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How can we possibly get out of this one? (Updated with recent events)


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My D20 Modern GM has presented us with a seemingly lose-lose situation, but claims there are ways out of it we just aren't seeing, so I thought someone here might be able to help us out with a brilliant idea. The PCs are all 15th level in an Urban Arcana campaign:
- Matthew, Battlemind (Me)
- Sam, Arcane Arranger with a few Mage levels
- Kurtis, Mystic, as well as some combat Avanced Class I can't think of.
- Tim, Infiltrator and Shadow Chaser (or maybe it's Shadow Hunter)

We're all paranormal private investigators in Montreal in 2008. We also have the backing of a government-run organization handling all things paranormal named Department 47. They unfortunately have limited resources (whether it be funds, people or magic) and as a result we are their go-to people in the city. This was the very first session of both Tim the character and Tim's player. We had just finished introducing him as a new employee when a man enters our office. He makes it clear that he knows a lot about us and our loved ones (parents, friends, girlfriends). He works for a Mr. Ishimura, who wants us to accomplish 3 tasks, the first of which is to steal something from a military supplier. If we do not, the people we care about are all in danger. He also makes it clear that he's but a lawyer, unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and nothing can be gained from attacking him. Seething with rage, we ask for an hour to think about it.

The first thing we do is find out what we can about Mr. Ishimura, but come up short. Sam, on the phone with his contacts, rolls a Gather Information of 45, but still finds nothing. Department 47 hasn't heard of him, and neither have our Montreal Triad contacts (from a recent mob war). Assuming our loved ones may already be under surveillance, and that our office might be bugged, we don't call to warn them. Finally, we decide to go along with it until we can find a way out. When the lawyer comes back, however, he brings insurance: the severed pinky finger of our NPC secretary/journalist who had gone out to get coffee before the lawyer showed up the first time. They have her, and will cut off more parts if we don't play along, or even if we play along and fail.

He then shows us a video of what he wants us to steal: experimental body armor that is barely heavier than spandex, but can withstand a point blank shotgun blast, enhance the user's strength, is impervious to fire, and so on. We get a location and a 72 hour deadline. Kurtis has a Discern Lies ability, which allows for Sense Motive checks to know if someone is lying, so we know the lawyer's been nothing but truthful.

And then it goes from bad to worse. One of Sam's main contacts is the head of Lawson Industries, a company with more power than Microsoft. Mr. Lawson has always seemed like a good guy, he even provided some funding to hire new employees, but you get the impression Lawson Industries has their hands in everything. Sam informs Lawson of the situation, and finds out Ishimura wants us to steal from one of Lawson's facilities. We later have a friendly meeting with Lawson, where he informs us that security at his facility has been beefed up, the mole who had access to the armor testing footage has been caught but doesn't know who he was working for, and there's no way he's lending us the armor. He can, however, have replicas made for us, but Ishimura seems smart enough to have the authenticity of the armor tested at the drop-off, and such a test shouldn't be hard at all. He suggests we accept the loss of our employee to show Ishimura and everyone other evil organization that we don't bow down to such tactics.

So basically if we still wanted to steal the armor, it's now much more difficult, potentially impossible. And anyway if Lawson found the armor missing, who would he suspect? An NPC has suggested we go for the armor and while we're there frame someone else, but both Sam and I feel stealing the armor is no longer a reasonable course of action.

Thus, the question is, how can we save our NPC employee before she loses more body parts, take down Ishimura and his goons, and avoid making an enemy out of Lawson?

The best course of action we've thought of, which is still incredibly likely to fail, is to have replicas made with trackers, and test the armor ourselves before giving it to them, basically "faking it" and such. Then we play it by ear. Also, from his Mystic levels, Kurtis has a Command Humans ability, but its usefulness depends on how many bad guys are at the drop-off. We're all in favor of kicking in the door and busting heads, but we just don't know what door to kick in. As a player, I utterly despise such storylines where some BBEG has so much power the PCs have little choice but to play along. It just isn't fun to be controlled like this, so partially as a form of out-of-game protest, I had the idea of just going to the cops with our situation. Basically, make our problem their problem. They have way more manpower, after all.

