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D&D 5E How did you fare against Venomfang the Young Green Dragon Lost Mine of Phandelver?

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I ran LMoP twice. Both groups were warned by druid before going to the tower.

First group (rogue, cleric, barbarian, wizard and 2 paladins) managed to bring dragon down to half hp and flew off, but only the barbarian was only one left standing. The wizard was dead and everyone else was unconscious.

Second group that conflict was end of campaign and I had new player play as the druid. Group consisted of pre-gens, but rogue had died at Cragmaw Castle. The party did bring dragon down to half hp and it flew off. I remember wizard and druid dropped unconscious after both failed save for dragon's breath attack round one, the noble-fighter and cleric dropped when breath weapon recharged on round 2. The folk-hero had armor of resistance for first breath weapon and maneuvered to spot avoid damage for second. He was able to land blows that forced dragon to fly off.


Oh man, we just went through this.

The party was a ranged-attack Halfling Champion Fighter, Human Cleric of Life, Elvish Thief Rogue, Human Evoker Wizard and melee-based Human Champion Fighter, all 4th level, and an Elf Evoker Wizard, 3rd level. They went to Thundertree to look for Mirna's necklace. The first day there they killed some zombies and twig blights, and met Reidoth, who offered them a place to stay and warned them about the dragon and the cultists. They long rested at Reidoth's cottage, but when they awoke he was gone. They made their way eastward, staying in the south part of town to avoid the dragon, looking through each building for the necklace. They killed some zombies, killed some spiders, and then came across Reidoth's body, apparently killed by poison gas. They found the cultists' cottage, and were able to determine they were inside through some careful scouting.

All this time, I was making random encounter rolls. An 18-20 would mean the dragon took flight to look for food.

The party split in half to cover both doors of the cottage; Halfling Fighter, Elf Mage and Thief at the north, Human Fighter, Cleric, and Human Wizard at the south. Then they pounded on the north entrance. When one of the cultists tried to sneak out the south entrance to spy on whoever was pounding on the door, they came face to face with the Human Fighter, and it was on! The battle went pretty heavy in the PCs favor, since they were 4th level. Just as they almost had things wrapped up, I rolled a random encounter: natural 20. The dragon roared and appeared to perch on the tower.

At this point the PCs were thinking, Get in the house! The group at the south entrance killed off the remaining cultists there, and began running inside the house on their turns. Three cultists were still holding the north entrance shut, although they'd pulled the thief into the building through the window. The Elf Mage Magic Missile-d the cultist grappling the thief, killing him. The thief then quickly dispatched another. The Halfling fighter tried forcing the door open, but the remaining cultist held it tight. Venomfang took flight and headed for the house. On the Elf Mage's turn, she jumped through the window (barrelling over the Thief in the process). The Thief got up and dispatched the last cultist. On the Halfling Fighter's turn, he had a choice: try the door again (he didn't know the cultist holding it had been killed), try jumping through the window, or trying to hide in some other ruins.

Had he jumped into the window, or forced the door, probably nothing further would have happened. Safely ensconced in the house, the party would have kept quiet while the dragon flew elsewhere to look for food. Perhaps they would have had the opportunity to raid its lair. Instead, the halfling made for the nearest ruin and attempted to hide in a tree there. He rolled a natural 1 for Stealth. Venomfang arrived on the scene and immediately perceived him. He alighted on the tree in an attempt to grapple the halfling and take him back to his lair. STR vs DEX contest. The halfling rolled a total of 5, to the groans of the party. Venomfang rolled...a 1, for a total of 5. With a tie result, the grapple continued, with neither Venomfang getting a firm grip, nor the halfling escaping cleanly. But this was actually a good thing, because it spread the party out.

The Human Fighter, always spoiling for a fight, ran out the building and up to where they were. The others began taking shots at the dragon from the house windows, steadily wearing it down. On the halfling's turn, he made a clean getaway, so the dragon turned towards the house, went up to the window and let fly the breath weapon. Most of the party had already moved from that window, but the Elf Mage was still hiding in the room. She failed the save, and went down. By RAW she'd be perma-dead, but my houserule is that if you take more than double HP, you start making death saves with two failures. Then the dragon turned his attention back to the human fighter. While that was going down, the cleric used Spare the Dying on the Elf. The others continued taking shots at the dragon.

The dragon hit the fighter with its bite-claw-claw: hit-hit-critical. The Human Fighter went down. His turn was next, and he immediately failed a death save. Another round from the rest of the party, and the dragon was just a couple hits away from half-HP. On its next turn, it grabbed the unconscious, dying fighter, and took to the air, heading to its lair. The race was on! On his next turn, the fighter rolled a death save, and rolled a 20. I don't know how he does it, but he does it a lot. However, his attempts at attacks were for naught. The dragon made it to its lair, where it let go of the fighter and him with another bite-claw-claw. Again the fighter went down. The rest of the party arrived shortly after, and burst in...just as the dragon's breath weapon recharged.

