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House Medani Detection Office:The Lady in Blue (Updated 12-03-05)

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8. Back in Black

"..get up Calib, wake up" A hissing voice entered my mind.

It was Bynara's.

I awoke and had to blink my eyes. It was dark, and for a moment I thought I was blindfolded, or perhaps I had gone blind. I struggled but soon realized my hands and feet were bound quite tight. I couldn't see anything.

I rolled onto my back. Giving up on my fruitless attempt at escape artistry, I moved slowly to right myself and sit up.

"What..where?" I asked, my words slurred. I had been laying face down. My face was numb.

Byanra brushed up against me. "Don't know. Probably a couple hours. I cant see anything-haven't heard anything either."

I nodded though no one could see. "The bookseller.. ooooh damn."

Bynara let out a low mocking laugh. "Yes. And next time Calib, how about we follow my plan of attack?"

I nodded silently in the darkness.
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I could hear By fuming in the dark. I ignored her and try to look around. Try as I might, I couldnt get my eyes to adjust. Magical darkness probably.

"You had to look at the scroll, didnt you?" came Bynaras whispered accusation.

I shrugged. It was pretty stupid. No doubt if Anvil ever found out he'd give me a severe lecture on the perils of looking at unknown papers, and artifacts.

"Well, since you are here, you probably looked at it too." It was the best defense I could muster. "And it wasn't the scroll, it was the brass inner case" I added weakly.

We fell silent. The case had proabably been trapped- or warded . We both had read the words on the metal scroll casing. 'Xoriat' was one the words, after that, well...

"I thought I was turned inside out before it knocked me out." Bynara whispered, her tone softening slightly.

I could only agree. It had been rather nasty. "Gyger begged us to leave it alone. We should have listened."

"Grrr" hissed Bynara, her soft tone disappearing. " and we had him too! If I see him again, Ill.."

I lay back. The dark was all around me. The room seemed empty but small. Cool and damp. Not unexpected since Trolanport was full of canals and water. As Bynara continued to growl, I closed my eyes and thought back on the last week, trying to calm myself to our current predicament.
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The plan, as I may have mentioned earlier, was to hit the taverns or hotels to see if Hennet had been seen by the locals. Gyger's bookshop would be checked too, to see if he had seen our target. Simple. Easy.

Of course, no one in town it seemed, had apparently seen Hennet. For a half elf that supposedly drank, he didnt frequent any bars. He didnt seem to have a room in any known hostelries. But he had to sleep somewhere.

"If he's still in town" Byanara remarked sarcastically after three days.

And Gyger's shop? Closed.

Gyger's shop was a real poser. The place was closed for days. It sat on a narrow street overlooking a old canal, sitting snugly amongst antique and curio shops. Gygers shop was almost ridiculously narrow like all the others on its canal/street. It also had second story that leaned out over the first, giving one the comical impression the whole thing was leaning froward ready to tumble into the canal.

Gyger's absence made me a little paranoid. However,the proproetor of the neighboring bric a brac shop, a rather elderly female gnome, informed us after a few casual inquiries that Gyger was a rather poor businessperson, prone to coming and going at odd hours. His shops hours of operation, she sniffed rather snobily, were "erratic." She also disliked Gygers physical appearance, giving us a very detailed verbal potrait of him. She used the word "greasy" quite a bit.

The only good side to this dearth of progress was that I got to spend time with Honora. We split up into smaller teams for the legwork as the days went on. At midday I was usually able to manipulate the others into going out, while I promenaded along the canals with Honora.

I find it difficult to describe Honora. Quite attractive obviously. But as I spent more time with her it seemed that she was somehow greater than the sum of her parts. Her eyes, hair the blue gowns she wore, that wasnt just it. There seemed to be an aura around her that somehow reduced my powers of observation and reasoning.

Honora and I sat on a bench on a corner near Gygers after five days in Trolanport. I was engaged in discussing Hennets trips to Zilargo in the past with her, while watching the bookshop. That was really just a facade, I was paying nearly all my attention to her.

"Of course Hennet always put on that his work for Breland was quite mundane." Her voice was like a choir. "I fear though that his duties were more dangerous than he ever put on."

