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House Medani Detection Office:The Lady in Blue (Updated 12-03-05)


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9. Of Mice and Men

I stood silent for a moment rubbing my left ear. I could feel the slight scar on my ear lobe. It was all but invisible but it was there.

When I was younger, before I was formally recognized by my House, the Baron thought it a good idea for me to be given a more elven appearance. A very talented magewright doctor was found and with his expert ministrations, I got a new pair of ears. Whenever I feel that scar, it always reminds me that things arent always as they seem.

"Hennet, what do you mean your sister is dead?" He regarded me now, calm. "Ive met Honora, spoken to her, you mean another sister, right?"

He shook his head, then lowered it. He refused to answer anymore questions, he just went back to the crazy eyed routine.

"Dorbo, you and Bynara find some rope. Unless you and Anvil found another way out we'll go up the chute." I looked at Hennet- he looked out of it. I wondered if he was acting. "We may have to carry him."

"Time to go." I steadied Hennet-he was shaky. We danced with him for several minutes while he mumbled to himself. "The Dhakkani Dragon. Its wings its eyes its breath. Together, together, together."

Again and again and again.

He was hard to manuever and uncooperative. Even with Anvil's strength, it was slow going. We hadnt even gotten out of the room. I leaned against a wall, frustrated.

"Perhaps it would be simpler if I rendered him unconscious" Anvil proffered, annoynace registering in his voice.

Before I could answer Bynara came running back down the tunnel. "We have company."

Dorbo scampered up behind Byanra. "Oh no! The Trust! I knew it! We were ratted out! We're sunk."

Bynara shook her head, "Don't think so, I saw one through the open trapdoor. Its a human."


EDIT: Attached a few minature "portraits" of our PCs. Some dont match up but are similar enough. Ill get around to char sheets someday


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"This just gets better and better, " I said as I turned to look over Hennet. "Whoever it is, being here at night probably means theyre up to no good." I shook Hennet but he still seemed insensible.

I looked at Bynara. "Please tell me our visitor is alone."

A shrug was my answer. "Now that we've got our package, better to be safe than sorry."

I had to agree. "Dorbo lead on. You've been through more of these tunnels than me or By. Anvil, pick up Hennet. Slug him if he resists. We'll straighten this out later. I hope there's another way out of here. Let's go."

Of course with Anvil lugging around a crazy half elf we went slow. By and Dorbo led and I trailed in the rear behind Anvil. I had no idea where we were, but did recognize one junction as being behind the metal door Gyger had tried to open. It was dark but luckily the tunnels were large enough for us to navigate standing up.

It seemed that Gyger had made his little hideaway in part of a deserted sewer of some kind. The tunnels were in poor condition, full of turns and mortared up dead ends. After several minutes of heading in a general downward direction, the sound of rushing water filled our ears. Here our tunnel joined into an open vaultlike room.

The room's walls were lined with sets of unmoving gears. Below us, down five steps, a waist deep trench carried water swiftly past us to our right. The water travelled down the center of the room and disappeared under an open sluice gate. Some 20 feet above and opposite us there was a railed ledge near the vaults high ceiling. An old rusty ladder connected the ledge to the trench.

Dorbo looked at Anvil, perplexed. Over the rush of the water he shouted. "Didnt come this way before. Might be a gravity pump station drainage thingee. Keeps the canals from overflowin, I'd reckon. Or somethin."

I frowned at Dorbo. "Its your town. Think it drains to the outside? Or maybe the ladder goes to the surface?"

Dorbo looked down at his lantern, blushing. "Technically Calib, I'm from Korranberg. I guess so. Eventually." He smiled.

Bynara pulled at my shoulder. I looked where she was pointing. A light could be seen moving on the ledge above. Ahead of the light a vast swarm of rats poured over the ledge's edge into the trench. The black furred rodents covered the wall as they splashed into the water, to be carried away by the current.

We ran back into the tunnel. But coming from the tunnel around one of the many corners we had turned came a new sound. Voices reverberated up toward us, barely audible amidst the rushing water.

