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House Medani Detection Office:The Lady in Blue (Updated 12-03-05)


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6. The Albino

As it turned out, Albus was Albus d’Lyrandar and he decided quickly. Moving as fast as possible, he led us to the main deck. Ruddy (whose name I never caught, but was ruddy skinned) played rearguard, firing bolts to discourage pursuers.Along the way we gathered a few stragglers from amongst the crew and passengers.

The main deck was not as chaotic as I thought it would be. Sailors were firing crossbows into the water off both the port and starboard sides of the ship. A few minor melees had formed beneath the main masts. There seemed to be a general scrum going on at the bow. Screams, cries in various languages filled the air; the dead were sprawled about.

Albus began shout, his voice barely carrying over the clamor.. “Into the rigging, get free the mainsail! Make ready to set sail. Move!” Ruddy sprinted off to collect sailors.

“CALIB!!!” I heard Dorbo’s voice and turned. Above on the upper deck of the castle, I saw Anvil. Or rather I should say three Anvils, magically induced, motioning for me. Bynara and Dorbo stood near him at the top of the stair, their attention fixed toward the stern of the vessel.

I ascended and Anvil turned to greet me. Corvo was back, now on his master’s shoulder. Bynara’s bowstring hummed as she released an arrow at another fishman climbing aboard.

“I feared you were dead as Galifar” said Anvil calmly, as if we were walking in the park. “But I saw you fall into the gallery. Most fortunate that.”

I nodded silently. Corpses of five sahaugin and two sailors littered the deck. A couple lay near Anvil’s feet; I also noticed Bynara had a slight wound. Things must have gotten hairy.

More sahaugin were climbing aboard.

“The ships getting out of here once the sails are ready.” I shouted, half explaining the situation.

Dorbo was partly hidden behind the rear mast firing his wand. “Bout time. They keep comin’ on.”

We spent the next few minutes, long ones, holding back the tide. Arrows, scorching rays, and magic missiles flew. I had no missile weapon and felt quite (understandably I thought) shy getting too close after all that had happened to me so far. But any sahuagin that got aboard alive I attended to. I even got a Bane spell off. Things were going well. We might survive after all.

Bynara let out a cry. “We’re moving!” I could feel the deck lurch, and turned to see Albus standing near the main mast. Sailors were crawling in the rigging- the mainsail had been loosed, others were working on the topsail. Albus stood with his hands upstretched giving the natural sea winds a little boost; the canvas filled and swelled.The Swiftsure began to move slowly away from her stationary sister.

A few sailors cheered. The fight still continued below, and I turned my attention back to the stern. I heard a great roar as I did.


Emerging at the rail was the biggest sahuagin I had yet seen. It stood nearly seven feet tall, with a huge head, and pale milky white skin. Unlike the others who had weapons, often strapped to their backs, this sahaugin had none. It didn’t look to need any either: it possessed four arms each ending with razor sharp claws.

Bynara fired an arrow as it appeared, missing. Dorbo struck it with a volley of magic missiles. The creature grunted as it set foot on the deck; it seemed to be more annoyed than hurt. It paused and flexed it appendages, roaring louder. I felt sort of impotent standing there with my sword. The creature looked strong and very angry. It noticed the vessel was moving, too.

I glanced at the Anvils as the mirror images faded away. Anvil was usually quite unflappable, or at least always appeared so, a trait I attributed to his inhuman appearance. Now, he bore a rather surprised expression on his metallic face. That wasn't a good sign.

The Albino spoke, its words in thick, hissing Common. “Alllll are the gift and ssssacrifice of the Devourer. Drowning giftssss to ussss. Ssssubmit and I ssshall be merciful.”

Damn the Devourer anyway. I wished I had a bow.
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The Albino (con't)

Olladra favors the brave...Olladra favors the brave....The ancient cants ran through my mind.

The Albino rushed Dorbo, obviously upset at his attack. It collided with the rear mast and swiped at him, barely missing the gnome’s red tinged scalp. Bynara reached to get another arrow. “Get out of the way, you fool.” she cursed. “Can’t you count how many arms its got?” Dorbo obeyed, backing away like a scurrying rat.

Olladra favors the brave.

I ran to Dorbo to cover his retreat, causing Bynara curse at me. "I'm trying to shoot this thing damn you!" I ignored By and slashed at the Albino . My blow was rather weak.

Bynara’s arrow struck the sahuagin in one of the arms. The Albino clawed at the projectile stuck in its body, quite unhappy. It growled in its language and looked in Bynara’s direction.

Anvil must have still been in shock, for his spell fizzled. Bynara nimbly tumbled to stay out of the range of the creature’s arms. Dorbo felt the top of his head to make sure his hair was still intact, and retreated too.

