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House Medani Detection Office:The Lady in Blue (Updated 12-03-05)


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The letter was written in Draconic. It was dated from about four months ago. Anvil took it and read aloud, slowly :


I hope this letter shall be well recieved. I ask only that you put aside any acrimony that may have resulted from past quarrels. If I may be so bold, your old teacher requests a simple favor.

Please safeguard this crate, which, Onatar willing, the caravan drivers have not destroyed or lost. The workers the Finders Guild have secured are quite untrustworthy and the environment here is rather dangerous. My mind would just rest easier if it were safely out of the field.

I would of course normally send such items to my office and not bother you, but I feel I cannot leave this to Voren. He is an able scholar, but he has become rather unreasonable in recent months. I hope you would take this task as an honor, for there are few I could so entrust with items recovered from an ongoing excavation.

Though you may be weary of hearing my ramblings, I have reason to believe the figure is an actual representation of the Dhakaani Dragon. Its resting place was quite remote- a deep, natural cave. Twelve such figures- all identical to this one- populated the chamber. All the others had sustained varying degrees of damage, but the one in your possession was the most pristine. I simply had to secure it for further analysis. I needn't explain such things to you, of all people.

You will doubtless notice the second smaller sealed box. Please do not interpret this as a rebuke on your honor or as mistrust on my part. I merely wish to keep this item preserved from the elements.

While it may amount to nothing, what I have found here may shed new light on the Traitors. There will be much work to do when I get back. Much of my old findings will need to be reviewed. I shall need your cryptographic talents lad, so consider coming back to work with me.

My dear Hennet, I know that the war left a heavy shadow on your spirit. However, I feel, as I have said perhaps too strenously and too often, that your talents are wasted in idleness and mere observation of life around you. Travel and drink are fine things, but you have squandered too many years.

Please think seriously about my offer. Write if you can, but bear in mind my response may be slow. Given the remoteness of our location and the unpredictabilty of many of the clans in Darguun, I dont know when we shall be able to make back to Rhukaan Draal to meet the caravans.

You were my favorite pupil. Make an old man happy. I shall return in a perhaps two months, earlier if I can manage .


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10a. Better Living Through Planning

I stood staring at the letter as Anvil placed it back on the table. "This does establish that Guttman and Hennet knew each other." he mused. "And that Voren was associated with Guttman. I wonder how well Hennet knew Voren?"

And Koba, I thought. Someone knew Honora was in Sharn. Did Hennent know Koba too?

I sighed, my head full of names and faces. "Ask him. Good luck with that."

Anvil did ask Hennet. About Voren, Koba, dragoneyes, sealed boxes, Xoriat scrolls, and Gyger. He also asked him to name the capital of Thrane. The answer to all of these queries was labored silence.

Honora gathered Hennet. "I think he is tired. Perhaps if he tries to rest, he could answer." With a wan smile, she lead him to her bedroom.

We cleared the table to eat. Bynara gingerly took the Dragon and, draping a linen napkin over it, carried it to a corner. She placed the shrouded figure on the floor, and returned to the table, were she began to eat rather greedily. Anvil stood apart, and turned to the window to observe the rainfall.

"If we are to truly protect him," I began, "the wisest choice may be to return to Breland. We're away from home here, and we don't know our opposition."

Dorbo shook his head. "Well, as I see it, we've got a few things we can do here in Zilargo." he paused, stuffing a bit of roast beef in his mouth. "Like, there's alot of terms thats come up that I dont understand. Like that Dragon. Or the Traitors, or tha dragoneye or the..." Dorbo searched his vest to retrieve a note..." a ya, tha Maal’volar Duurgh’lum...." He shrugged. "I tried some research while we were coolin our heels here in town. But Ive found nothin."

Dorbo waggled his hand at the Dragon in the corner. "And that widget must be somethin. If Guttman was a Morgrave Professor he must known it was magic. Got ta be tied up in this too." Dorbo let a long moment pass, as if he forgot what we was talking about. Then with a twitch of an eyebrow he started again. "I'd like ta send a message to tha Korranberg Library, go straight to tha source and get some info. I still know a few people there, 'haps they can get the info quick, if we spend some extra coin."

He shot me with a conspiratorial look." Though I'd prefer to do tha research myself."

I shook my head at the last part of that. This wasnt the time for sidetrips.

"I knew we kept you around for some reason gnome." said Bynara, her mouth full of vegetables. "We shouldn't run, Calib, not if we can help," she added, as food dribbled down her chin. "Besides, it means more gold."

And just when I thought she was going soft on me.

I poked at my plate. "If we decide to stay and seek a cure for Hennet, we should check out the Healing Guild here. While I agree that they may not be able to help, it would nice to know whos after him. If his condition doesnt change, we arent going to get anything useful from him.Its worth a try, at least."

Anvil turned. "Yes. But I feel the scroll is important. In my opinion, the reference to Xoriat cannot be coincidince with Hennet's current situation, given that planes nefarious reputation. If we couldrecover that particular item, things may become less confusing."

Dorbo shook his head enthusiasically at the word 'scroll'.

I had collect myself. Anvil, as I may have mentioned before, is a creature of few words. This was the most he had said in several days. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"Gyger." Bynara interjected with a clank of utensil on plate. "That worm is tied up in this I'll bet. He did something to Hennet. With the scroll, or with that Finders Guild group, maybe. Wouldnt be surprised if he's mixed up with those city goblins back home. We should find him, and put a hurt on him till he talks." She went back to eating.

The vote was to stay. Unanimous even.