I nodded. I had no idea what she was saying, really.

There was a rough tap on my shoulder. It was Bynara, her voice rather hard and cold. I didnt turn. I didnt care at the moment, looking at Honora.

"You should pay more attention. Its a good thing I came along."

I turned around, though I still didnt care.

"Gygers turned up. He's opening his shop now."

I looked. A greasy haired gnome of rather average height (for a gnome) in a brown suit was opening the shops front door. I cared now.

"WE should go." Byanra said rather pointedly.. "Anvil and Dorbo are checking out the travel aganecies to see if hes left town." Her gaze rested on Honora. "You should go back to the hotel."

I sighed. But I had to agree. Honora should go just in case. Now rather familair with our routine, she went with little protest and By (now happier) and I entered Gyger's Book Emporium.

The gnome was placing books down in a back room. We saw him through an open door. The shop was cramped with many shelves lining the walls and two book covered tables dominating the room. A small aisle more or less down the center of the room led toward the back. Very narrow stairs to the right led up toward a darkened upper floor.

The sun shone through the front window as the gnome came out to greet us. "Ahh yes, how may I help you?" He smiled a warm broad smile from under his greasy brown mop of hair.

Bynara handled a nearby book. "Are you Gyger?"

He was, he happily informed us. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" he asked trying to be helpful.

I took a step forward. "Not something, someone." I smiled trying to be non threatening. "Do you happen to know a half elf by the name of Hennet? Has he been here recently?"

The warm broad smile vanished. Silence.

"Who are you?" he asked. He looked nervous.

"Just someone looking for Hennet. Redblock sent us-he said that he had sent Hennet to you." I smiled bigger now.

"Redblock? Your not from... ?" He stopped talking. I thought I saw sweat froming on his forehead as he looked up at me.

Bynara groaned impatiently. "No, relax, we dont care what your business is here. We just want to know if Hennet has been through here lately." She scowled.

Scowling aside, By's words seemed to confuse him. Then he seemed to relax. "Of...of course, yes he, he was here. But I havent seen him for sometime."

I asked if he knew where he might have gone to. Gygyer smiled a greasy smile. He did. He thought he had written it down- in case he had work for Hennet. It was he said in his office.

I folded my arms quite happy as he padded back through the door. I could see Gyger at his desk opening drawers. I shot a rather superior look at Byanra who was slightly behind me. You need to work on your diplomacy was the unspoken message.

Bynara's look to me communicated something quite undiplomatic right back.

I turned just in time to see Gyger reach up to the wall next to his desk. He looked straight at me, and pulled on a low mounted light fixture.

And he disappeared into the floor.

Bynara and I collided in the doorway as we raced to the desk. Below us was an open trapdoor which revealed a chute sliding down into darkness. Damp air streamed up from above.

I started a curse but Bynara was already jumping feet first into the chute.

I closed my eyes and followed, again.
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I should have known better really. The nation of Zilargo is full of gnomes all dressed in big hats, outlandishly colored, garish clothes. Gyger wore drab brown, unusual for a Zil. I should have guessed something was up.

Bynara was waiting for me, looking unhappy. She was striking a sunrod, filling the dark space with illumination. She was also stooping, the room was gnome sized.

I landed amongst a pile of cloth stacks that formed a makeshift landing area. The only exit was gnome sized leading out into a darkened passage. Large enough for us to walk through stooping, we wouldnt break any speed records.

Ahead we saw a faint light moving away from us, it distance hard to gauge. By's hand went to her weapon as she started to move.

"Careful" I offered, "we dont want to kill him."

"If I bang my head on that corridor too many times," Byanara said already moving away, "Ill gut him like a fish."

We half duck walked as fast as we could in pursuit of the faint light. The corridor remained straight for perhaps 100 feet, then abruptly turned to the left. It emptied into a larger tunnel, a kind of roundish drainage tube. Ankle deep running water covered the tunnels floor.

Gyger was ahead not 30 feet away. He was fumbling with a key to a heavy metal door. Bynara ran at him quickly, splashing. I followed. "Gyger stop! We just want to talk!"

Dont hurt him too badly Bynara I thought as water splashed up my leg.