Olladra favors the foolish.

I let Dorbo retreat behind me. I placed a hand on him, and cast aid. The Albino was heading toward Byanra, she was still on the move.

Olladra look upon us fools.

The chase began across the blood stained deck. The sahuagin’s attention first was cast upon Bynara, whose arrows it must have viewed as an annoyance; most of her shots missed. Dorbo’s attacks with his wand then got its attention, and its talons finally caught up with him, slashing into the gnome’s back. I followed in a vain attempt to cut at the beast, but I was doing little damage. Im sure any spectator to the scene might have found it rather humorous. I didn’t.

Olladra, are you watching?

It was a stand off of sorts. The creature didn't do too much to hurt us, although I miscalculated on one go around and got clawed for my carelessness. For the most part, we stayed out of the creatures reach. But we weren't setting the world on fire either. Anvil’s grease slowed the Albino, but all we were doing was dancing with the creature.

I thought we may need help. But no sailors had come up to the top of the castle. They must have been busy; I was standing close to the ships wheel and it was unmanned. As it stood now, we were under sail, and no one was steering the Swiftsure.

The Albino was wounded, but looked to still have a lot of fight in it. I tried to think of a plan. Bynara looked frustrated, Dorbo tired and wounded, and Anvil, well he had a far away in his green eyes.

I attacked again and missed in my pursuit. I heard Anvil casting. Corvo flew off his master’s shoulder and headed toward the Albino.

Olladra aids our ill conceived plans, giving fortune to the fortuneless.

Corvo buzzed by the Albino’ head. The sahuagin arms swatted the air, but the small black bird zigged, zagged, and swooped. It cawed and with an outstretched talon struck the Albino’s head. Electricity crackled and surged through the Albino’s body. The shauagin roared, but instead of rage, it now howled in pain.

Bynara smelled blood. “Finish it!” The sahuagin staggered, and the air filled with the stench of burnt flesh. Arrows and magic missiles struck it. Inexplicably, the monster stood its ground; it made no attempt to retreat. Instead, it snapped its jaws and flailed violently at Corvo.

Olladra..... Somebody..

I moved to attack, shouting in desperation to see the deed done. I thrusted, and saw a dark blur in the corner of my eye. My blade sank deep into its flesh. The Albino ceased its howling and crashed to the deck.

I checked the stern and saw no more climbers. The Zephyr was now behind us; we were picking up speed. Dorbo limped to the ship’s wheel. I am sure he didnt know the first thing about steering a ship. Bynara put another arrow into the Albino, to make sure.

I watched Anvil, who stood over Corvo’s broken form. The bird was quite dead. In a way, it was kind of funny. I mean, four familiars in four years. But the raven had turned the tide for us.

Ruddy appeared at my side. “The sahuagin are retreating.” he said to me tiredly. “We’re underway, sir.”

I just nodded. “Thanks be .....,” I murmured, remembering the beginning of the old litany. But couldn’t you have watched the damn bird too?
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7. Home Sweet Home

Two and a half days later, with the sun high in a clear sky, the Swiftsure pulled around the headlands and we could see the city of Trolanport off to the north.

To be honest, I wasnt impressed. But then again, I was from Sharn.

We had spent the last two days recuperating and healing. Anvil was quiet, stoically so most of the time. Honora was fine; she had remained locked in her cabin during the attack. To pass time, I offered my services to the ship’s surgeon. There wernt too many wounded, but all told, the ship had lost 19 sailors, either in the fight or on the Zephyr.

The Swiftsure passed the Zilargo shipyards as we approached the docks; several galleons were in various stages of completion. The skyline of Trolanport looked downright provincial to me. The Tower of the Triumverate, which Dorbo pointed out to us, dominated the city. I could also see many large buildings dedicated to the various Houses.

Dorbo was estatic to be home, his chest was literally puffed with pride.“Look at her boy. Ain’t it beautiful?”

I shrugged. It was ok, I guess.

Bynara poked Dorbo in the back of the head. “The town's so small, we should find our target in a couple of hours. We might even trip over him getting off the boat!” She laughed wildly.

Anvil remained silent.

The Swiftsure came to a stop. A customs house stood on shore. Beyond I could see the canals and flooded streets of the city; small boats moved slowly down them. It was, well, quaint.

We prepared to disembark. Dorbo was droning on about the city's virtues to Honora when Albus d’Lyrandar approached. He carried a small box.

“Master d’Medani” he began most solemnly, “On behalf of House Lyrandar, I wish to thank you and your associates for your help in the defense of this vessel. Personally, sir, I also wish to thank you for helping me gain myself in a moment of hesitation. It would have been a grave dishonor for me to not act in a time of crisis.” He handed the box to Bynara.

