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D&D 3E/3.5 How can I convert my 3.5e group to Pathfinder?

Thank you, Borders, for offering the one-day only 50% off coupon for any book. Why? Because I bought the "Pathfinder" core book with it. Yaaay!

Now, how do you suggest I get the rest of my 3.5e playing group to do the same?

The price is probably the main obstacle (which we can overcome with deals like this one from Borders), but after that they often cite concerns about 3rd-party publishing -- they even worry about Paizo products being unbalanced gamebreakers!

So how can I pitch this to them? "It's all the same as 3.5e, only better!" "It's new and shiny!" etc, etc.

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For price concerns check out d20pfsrd.com. All the rules for free.

Paizo is not a third party publisher of Pathfinder, they are THE publisher of Pathfinder using the 3.5e ruleset as a jumping point.

As for Paizo products being unbalanced gamebreakers I haven't seen anything they have published that would make them feel that way unless they have a problem with other classes catching up somewhat to the spell-chuckers.

I'd suggest showing them the d20pfsrd and have them look at converting their current 3.5 character to a Pathfinder character as a fun exercise so they can see they differences right there in front of them. My group did that and they were sold.


Price concerns are pretty easy to handle with Pathfinder. As already suggested, there is the PFSRD to help get quick access to the rules and such, though I still recommend the actual book - but the PFSRD provides a quick way to see the rules.

The books are also available in PDF from Paizo for $10. While not everyone enjoys reading their books in PDF format, it can be an attractive option at that pricepoint!

And as you said there are always ways to get coupons for the book or order from Amazon or something along that lines to keep the price down.

You don't have to use 3rd party material to play Pathfinder. You could start with just the core rulebook and be ready to go. Though once your players see the Advanced Players Guide they will be begging you to allow that as well! ;)

Pathfinder was a nice breath of fresh air from 3.5 for me. I liked the art, I like the company and they put out top notch modules.


Switchover quietly and subtly ... start by converting all the encounters in the next session ... then ask 'em, "Hey, do you want some extra feats, a ton of extra skill points, and a Combat Maneuver Defense score? Sure ya do! Here's how to get it..."

-The Gneech :cool:

Dark Mistress

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Shock collars, make them wear them. Then when they say anything bad or question things shock them. Eventually they learn.

Now if you don't want to use my prefered and might I add proven method. Then i suggest talking to them. If they like 3.5 edition. Then bring the book and show them some of the changes and highlight the parts you think are better or that would appeal to some of the your players. You know them well so you should know what would appeal to them.

With that you should be able to convince them to give the game a try while you run it. Then just don't screw the pooch when you run it and make it a fun interesting time and you should be set.


First Post
If you have a sorcerer in the group then let him/her read about the bloodlines.

Have them switch over to the combat modifiers from Pathfinder, grappling, tripping, etc. are nice and easy.

Explain that the more powerful base classes are set up to match the power levels of Prestige classes, so they don't need to switch classes.

The Auld Grump


If cost is an issue...

My old gaming group converted and they love it.

My interest was piqued so I looked at the prices and fell out of my chair.

Not wanting to spend that kind of money for a system I was unfamilliar with, I downloaded the PDF files from Paizo. (5$ +/-) Gave a quick read and was sold on the 3.5 rules revamp.

Now that I'm intrested, (but still a cheapskate) I'll be buying the other PDFs files and downloading into my portable bookreader.

If the game continues to be as enjoyable, the hardcover books will make it into the library, eventually.

Don't try to print the books at home on a pc printer. I't will cost WAY more in ink alone than the books themselves.
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Thank you, Borders, for offering the one-day only 50% off coupon for any book. Why? Because I bought the "Pathfinder" core book with it. Yaaay!

Now, how do you suggest I get the rest of my 3.5e playing group to do the same?

The price is probably the main obstacle (which we can overcome with deals like this one from Borders), but after that they often cite concerns about 3rd-party publishing -- they even worry about Paizo products being unbalanced gamebreakers!

So how can I pitch this to them? "It's all the same as 3.5e, only better!" "It's new and shiny!" etc, etc.

Are you the GM? Start running Pathfinder, let them know you'll help them convert their PCs whenever they feel like it.


First Post
Why switch? Hm...

You might want to play a Fighter, Paladin, Bard or Sorcerer. Or maybe a Ranger, Rogue... well, you get the idea. Oh, and being single-classed for 20 levels is not only viable, but damn tempting. :cool:

CMB/CMD, making combat manoeuvres more appealing.

A sleeker, more sane skill system.

You get more feats. Some feats have also been improved.

Plenty of little warts and wrinkles were dealt with.

It isn't a perfect RPG perhaps, but it is most definitely an improved 3.5.

Voidrunner's Codex

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