Gyger lunged quickly away from the door, his time up. By dived to tackle him but missed. As she sputtered to rise, the gnome feinted toward me. I took a position to block him and stop him from running down the other end of the tunnel. Gyger bandished his feeble little lantern like a weapon, but kept a distance.

"Wait, Bynara!" She ignored me and went for a tackle again. She got a hand on him, but the gnome managed to wriggle away. Gyger size was working to his advantage, and he kept away from me.

"We dont want to hurt you" I said trying to reason, "we just want to talk!" I could see anger growing on Bynara's face. She dropped the sunrod, and circled to get position and trap Gyger in a corner. She was going to shift, Id bet the farm on it.

"I dont have anything of value." Gyger said in a pleading voice. "I've done nothing wrong...and and I'll sell to Brody if he wants."


We were getting nowhere. I motioned for Bynara to hold. I cast Command. Gyger had no place to run, but began to dash like a wild animal. He dropped his lantern in the water.

But the spell succeded.

"Halt." Gyger did and Bynara grabbed up the gnome with an evil laugh.

He came to his senses soon enough. Bynara held him and I began to search him.

"Why'd you run? We just want to know about Hennet." I found a small keyring and, tucked rather akwardly in the suits outside coat pocket- a black scroll case.

"Nonono, please" Gyger pleaded "Ill give you money leave the scrolls, dont open it, dont rob me,no."

"Stop whimpering idiot" Bynara snarled, rapping him on the head with her knuckles.

Now of course when someone tells you not to touch something or look at something the opposite usually happens. I should know better. Here I am, a member of a House and a fine profession. I should have left it.

But did I? No.

"Leave it be, Calib." Bynara commanded, "give me a hand with this fish, lets go back upstairs."

I opened the case, nodding. There was an inner case made of brass. There were raised words shaped on the brass surface. It looked old and quite well crafted. The words looked painted in dark black. Despite myself I formed the words written there in my mind......

Bynara sniffed in the blackness next to me. "I might be able to get out of these bonds, its just rope. I wonder were we are?"

I didnt answer. Someone, somewhere on the other side of the darkness was opening a door.
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Light, to my surprise, leaked into our room as an unseen bolt slid free. So much for magical darkness. The doorway now was outlined and stood out amongst the black, and a small figure stood in the threshold.

But it wasn't Gyger-it was Dorbo.

"You!" exclaimed Bynara. "Where's Gyger? How..."

Dorbo laughed, the lantern in his hand quivering as he did so.

"Stop your blasted guffawing and get us out of here, blast you!" spat Bynara.

Dorbo wiped a tear from his eye. "Ahh I'm glad ya both in good shape, I am truly, but tha sight of ya..ya look like ah couple o trussed pheasants!" More laughter.

Bynara growled, and Dorbo produced a small knife from amongst one of the many pockets on his artificers vest. As he worked on our bonds Anvil appeared in the doorway. It was a regular reunion.

I made a half hearted attempt to rise. "Where's Gyger? Is there anyone out there? How did you get here?"

As it turned out, we owed or rescue to Honora. After getting shooed away by Byanara, she had lingered around a corner watching us enter from a safe distance. She stayed for well over an hour until she saw Gyger exit the shop and lock the door in a hurry. She scampered back to the Quayside hotel.

Unfortunately Anvil and Dorbo were still canvassing to find Hennet. From the look of Dorbo they had also done some shopping. He had a new set of tunic and trousers in a vibrant green I think is only native to Zilargo. The clothing possessed a weird black thread swirl pattern. Like looking at the stars, it grew more vibrant when you looked away from it. But most egregious was the wide broad brimmed hat he had acquired, green with a huge black feather.

"You look like a peacock, gnome." Bynara observed as her wrists were freed. Dorbo doffed his hat in manner befitting a courtier.

"We arrived back out our lodgings by dusk." Anvil said, continuing the story. "We found the lady Honora in a rather upset state. She related the situation, so we made our way here as quickly as we could."

"Aye, an' with tha door bolted there was na to do but break in. Twas risky, but we waited till night's dark an used a spell on tha front door. Luckily tha neighborhood was empty mostly. Quite a chance-most eyes in Zilargo would go straight to tha authorities quicker'n spit."