And on a final note, the GM hinted that we have contacts we haven't thought of that can help us out. Certainly not me, but the other PCs have a bunch of which I'm not all aware. So anyone who suggests a course of action for us can assume we have any sort of contact.
Here, though, our are main contacts I can think of that I haven't already mentioned:
- Sam's girlfriend has recently become head of the Montreal Mafia. She's a good character who wants nothing to do with it, but instead of just stepping down is currently consolidating power in order to take the mob in a friendlier direction.
- Occult bookstore owner that provides for all our occult knowledge needs.
- Underground tech specialist for all our gizmo and gadget needs.
- Fortune teller for when we need healing.
- A department 47 agent we've worked with often, in case we need one extra person.
- A detective at the police department who I believe owes us a favor.
- A Yuan-Ti cult doing everything they can to summon their snake gods in order to take over the world. We've currently got a truce set up with them, because we like being alive.
- An intelligent undead of unkown type, but he looks like a zombie. He handles all of our office's finances.

Can anyone see a way out of this mess? Thanks in advance.
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The GM had an NPC suggest you steal the stuff and frame the bad guys. You could, y'know, steal the stuff and frame the bad guys.

I'll assume your GM's a good guy and is willing to let you come up with plans he doesn't expect. If he isn't flexible, then well, you're supposed to steal the stuff, regardless of how hard it is, and then you're supposed to do the other missions for the bad guys until the GM provides you with a clear avenue for success. You would need to mitigate the various dangers to your reputation that would result from performing the actions these bad guys demand, but I'm sure the adventure would be survivable.

If your GM's cool, though, and lets you screw with his plans, then you can think of ways to turn the tables on the villains. Most plans would require you to shake enemy surveillance, but with magic there have to be dozens of ways to do that. Once you have, you have lots of options.

You could find a way to abduct one of the bad guys (maybe switching bodies with him using magic), then counter-infiltrate their organization to find out who's in charge and see if it's possible to threaten them with death until your loved ones are safe, and then kill said main bad guy.

You could get some allies to figure out who is watching your loved ones, and then you arrange to have the bad guys watching your loved ones to be killed in a massive simultaneous strike.

I think you need to figure out how vulnerable the bad guys are. If they could get this suit themselves, they would, so there's a logic that says they're weaker than you. You could simply play chicken with them and say, 'If you harm the people we care about, we will systematically kill each and every one of you who had a hand in it.'

Maybe investigation hasn't turned up info about the villains, but why not go the occult route? You could speak with spirits or demon gods or whatever to find out who you're dealing with.

Good luck.


The trouble with a secret NPC is that someone, somewhere, knows who he is. Go on the internet and let his plans be known all over the web. Just before meeting with the bad guys, where you kill all but one and let the survivor deliver a message to Mr. Big (after bugging his clothes, of course). You aren't going to play ball. If anything happens to anyone on the list you will drop everything, hunt him down and kill him. Very slowly, and very, very painfully. Unless he's an idiot (or the GM is yanking your collective chain and he's so powerful he doesn't really need you at all and can kill all of you with little trouble) he'll back down. If nothing else, the GM should once he realizes that the campaign is going to go straight to hell if he doesn't.


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RangerWickett said:
Maybe investigation hasn't turned up info about the villains, but why not go the occult route? You could speak with spirits or demon gods or whatever to find out who you're dealing with.

This is my thought too. If mundane resources don't know anything about this Ishimura guy, maybe it's because he's off of their radar. You are paranormal investigators- maybe Ishimura's a paranormal foe?

I'd also be wondering what Ishimura might want that experimental battle armor for. You know he wants you to do three things for him, so presumably the battle armor plays a role in the other two, and isn't just so he can reverse-engineer it for himself and his flunkies. Maybe your contact at Department 47 or your tech specialist might be able to come up with some scenarios that the battle armor (there's only one suit of it, right?) would be especially useful for. At a guess, I'd imagine someone is supposed to wear it to break into some other type of facility to steal something else for Ishimura, but who knows. It doesn't seem like it would necessarily be useful for supernatural/paranormal threats, but if Ishimura himself is some kind of paranormal creature or servant of one, it may be that he is vulnerable to mundane weaponry and thus the battle armor would be useful.