We didnt open it there. It seemed impolite somehow. Albus was quite grateful however, he even told us to call upon him if we felt he ‘could be of service’. Something like that was always good to have in reserve.

We got our gear, and Dorbo led us through the dockside crowd. We needed to find a hotel and begin our search. I was glad to be back on land. We started to head for the nearest canal to grab a boat.

Bynara had to look in the box, however. She stopped by the Customs House, opened it and shrieked. “Pearls! Alot of them!” She danced a jig, much to the bemusement of the locals.

By the Customs House, we noticed a large crowd gathered outside of the building. They were all looking at something posted on the big glass window. I couldnt see. Bynara was still dancing. Dorbo stopped a young gnome with canary yellow hair and asked him. In Gnomish, I noticed.

“That? Didnt you hear?” he replied in Common. The boy looked at us with a sly grin. “Where you lot been? Someone stole an airship from its construction yard. The government and Lyrandar’s gone half crazy looking for it.”
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Express said:
I watched Anvil, who stood over Corvo’s broken form. The bird was quite dead. In a way, it was kind of funny. I mean, four familiars in four years. But the raven had turned the tide for us.

Ruddy appeared at my side. “The sahuagin are retreating.” he said to me tiredly. “We’re underway, sir.”

I just nodded. “Thanks be .....,” I murmured, remembering the beginning of the old litany. But couldn’t you have watched the damn bird too?

Wonderful. I especially enjoy the little bits of dry, almost Bogey-like humor you seem to toss in.

R.I.P. Corvo



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Home Sweet Home (con't)

(Thanks again for all the feedback everyone, more coming. Trying to make sense of my notes)

The impact of the airship theft to the locals became evident to us almost immediately; the customs officials were quite careful in checking our travel papers and identification. The gnomes were polite and friendly, but eyed us warily.

After finally recieving the official’s blessing, we passed away from the docks and crossed a red bridge. At a landing Dorbo hailed a small flat barge coming down a narrow canal. The craft was rowed by a gnome from the stern with a long oar. We piled in and Dorbo gave him direction, “To the Quayside Hotel.”

Trolanport was neat and orderly, clean. Considering its in a nation of gnomes, I guess thats to be expected. But it wasn't sterile, the city was colorful and many races walked the banks of the canals.

Odd thing to me, other than seeming empty compared to Sharn, the whole town just seemed to be sinking. So close to sea level, and on the coast with flooded streets, Trolanport looked like any moment it would disappear beneath the water.

The Quayside was near the center of town. It was a big white building, rather utilitarian looking. Inside it was full of halfling staff, and looked to be comfortable, if not luxurious. We noticed one wing of the building was sized differently than the rest of the building, to gnome/halfling scale.

Once in our rooms, we discussed our plan of attack. Redblock had sent Hennet to Trolanport to transport a crate of books to a book dealer named Gyger, who had paid a hefty sum for them. At the time, we thought this was an odd errand. Turns out Hennet was smuggling not transporting.

“The books by an artist, whatshisname, Orfis. Antique, collectors stuff,” Redblock had explained rather vaguely. Dorbo had laughed at the mention of the name, loudly and for a long time, until he was red in the face. Luckily Redblock was amused by Dorbo's guffawing.

Orfis, it turns out, was an artist from a century ago who specialized in pornographic woodcuts and racy prose. His books may have been collectors items, but the Zilargo government forbade their importation. I had to admit, Redblock was at least consistent.

We decided to question Gyger and if that didnt pan out, to check the taverns.We began to leave and Honora met us at the door. She had remained silent during our discussion, just listening. I noticed she was out of her travelling dress and was wearing a pale blue outfit of commoners clothes.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Bynara said icily.Anvil and Dorbo eyed Honora nervously; they recognized Bynara's tone. So did I.

Honora began to protest, and I stepped in. I didn’t think it was a good idea that she went with us. It took some doing but she relented.

In a way I felt quilty; she had heard us discussing her brother here and on the ship. Based on what Redblock had described, Hennet wasn't like she remembered him. I wouldn't have wanted to be left behind either.

“Just stay here, “ I posed it as a request, not a command “it may not be safe. We won’t be long.”

“Don’t need you in the way anyways,” shot Bynara.

It was time to go.
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Hey Express, I'd just like to say th at this is one of my favorite Story hours. All I bother to check out is this, Medallions and the DoD (PirateCat's updated story hour).

Oh and bring it on. This story hour has made me want to get into Eberron!

Voidrunner's Codex

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