Night? We had lost track of time.

The two had searched the building. It was deserted. "With just one way out, an knowin Gyger's shady side business, was jus common sense ta look for a hidey hole. Took forever an had to use a scroll but we found it."

"Bill me," I said "go on".

"We wandered through some of tha tunnels," Dorbo explained as he adjusted his hat. "Got thru a big metal door easy with a nother scroll." Dorbo held up two fingers to emphasize his sacrifice to the cause. "Ran into a nasty mastiff and took care of him, an after that we found you."

Anything else?

Anvil looked at me mournfully. "Well yes, I suppose." he said in a deep but hesitant tone.

We were led into the tunnel. It was full of crumbling masonry and the ceiling sagged. I saw to our left an intersection of tunnels. To the right Dorbo motioned us to a dead end and to another room.

"Ya best look in here," he said, stepping out of the way.

By and I stood in the doorway. Beyond we observed a small litle storage room. One corner was full of stacked crates, books and sacks or various sizes. Most likely a pile of swag. A chair stood nearby. Bynara gasped. She actually gasped.

We both saw the face we had seen before in a potrait. Where before he had been youthful looking and vibrant, he now looked haggard. Still handsome,he had red rimmed eyes that no longer had a jaunty aspect to them- they now looked at us with a wild stare as if we were figments of his imagination.

"By the Traveller, Dorbo" Bynara gaped, "you two found Hennet."
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Hennet gazed at Bynara with a haunted look. "I know, I know, I know..so much I do not know yet...we must find, must find, must find.." His voice was creaky, unsteady and terrible to hear.

"Whats the matter with him?" I asked. "Was Gyger keeping him prisoner? Did he do something to him?"

Dorbo was already looking through the loot pile. "Dont seem tha he did. Tha door was'n locked an he wasnt tied up or anything." Dorbo looked over his shoulder. "But he wouldnt say anything tha made any sense ta us. His mind is just, well gone."

Bynara moved slowly to Hennet and sat upon the edge of the bed. She placed a hairy forearm tenderly on Hennet's shoulder. Hennet didnt react.

She can surprise you. Most of the time shes downright feral, sarcastic. Looks like she'd kick you then look at you. Then, all of a sundden, like with Hennet, shes a different person, comforting him like a mother hen.

"Xoriat" Bynara whispered, looking at Anvil. "We read that accursed word on a scroll Gyger had. Ive heard tales from the Eldeen druids-madness, twisted, terrible things. Do you think Gyger...?" She stopped speaking, her eyes full of pity of Hennet.

I filled Anvil and Dorbo about our end of the adventure in the tunnels. Anvil digested the story silently, his face grim. Dorbo continued to look through the pile of crates.

"Well, if he was dabblin in something nasty like that it aint here, m boy." Dorbo wheezed as he moved a crate. I went over to help him. "Lotsa illegal books and such, maybe a ledger. Heh, Gyger has a nice little racket goin' on here. He's got customers from here ta Korranberg." Dorbo shrugged. "Ahhh but he looks mostly small time."

Bynara stood, concern all over her face. "Forget that. We should get him out of here. We've accomplished what we were hired for.. lets just go."

I had to agree. There was no telling if the gnomish police wouid arrive to wisk us away to prison. Id heard about the Trust and they took a dim view of things like burgalry.

"Come on Hennet," By said tenderly" we're going to go. Your sister will be happy to see you. She sent us to find you." No reaction. "Understand? Your sister Honora was looking for you."

Hennet stiffened as he jerked away from Bynara. But the wildness, the crazy left his eyes, replaced by sadness.

"What do you mean?' he said calmly and slowly. "You are mistaken. My sister is dead."
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Oohh... Cliffhanger and Plot Twist in the same breath!

These are the signs of a good writer. Looks like I'm going to have to keep reading this from now on... :]


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Thanks for the feedback. I apologize for leaving in a lurch last year. RL and computer problems plagued me, but I should have left a note or something. At least having a cold and the holiday weekend give me time to catch up. Hopefully my idiosyncratic writing and terrible spelling wont drive anyone away :)

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