Dorbo looked up at me. "Im guessin this a bad time ta tell ya I cant swim?"

No choice. We headed back toward the trench.

We all did, that is, except for Bynara.

"Im tired of running." She said in answer to my look. "We've been running, hiding, gotten tied up and generally been chasing our tails ever since we got this job. I'm going to get some answers."

I sighed. "We dont have time for this."

Bynara ignored that and went by me. "Dorbo, give an invisibility potion." Taking it, she pushed me. "Go on, I'll get a look at who's here. Ill join you. Dont worry- I wont stay long. GO!"

It was a command. I saw her shift. I wasnt going to argue.

I grabbed Dorbo. Anvil was already heading for the water. We dived in too.

The trench got deeper as it went toward the sluice gate. The current picked up and soon I could no longer touch the bottom. We cleared the gate and the flow entered a low ceilinged tunnel. Soon, other tunnels fed water into ours. And as more water flowed in, we began to pick up speed.

Dorbo yelped, a look of terror on his face as we passed through a logjam of rats bobbing on the surface of the water. As I tried to keep him afloat, he let go of the lantern and put a deathgrip on me. I struggled to keep from being drowned by the manic gnome, my mouth filling with rat flavored water.

Ahead Anvil floated unconcerned, despite that rats. With seeming ease, he held onto Hennet.

Luckily, the water level never completely filled the whole of the tunnel. And there were several bends in the passage that helped us slow our momentum. But loud clangs filled the tunnel as Anvil bounced off the walls. I was having trouble staying in the center of the tunnel as well.

My arms grew tired as I tried to keep Dorbo's head above the surface. Dorbo thrashed in my grasp. It seemed to go on forever. We were either going to get drowned or battered to death.

Then the ride stopped.

We collided with a large metal gate six feet tall. The impact took the wind out of me. Dorbo clung to my leg and I slowly realized the water was pulling him down. Grabbing a bar of the gate, I retrieved the gnome with my free hand. The water loudly swirled and foamed as it poured through the gate's bars and into a pool some ten feet below.

And I could see the night sky.

Anvil got my attention. Above there was a gap between the gate's bars and the top of the tunnel. We began to climb, both of us pulling our respective loads.

We squeezed through the gap, Anvil having the tightest fit. We half climbed, half fell over the opposite side falling with little grace into the eddyl below. The noise of the water subsided as we swam to the edge of the pool.

I looked up as I pulled Dorbo to the pool's bank. The night was dark and cloudy, the Ring faint in the sky. We had been ejected from an opening in the side a flat topped mound. A squat dark tower sat atop the mound. The rest of the pool was lined with trees and a canal ran away out of the pool. But we were outside. And it was quiet.

Anvil got to the edge first and rose to his feet, water pouring from his metal exterior. He silently scanned the area. "It would seem the area is not populated" he stated in low voice as he wrung out his tabard. I noticed his arm had been damaged.

Dorbo hauled himself onto the earth, breathing heavily. Hennet was along side him, looking no worse for wear, considering.

"I've lost..my hat." Dorbo moaned.

"And I my staff." Anvil added.

I looked back to the metal gate below the tower. That wasn't all we had lost. "C'mon Bynara. Where are you?"
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Long minutes passed. Anvil sat to allow Dorbo to repair his arm. Hennet sat nearby watching. The swim seemed to have sobered him up, for he sat quiet.

I had to do something. "Dorbo, when youre done get to the trees. If something happens at least we wont be sitiing out in the open." I adjusted my armor. "Im going to look around."

Dorbo nodded. "Dont worry m'boy. I'm sure she's alright."

I hustled up the slope of the mound, water squishing in my boots. Above the clouds parted to reveal Lharvion, the Eye. The superstituous thought this moon to be a baleful influence on the world. Its slitted pupil stared down at me as I crested the top. If I believed in such things, that couldn't be a good sign.

The tower's door was chained shut. Its windows darkened. No one was home.