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Good game! Here's my thoughts:

- See if the occultist or fortune teller can locate the secretary using the finger as a focii. Get the Infiltrator in as close as possible. Maybe disguised as a guard or something so you've got an inside guy
- Have the replica armour made. Fake the steal. Arrange a drop off point with Ishimura where he can test the armour. Say you'll only bring it on condition of a full exchange taking place. You want to see your secretary there, unharmed. Also ask him to bring all of the info he has on your loved ones. That must be destroyed as a part of your trade.
- Arrive early with Mafia stooges
- While they are triyng out the (rigged) armour - WAR!


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Showdown at the Drop Point

This could be fun if you're looking to bust heads.

1. Steal the armor

2. Tip off the mob that there's a new crime orginization (The Yakuza) run by a Mr. Ishimura that's going to be picking up this new fancy armor at the drop point. Your friend who runs the mafia seems to want to clean up the mob..so you may need to contact whomever her chief adversary is..that doesn't want to go that way. Alert them ahead of time and tell them to be ready to come in when you know where the drop point will be. If they don't believe you..just point them to the paper..where the article lists the stolent technology.

3. Do the same thing with your detective friend....

4. Do the same thing with the Yuan-ti..tell them there's a new cult in town and they're gearing up to get rid of the both of you, using this super armor.

5. Do the same thing with Lawson Tech.

6. Show up at the drop point..

7. When all hell breaks lose..make a run for the girl...I'd suggest wearing the armor and using the replica as a decoy.

8. Make sure to try and capture the driver or one of the people at the drop point. Mr. Ishimura may try to insulate himself by only giving people information when they need it. So make sure to grab their car or cell phones so you can pick up when he calls. Or..if you can interogate the next stop out of one of the goons then do that.

9. Follow the trail and pay this guy back 10 fold. You may have to burn some contacts to save your secretary, but make sure that word of your payback gets out on the streets.

In the end you may clear up some problems for your friends and keep your contacts...maybe you will maybe you won't. But in my opinion it's more important to save that girl and make people understand that you won't be trifled with than to play it safe and make sure all your contats still like you at the end of the day.

But if you manage to steal the armor without Lawson knowing it was you..then it may work out for you. All you were doing is tipping your contacts off..just like you'd want them to do for you.


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I don't know if you/the GM is familiar with Montreal/live there, or just using it as a semi-real background, but note that IRL, the mafia isn't really that big in Montreal, it's all about biker gangs, which are unaffiliated/at odds with the actual mafia. So that contact wouldn't help that much in this situation (of course that could be different in the game world).

That said, while they are against giving you the real armor (with good reason, I think), it seems to me that Lawson Industries would be really concerned about the plot, and would be willing to do more than just give you fakes/beef up the security, and would be willing to expand resources to go on the offensive to a pretty high degree against the group. Hence funds/personnel help/technological help shouldn't be an issue at all, within reason.

That should allow the passing of fakes to be easier, with pressure being made at the drop-off to force any testing to be minimal, ensuring the fakes pass mustard. Also, the fakes could simply be test-models that work just like the real ones, only for a couple days or something. I'd look into that.


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hello, i am one of the players (sam)...
the setting is not living montréal, but the gm's version of the near future.

there is two things in particular that were omitted form the original description.
the lawyer said that they were willing to negociate for the npc to be returned after the first job and the lawyer said that Mr hishimura was going to give us the third job in person.

i can see only two reasons for this:
1) to incite us to do the first missions by telling oursleves we'll do this and then kill him on the third mission meeting
2) hire us permaently

the qestion i ask myself is wether he asked us in particular to do the job because we are friends with the lawson boss or for a completly different reason? if it is the case then he chose us most likely to discredit us in front of lawson...

and now for guessing time:

i thnik hishimura is a fake name, and i also think the reason he needs us to do the job is because he doesn't want the organization he works with to be tied to that particular theft (kind of obvious).

my guess is he comes from within lawson industires... (and yes i am jumping to conclusions but more often than not i am rigth!)


First Post
Sounds like The Ususal Suspects, in which case Ishimura is one of the NPC's in disguise. Kill all the NPC's, and your problems are over.

My real advice is tell all to Lawson, and let him help you out. Maybe the whole thing in a loyalty test from him.


First Post
Does you GM have children? If he does, go for them.

Really, all you need to do is find one of the GM's relatives or loved ones, abduct them, and hold them in a "secure location". Send the GM the severed toe of one of these loved ones, and say that more pieces will go missing if the GM doesn't provide some sort of solution that will save your butts in game.

Works every time.

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