"Alright." I said standing."We''ll find the Hospital. All of us will go. Dorbo- send your message before we head out. I'll stow the figurine in my vault box. Then we'll try to retrieve the scroll. There is a chance that Gyger isnt a hundred miles away by now, I suppose. We can check the store again or try to locate his dwelling. If we cant get a handle on things very soon, I say we go back to Breland and regroup."

Bynara looked down at her now empty plate. "Retreat? Bah. We might get lucky. Lets draw some attention to ourselves and make whoever's behind this show themselves. I say we set Dorbo down naked in the middle of town as bait and see what bites. "

The room filled with the laughter of my group as I went to get my gear ready.
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Express said:
I dont know what you mean 12 or 13 has absolutely no meaning in Eberron :)
What? You seriously believe that? Unless you're being sarcastic... Alright, let's put it this way.


That's a pattern that resonates repeatedly in Eberron. Twelve planes surround Eberron... plus one that was blown off orbit. Twelve Dragonmarks... plus one that has been 'exterminated'. The two major patheons: The Soverign Host and The Dark Six. Count'em. There's fifteen gods in the divine 'family'... until you take into account the fact that The Shadow is Aureon's literal shadow (and therefore almost the same person), and that The Traveler has no connection to the rest of the family. There! That's a 12+1! *points an accusing finger at it* There are 12+1 different established powers for an Abberant Mark. If you squint hard, there is a 12+1 in the Thronehold Accords: it recognizes twelve nations, and number 12+1 would be dead, blasted Cyre. Heck, there are thirteen Dragonmarked Houses, except that two are really halves of one that have a 'disagreement' with each other.

You cannot deny the evidence! 12+1 exists! It cannot be kept a secr....

*notices shadowy assasins behind*



First Post
11. A Slight Detour

The plan was a litle weak, but we had all agreed on it. We explained to Honora. She looked tired but promised to stay locked in the room with her brother. I hadnt properly thanked her for her help back at Gyger's. Id have to remember to correct that.

Ideally, I would have taken Hennet to a Medani safe house. But the guild didnt have an outpost in Trolanport. I mean, Trolanport is the capital of Zialrgo, a center of trade and shipbuilding, and all that, but the gnomes here were so peaceful and industrious. If you wanted intrgiue, political, arcane or otherwise, Korranberg was the place to be.

Dorbo, of course, took forever to compose his message for the Library as the rest of us loitered in the lobby. Bynara didnt help matters by checking constantly on his progress. Absent mided and often slow in the best of situations, his progress was hampered by the intrusions of an impatient shifter at his elbow every two minutes. After what seemed to be an eternity, Dorbo scampered over. He looked irritated.

But after a quick stop at the Kundark branch to store the figurine, we were off.

It was still raining as we caught a boat. Now Zilargo was warm this time of year, as warm as it would have been back home. Hooded cloaks made for a hot,sticky, and uncomfortable ride. But they were necessary to keep the raindrops out. In addition, the boat was slow, and its gondolier not very skilled. Though the gondola had an awning, we were getting drenched. So therewe were, slow and wet.

The plan was to head to the north of town to the Hospital. But of course Dorbo had to pick at Bynara.

"Bah, I'll bet those fellas were naught but fellow pornographers. Maybe they was just' robbin tha place. You probably didnt even see tha Tharashk crest. Easy to make a mistake like that bein a Reacher and all. You haven't been in tha big city long enough to know th' difference."

Cue Bynara, irritated, wet. "What's got being from the Eldeen got to do with anything? Look, I was there gnome. Not ten feet away if a hundred. I saw it. I can idnetify crests. I didnt just fall out of the tree you know."

Anvil leaned over to Dorbo."It's not wise to upset a shifter." he whispered sagely.

Dorbo kept it up, ignoring the advice. "No no t'was most likely dark, too little light. Ya know what they say bout Reachers, cant see tha birds in the forests for the trees I guess."

I didnt understand the allusion, but assumed it was insulting. Dorbo was just plain enjoying the reaction he was getting from Bynara.

Cue Bynara, angrier. At the gondolier. The rain. At having her skills as scout insulted. "Listen you glorified file clerk. I could see fine. These guys werent just break in artists, and they knew what they were doing."

Dorbo kept a straight expression on his face and simply shrugged "If you say so." He responded in a condescending tone. A tone similar to one used on a naughty pet or small child.

Byanra, her face red, and the wet forelock of her hair hanging limply over her nose, whirled in her seat, causing the small boat to rock violently. "The Dagger take you, Fodderwig. If you doubt me, I'll show you."

With a growl she grabbed the lapel of the gondolier, a young freckled faced gnome.The poor creature froze in terror at not just being accosted, but accosted by a shifter.

"You- " she growled, shaking the poor gnome. "Where's the Tharashk outpost in this little burg?"

So,so, south" the gnome stammered. "its on Glittergold street. Just follow that canal south." he pointed at a large canal that was perpindicular to ours. "You cant miss it. Its not too far..Really!"

Byanra leapt from her seat, off the boat and onto the canal's landing. She turned and motioned to Dorbo. "Well come on. Lets go look. we'll see how good my eyesight really is."

Ahh professionalism..

With the graceful strides of a powerful cat, Bynara headed away south, ignoring our shouts and the rain . Throwing a few coins at the boat driver, we followed. No, make that chased.
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First Post
I so second that Express.

This story hour is what convinced me to 1. but the ECS and 2. run an eberron game. I've now got both up and running and loving it.

This is a truly entertaining and noir'ish read.

Keep at it cuz

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