On the other side of the mound sat Trolanport. The mound, the tower and the pool all sat on a small raised plateau. From the lights on the Tower of the Triumvrate I could guess we were still in the eastern part of the city. Though I couldnt see Gyger's street we couldnt be far from it. If our visitors figured out where the sewer emptied out to, it wouldnt take long for them to travel to here.

Above Lharvion seemed to blink as the clouds engulfed it again.

Damn shifters.

I scrambled back down the mound. I found the others in time to hear a splash in the pool.

Bynara swam to us. She emerged from the water, her wet mane of hair thick over her face.

"Did you satisfy your curiosity?" Anvil asked, gingerly moving his newly infused limb.

Bynara shook water from the matted patches of fur on her forearm. "Yes. And dont worry, they didnt see me." She grinned toothily.

Well? I witheld the urge to strangle her.

"Five of them. Four humans and a half orc. Theyre pros too. Can tell by the way they move. Well geared. Combined arms. Got a couple of big guys, an archer, a spellcaster, even a healer I think. They were quiet. I got real close though."

"Damn Bynara," Dorbo exploded "Did they see us?" He was ready to go. "Any idea who they are?"

By gave a playful shove to Dorbo nearly knocking him over. "Relax, I dont think they saw us."

Her face turned serious. "One of them had a real nice sword. Big. On his back. Gold, silver, jeweled. Had a crest on the hilt. Got a look at it."

My heart began to sink.

"Draggone. And a star. House Tharashk, I'm positive."

My heart sank.

"Bounty hunters.""
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10. Intermission

Stop me if youve heard this one before. A guy meets a girl. Girl has lost brother. Guy and friends look for brother. Along the way they encounter a hobgoblin dandy , a dwarven pimp, flesheating fishmen, and a greasy bookseller. They find the brother who, incidentaly, is crazy. There is also a possible problem with some bounty hunters but lets set that aside for a moment.

Did I mention the brother thinks his sister is dead?

Except for the the sister being dead or the alleged bounty hunters this would be a happy ending, right? Mission accomplished?

We made our way back to the Quayside by boat. We tried to avoid crowds, not hard to do so late at night. By had covered our tracks (literally so) at the pool. We all looked quite a sight in our damp gear. But the night was warm, which helped.

We did pass a member of the Trolanport constabulary. He graced us with a polite but lingering stare as if studying us for some impolitic movement to allow him to arrest us. Or maybe we just looked odd. But he tramped on, tipping his hat. Perhaps people fell into the canals all the time in Zilargo.

We had all agreed to say nothing of Hennets statement about Honor's being dead to her. Hennet was not right in the head, that was obvious. And call me cyncial-I wanted to see how their reunion would play out. Honora's aura ensarned me everytime I saw her, but business is business. And there were still some unanswered questions in my mind, loose threads.

Honora was waiting as we opened the door to our room. A look of relief washed across her face. Then she saw Hennet.

She rushed to him embracing him silently. Hennet reacted slowly, recognition finally crossing his face. Without a word, he slumped to Honora's feet, sobbing.

Honora comforted him then looked to us. "I cannot thank you enough, Calib. You..your associates..words cannot express." She fell silent, looking at me with a weepy smile.

Technically we had done the job. We could get paid now. I still had questions and not a few worries.

But it could wait until morning.
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I awoke the next morning to the sound of rain. Looking at the timepiece on the wall I could see it was nearly midday. I was hungover.

Last night or (earlier that day, depending on your view) the four of us had stayed up late drinking several bottles of the excellent Anduairian wine Honora had ordered by way of celebration. It was a subdued affair, but still a celebration.

She and Hennet had retired much earlier. Even though we had warned her of her brother's mental state, she had still been in fine, albeit, weepy spirits.

In the common room into which all our sleeping rooms joined, I heard the familar sounds of Dorbo's hammer.

At a table, the gnome was hammering out loose clasp on his vest. Various bottles, vials, and other miscellaneous pieces of his property was spread out in front of him. I pushed this deitrus out of my way and sat down, reaching for the bottle of Bluevine. I took a swig of the dregs. Dorbo didn't look up.

