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D&D 5E How common is resurrection in your game?


(He, Him)
I'm curious how common resurrection is assumed to be. Out of every N deaths, how often can characters expect to be raised? Does it vary for you by tier?

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Rotten DM
All my games are "drop another quarter into a slot for an extra life!" Ok, if you can keep the body and get the gp raises are easy.

Dan Chernozub

First Post
In my homebrew setting adventurers are common and the population is aware of "tiers" of adventurers levels. Anyone above the apprentice tier (5+lvl adventurer or equivalent) can be raised by the government (indebting the person), however, the number of clerics who can do that is limited and they are can not be found in every hamlet. There is no person in the known world who can do True Ressurection, though.

No one ever dies in 5e. They just get knocked down to 0hp, and pop back up.
That's certainly been my observation, in running a game from 1-20.

Resurrection is practically unheard of in my setting, because there are only half a dozen spellcasters capable of performing the spell in the first place, and most of them are busy with politics.


Dances with Gnolls
It is pretty rare. Typically, unless the creature has some good connections, dead is dead. The same goes for PCs. I have seen a good number of characters die in my campaigns, and usually the players do not have the coin or know of someone who could cast a real resurrection spell.

Unless the PC's can cast it themselves, (almost) none.

I did allow one PC to be resurrected by the party by them getting support of an NPC because of meta-game reasons (young player, had tried another character, didn't like it, wanted to make a near identical character to the first that died).

Most of the time the party isn't high enough level to resurect themselves, and they are in the middle of nowhere and don't have teleport so can't get back to civilization (if their even was an NPC who could do it) in time to worry about it.


No resurrection ever in my game. I'd probably allow it if they were near a major city, but it would come with obligations. However whenever anyone dies in my game the rest of the party are always too busy fleeing for their lives to be able to collect the corpse.


My campaign is based on norse mythology where even gods can die, so almost never.

There is a short grace period before the soul goes on to it's final resting place, so Revivify still works. In theory you might be able to cast Raise Dead on someone for a short period of time (hours or days) but it's never come up.

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