflex +3 ...................... [+2 base, +1 dex]
* Willpower +1 ................... [+0 base, +1 wis]

* Bluff +7 ....................... [5 ranks, +2 cha]
* Diplomacy +7 ................... [5 ranks, +2 cha]
* Gather Info +7 ................. [5 ranks, +2 cha]
* Knowledge
* * (Arcane lore) +4 ............. [3 ranks, +1 int]
* * (Streetwise) +4 .............. [3 ranks, +1 int]
* * (Theology and Philosophy) +4 . [3 ranks, +1 int]
* Ride +6 ........................ [5 ranks, +1 dex]
* Survival +6..................... [5 ranks, +1 wis]
* Read/Write (Arcane)

* Personal Firearms Prof ......... [Occupation]
* Simple Weapons Prof ............ [Charismatic 1 bonus]
* Dodge .......................... [L1]
* Anarchic Weapons Prof .......... [L1]
* Agile Riposte .................. [Charismatic 2 bonus]

* Fast Talk ...................... [Charismatic 1]
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The half celestial is a LA+4 template, so does a 4 level progression to "full" half-celestial make sense? I thought I would sketch out one way of doing to to see how it could look. HC stands for Half Celestial level. Currently at HC 1, assuming we go with some sort of progressive accumulation of the template abilities.

Speed: A half-celestial has feathered wings and can fly at twice the base creature’s base land speed (good maneuverability). If the base creature has a fly speed, use that instead.
* Walking around with a full set of wings would be ... challenging. I'd like the chance to play her as a "mere" mortal for a while first.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +1 (this stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has).
* Do they have AC in Modern? Would be nice at HC1 as she is a little fragile.

Special Attacks: Daylight (Su): Half-celestials can use a daylight effect (as the spell) at will; Smite Evil (Su): Once per day a half-celestial can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against an evil foe.
* So that would be Smite +3 damage at her current level?

Spell-Like Abilities: A half-celestial with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher has two or more spell-like abilities, depending on its Hit Dice, as indicated on the table below. The abilities are cumulative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature’s HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based.
HD 1-2: Protection from evil 3/day, bless
HD 3-4: Aid, Detect Evil.
HD 5-6: Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralise Poison.
HD 7-8: Holy Smite, Remove Disease.
etceter ...
* Holy Smite Batman! These are way cool. I think the Protection/Bless would be useful in explaining her survival at the farm. Would they continue to to progress after she has completed the HC progression as her HD/ECL increases?

Special Qualities:
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* HC1 30 feet dark vision, HC3 60 feet darkvision.

Immunity to disease.
* ??

Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10.
* HC2 Resistance 5, HC4 resistance 10? one type at HC 2, 3, 4?

Damage reduction: 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or 10/magic (if HD 12 or more).
* Obviously I'd like this one as fast as possible. But perhaps it would be too much of a good thing at HC1. Actually, I think it would be interesting to play the HC levels blind to some degree, with you telling me only what I need to know (Int increases for skills, perhaps spell like abilities), or what the character discovers as through experience. You could just hi-jack the character to "reveal" things like spell like abilities.

A half-celestial’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
* Is a sharp tongue a natural weapon?

Spell resistance equal to creature’s HD + 10 (maximum 35)
* Would be Spell resistance 13 at her current level?

+4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
* +1 per level.

Abilities: Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4.
* +1 Str, Con, Wis, Cha per level
* +1 Dex, Int per 2 levels.

Skills: (8 + Int modifier) per level.
* As is.

Well, hope that helps. It was mostly to help me get a handle on the idea (I don't have much experience with templates, even in regular 3.5) and see if it was workable. So no offense if you ditch it.

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First Post
Krug said:
Writing should be in third person, with italics for game rules. Style should be pulp gothic western, whatever that means. ;)

Sorry I forgot about this in my first post. I will follow your standard in the future. Should I edit the post?

Voidrunner's Codex

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