Anvil stood at the room's window, motionless, staring out at the rain as it speckled the glasspane. He likewise ignored me.

A new copy of the Korranberg Chronicle was lying amongst Dorbo's junk. Its headlines caught my eye:

No Leads in Theft of Experimental Airship
Lyrandar Captain Rumored Missing

I scanned the story for a moment. I was still being ignored. "Morning, gentlemen." Another swig. "Where's By? And Hennet?" I swiveled my head. "And Honora?."

Dorbo arched an eyebrow without looking at me. "Oh..out."

I put the bottle down with a bang."Out?! What do you mean? Why wasn't I wakened? Dorbo, we haven't collected yet." I was sort of sputtering. "Besides, its not safe. Did you forget we are the Warning Guild?-inquistion, detection and PROTECTION! This doesnt seem very protective to me." I was concerned, but not necessarily for the reasons that came out of my mouth.

"Settle down, boy. Its been a long mornin." Dorbo sighed, putting down his hammer. He wore an annoyed look he always got when his hammering was interrupted.

"They were all up early. Hennet was talking a bit more today..he's wasnt making much sense mind you. But it seems he was concerned bout somethin he left in a vault box. Got sorta agitated, an it took all of us ta keep him from boltin out tha door or hurtin himself. So By escorted em to the Kundark branch. It calmed him down. Besides, you were like tha dead in there. Don't think you woulda been of any use."

Confronted with this truth, I just stared. But I didnt have to like it.

"Now calm yourself. There's a Kundark branch is just round the corner. Anvil can see if from that window for Onatar's sake." Dorbo tossed a wadded piece of paper at me. "It seems that Hennet didnt have anything on him but this-" Scrawled upon it was a word I couldnt read.

"Draconic" Dorbo explained. "Its his vault security box keyword, or so he recollects. So they went to get it. And they havent been gone but a quarter of an hour."

"Ogre's teeth" I grunted, taking another swig. "Any idea what was so important that it couldnt wait?"

Anvil turned from the window. "A dragon."
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With that, the room's door opened. Brother, sister, and shifter entered, slightly damp. Hennet held a large parcel, squarish, wrapped in yellowed copies of the Chronicle, tied with twine.

Bynara's eyes met mine. "I see youre up."

Hennet placed the parcel down heavily on the table. Dorob's junk bounced slightly as the parcel landed with a thud.

"Its eyes," he muttered, "Its wings.it..its breath..Everything is so jumbled.but.....Honora trusts you...I..." He stooped and sank into a nearby chair.

We all gathered round. With eyes shining with gnomic delight, Dorbo cut the twine with his knife. He tore greedily at the paper. For a moment it seemed that that was all there was- old news.

I took another swig.

Finally Dorbos little hands pulled a dull black figurine from the tatters. It was a statue of a gaunt emaciated dragon, just under a foot high.

The dragon squatted on its rear legs, its atrophied wings pulled over its shoulders and back like a weird cape. Its front claws were tucked into its chest. It deep hollowed eyes sternly gazed at us over a long skeletal face.

"The Dhaakani Dragon," Hennet rasped from his chair. His eyes were seeing but not looking.


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This is fantastic. I stumbled across this gem the other day, and it engrossed me so much I completed it in one sitting (at work no less). You should listen to the other folks and seriously consider writing as a career.

You would definitely be one of the people I would plunk money down to read.

Please keep writing. I don't even want to speculate about this story, I just want to enjoy the writing/characters/pacing.

Okay one speculation --- Maltese Falcon?



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Thanks. I think the writing thing is a bit beyond me, but it is fun to try to piece together a game into a story narrative. The noir ish aspect is alot of fun to play in which is kind of the appeal of Eberron and its "magic as science vibe"- you can be a little more anachronistic than you can in say, Faerun.

