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D&D General Hot Take: D&D Has Not Recovered From 2E to 3.0 Transition


yeah plus any monster with spell slots... I mean it is one of the most common cross over spells in the game.
1. If you are using updated monsters, then they are rarely using spell slots.
2. If they are using spell slots, then they can be countered.
3. If we aren't using up to date RAW, then why are we even having this conversation?
yeah, 13 death knights that rode out of the dark tower every 13 years and game started "it has been just shy of 12 years since the last assault" wasn't a bad bad day as much as a bad bad year and ahlf campaign
If this is a regular occurrence, why don't PCs have a preselected answer for it? Bad wizard! Bad, bad wizard. No cookie.
wait in what world do most of your encounters start more then 60ft away?
Everything that isn't a dungeon or an ambush. Are both the PCs and monsters nearsighted?
Cleric warlock sorcerer and bard are all full casters (and some of them can counterspell too) so again target melee characters without prof is the best.
I don't know how bane helps with saves, but in general I don't count on bless for every encounter.
Bane helps, or rather hinders, concentration saves, and if I'm fighting something that casts spells targeting my allies weak saves then Bless is an absolute must.

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For most of its run, 4e was making stupendous amounts of money from DDi even if it did not sell a single book.
Which, of course, is why they slashed the D&D staff to the bone over multiple rounds of layoffs, created a new edition, and shut down DDI. That's what big businesses do with things that make stupendous amounts of money.

(To be fair, DDI might have brought in quite a bit of revenue, and still been unprofitable to operate; technology is expensive. Particularly when you have to find developers who both know Silverlight and want to use it. But it was obviously not a cash cow.)

DCs are 10+spell level+ ability score though in 3E.
1 thing I think 5e got right (but also wrong) was taking spell level out. Resisting a 1st level spell should not be easier then a 9th level one by a master mage... after all the 1st level one he has spent more time mastering.

HOWEVER the part they got wrong is they left hold person and tasha's laugh (and others) as SoS/SoD spells at these low levels... if you target the right save you can take down high level threats with those 1st level spells.

1. If you are using updated monsters, then they are rarely using spell slots.
yes and no (I admit I didn't buy monster of the multiverse because we are about to edition change) my understanding is there are still spell casters... the one I have on hand is soth

so even if he didn't have spell slots he has spells (I do 100% get behind the special abilities like his cataclysmic fire and word of death not being spells per say though)
2. If they are using spell slots, then they can be countered.
yeah, again counterspell is a thing if your wizard didn't use his reaction AND had it preped.
3. If we aren't using up to date RAW, then why are we even having this conversation?
I mean the game in qustion WAS uptodate for its time, and we are like mostly useing playtest stuff right now but also playing around with the special abilitie things.
If this is a regular occurrence, why don't PCs have a preselected answer for it? Bad wizard! Bad, bad wizard. No cookie.
the first time it happened the casters were no help... the 2nd time we took a rest, plane shifted then scry then teleport then plane shifted back to rest again... so that time we DID have an answer it was just a bad one and took for ever.
Everything that isn't a dungeon or an ambush. Are both the PCs and monsters nearsighted?
no one is nearsighted but yelling 60ft or more is annoying so most encounters you approach to talk to see if they are a threat (at least in my experience) not withstanding obvious enemies, dungeons and ambushes I would say most out encounters start within 30-40ft with more being closer to melee not father.

Which, of course, is why they slashed the D&D staff to the bone over multiple rounds of layoffs, created a new edition, and shut down DDI. That's what big businesses do with things that make stupendous amounts of money.
the annual lay offs started long before 4e and they claimed (again believe it or not) that the goal was to bring the pathfinder players and OSR players back to modern D&D.

From what I understand (and IMO so no I don't have numbers) it didn't matter if 4e was selling and making money as longas they were not makign ALL the sales they could.
(To be fair, DDI might have brought in quite a bit of revenue, and still been unprofitable to operate; technology is expensive. Particularly when you have to find developers who both know Silverlight and want to use it. But it was obviously not a cash cow.)


That someone better
Which, of course, is why they slashed the D&D staff to the bone over multiple rounds of layoffs, created a new edition, and shut down DDI. That's what big businesses do with things that make stupendous amounts of money.

(To be fair, DDI might have brought in quite a bit of revenue, and still been unprofitable to operate; technology is expensive. Particularly when you have to find developers who both know Silverlight and want to use it. But it was obviously not a cash cow.)

For Corporations, just being profitable isn't enough sometimes as well.

I'm fairly positive that Hasbro had set certain ROI thresholds. And if their 'opportunity cost' thresholds were not met - they pull the plug based on the idea that they could make 'more money' investing in something else.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
HOWEVER the part they got wrong is they left hold person and tasha's laugh (and others) as SoS/SoD spells at these low levels... if you target the right save you can take down high level threats with those 1st level spells.
To me this is a feature. I see it as part of strategy preparing for the battle. If a team is well equipped they can punch above their weight. I am not saying level 1 newbs should be able to take out a full grown dragon; but an ogre that falls upon them? I like this and systems like PF2 make it impossible because of level. Not saying the math is perfect, I think it can be tweaked, but I don't like level invulnerability because its higher. YMMV.



hmmmm Stat divergence is a thing... Remember if you only have to worry about 3 stats and 3 saves (3e and 4e) keeping those less divergent themselves is usually far easier and in 5e you have twice as many stats and twice as many saves to keep shored up. And what seems like far fewer resources to do so.

No early in 3.0 we played it like late 2E. Most other groups I saw played it at a casual level.

Like that 3.0 was fine. Once you figure out how to break/cheese it the wheels fall off.

Playing 3E casually is the way to do it imho.

To me this is a feature.
not to me and my group. we have to make gentilment agreements not to prep spells that shut eachother down
I see it as part of strategy preparing for the battle. If a team is well equipped they can punch above their weight.
even without SOS 5e is great for pcS HITTING ABOVE THERE WEIGHT
I am not saying level 1 newbs should be able to take out a full grown dragon; but an ogre that falls upon them? I like this and systems like PF2 make it impossible because of level. Not saying the math is perfect, I think it can be tweaked, but I don't like level invulnerability because its higher. YMMV.
sorry jut have to agree to disagree

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