As for the Maltese Falcon, that is a definate influence of the dragon, so good eye :) Our whole game idea going in was noir/ Indiana Jones type pulp action. Whether we can maintain that or that I can write it like that remains to be seen. Since D&D is fantasy some of that can only go so far.


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Anvil and Dorbo began an excited and detailed inspection of the figurine, as Bynara looked on distastefully. "Aren't dragons rumored to be noble looking or something? That thing looks grotesque."

"Is it ceramic?, no clay.... what is the best way to determine age? A few slight cracks, some stippling..." The artificer and wizard were completely absorbed in the dragon. There was talk of identifying and detecting.

"Heard of it?" I asked the pair. "The name, I mean. The Dhakaani Dragon." Both mumbled a negative response, their attention still firmly fixed on the figure.

I stood staring at Hennet. He looked worse than the day before. My mind went back to the word I had been avoiding since I read it: Xoriat. The Plane of Madness.

I'll admit it- I am no astronomer, no charter of cosmology. After all, I can barely handle this plane of reality. But like most people on the face of Eberron, I know a few things. Its cold in Risia. Dark in Mabar. And Xoriat is very, very bad.

"Hennet," I asked "Did Gyger do something to you? Did he have help?"

He looked at me, words formed in his mouth, but caught there. He struggled to form a response but none came. Hennet wasn't going to be much help.

"Hennet" It was Bynara, softly. She knelt by him placing her hand on his. "You said that Honora was dead. You see her, don't you? You know shes alive? What did you mean?"

Honora looked at me confused as Hennet began to stammer. "Yes, I know..I was confused before. Its all so jumbled, you see. Honora is here I can see that now. My sister is ..here."

Hennet was definately going to be no help at all. If we wanted to know anything we couldnt ask him. We would have to find out for ourselves.

I put down the wine bottle and began to concentrate,my hands and words moving together. Divine energy filled my body. I closed my eyes and imagined a cone of energy spilling forth toward Hennet. Anvil and Dorbo's chatter ceased. Honora stood by her brother, calming him, but Hennet didnt stir.

An aura appeared, then formed around Hennet. It was very strong and bright, but beyond knowing it was there, I couldnt determine anything. Except it was powerful. But having seen Hennet, one didnt need a spell to know that.

I sat down. Dorbo went silently back to his study of the figure. Honora became concerned. "What does that mean, exactly?"

"He is under the influence of magic, perhaps an enchantment, or a curse." Anvil answered, gravely. "We could seek aid at a Hospital, assuming the Healers Guild has someone of adequete skill in Trolanport. But the aura appeared to be most potent. And Trolanport is rather...small."

Dorbo glared at Anvil for that last remark. "Be that as it may," he said rather sullenly, "that's not th' only thing magical here. I've given this thingee th' once over. Its got magic properties, it does. Dont know what it does, but there ya go."

We all fell silent, thinking. Dorbo waited for a response to his announcement, then with a grunted hurmph began to search through the figures wrapping.

Honora broke the silence. "Master d'Medani" she began. "Calib." That was better, and I smiled.

"You have, all of you, rendered a great service to me and have of course completed your commission." She placed her hand on Hennet's shoulder. "However, from what I have gathered of the situation in Sharn, and given my brother's condition, I would ask to retain your company's service. I would ask for your protection until we may cure him, or if possible, to find the cause of Hennet's state."

To my surprise, Bynara answered for us. "Of course." Her face wore an expression of pity.

We decided to call for food to be brought up for lunch. By we, I mean everyone but Dorbo, who continued to fidget with the dragon while looking annoyed over his artificers skills being unappreciated and his nations capital denigrated. The service at the Quayside was quite good, and food quickly arrived, borne by a couple of livired halflings far too cheerful for the mood of the room.

Dorbo stopped us before we could clear the table to eat. Amongst the tatters of the Chronicle that covered the figure, he had discovered a wadded up letter. As he smoothed it out, deep fold lines and a broken seal of wax were revealed.

"That imprint is tha seal of Morgrave University," he informed us as he squinted at the paper.The address written on the paper was Hennets apartment in Sharn.
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