The party quickly went to work: the Cleric dove down to the Fighter and did Spare the Dying. The Human Mage, all out of spells, took his Staff of Defense and stepped to the Wu against the dragon, earning Inspiration. Thief attacked, and ranged-fighter attacked. Together they knocked Venomfang down below half-way, so he took flight. At the top of the tower, though, as a parting shot, he breathed poison gas again, and took off. Since it was a 30 foot cloud from a 40 foot height, I said it was half-damage, save for none. Everyone but the thief saved, so the thief, already hurt, dropped. Not a problem, though, since the Cleric was still up and could stabilize her.

The party is currently taking a short rest, and waiting for their downed comrades to wake up again, before heading for Reidoth's place again to take a long rest. They also want to make sure the dragon is gone before they head out into the open, looking for the Elf Mage, who's stable but still unconscious in the cultists' cottage.

Mull Ponders

I've run two different parties at Venomfang, all experienced players. Both encounters happened at 3rd level.

One party dealt with the cultists separately, a short bloody fight. Then the tackled Venomfang the next day. They got in a large alpha strike with the scroll of fireball from Glasstaff's chest, trying to force Venomfang into the open (they succeeded but nuked some of the treasure). The party was spread out so no breath weapon could get more than one person, and some of the party had corners of buildings, etc. to use for cover. They quickly got him down to half hit points without taking a lot of damage. I play Dragons as cowards, seeing none of the attackers down and reaching half hit points, Venomfang bolted to the north. The party didn't have nearly enough firepower to bring him down before he was out of range.

The second party also took out the cultists on a separate day. There was a hilarious fight, with the local Druid and the party's Circle of the Moon Druid sneaking down the chimney as squirrels to spy on the cultists. The rest of the party (using the squirrel intel) then lured the one fanatical cultist out with the illusion that Venomfang had landed near the window he was looking out (the illusion was just of the tail section, sticking out past the corner of the next building.) Fanatic doesn't last a round. Then the Circle of the Moon Druid uses her last shapeshift to turn into a large Dire Wolf (in that tiny cabin) happily munching the non-fanatical cultists until they surrender. I portrayed everyone but the fanatic as basically farmers who were payed more than they would normally see in a year to follow this guy, wear a funny mask and keep him out of trouble if possible.

The second party now had a potion of flying from the cultist. Next day they improvised their own alpha strike, with flying, dropping a keg of alcohol, then igniting it with a firebolt. Venomfang erupts, tangles with the party druid, knocking her out of wildshape with a breath weapon (she shifts back into wolf before she dies), then the Paladin in the party takes the dragon on for a couple of rounds, eats another breath weapon but saves. The rest of the party is peppering the dragon with arrows , eldrich bolts, firebolts, basically anything they have for four rounds. At which point Venomfang is finally at half hit points, seeing no one down, the dragon leaves. And this party also loses some of the loot.


First Post
The dragon killed our druid. Mind you, he was asking for it...
Player dropped out the following week.
But we had a great campaign to the very end of the two hardbacks

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First Post
Started LmoP in early October, after me and some friends decided we should finally try out D&D. Using the premade chars (Cleric, Rogue, Human Fighter-Noble ) the party (me DM-ing) has so far rescued Sildar, chased off/murdered the redbrands and befriended Droop and gotten to know quite a few townsfolk by name, helped out a dwarf working with Halia Thornton with a small loan so he can gather some friends to try and rebuild Conyberry and various other stuff. And then they went to Thundertree, because they heard about the druid....

With everyone at lvl 3, they felt terrified by the dragon, and listened well to the druids advice to not mess around with it :erm: Nope, they figured that of course they were mucho smarter than the dragon, and figured they would lure the cultists in as a sacrifice to Ye mightiest of lizards to gain its trust, and then tell it about the Cragmaw Hideout which suuuuurely would be a better lair for someone as groovy as Venomfang.
Cut to the end of the session, where the PCs not only have made a deal with Venomfang to come back in a week with lots of gold for the hoard, but also put Phandalin in danger since VF threatened to attack the small town if the PCs didn`t hold up their end of the bargain. The players felt really bad about it, but also understood that their actions has consequences beyond what they know from videogames.

I`ll try and find a way to get the chars to discover the mine - probably by using the druid - and have them use the spellforge - in order to have a better chance against the dragon. They`ve also talked to people in town about how "they`ve learned that the dragon plans on attacking the town" and rallied some of the townsfolk into helping them. From my point of view, it would seem a more fitting end to the campaign to have the players help the town remove the threat of the dragon, than to slap around some wannabe-wizard no one has really heard about. It`s called Dungeons & Dragons after all, not Dungeons & Drows.

Klaudius Rex

I DMed Lost Mines almost two years ago and my group had a blast!

I remember my group kicking down the door to Venomfang, completely disturbing the green dragon from his slumber. In exchange for not eating them up for dinner, Venomfang asked the group to bring him a particularly annoying member from the Cult of the Dragon, someone who failed to convince Venomfang that he should die with the promise of becoming a dracolich. At that time, I was trying to connect Hoard of the Dragon Queen as a sequel to LMoP. That set off my plot hook for the Cult of the Dragon to be the recurring villains that HotDQ presented them as such.

As a side note: I find the Cult of the Dragon completely one of the best, and most laughable factions in the Forgotten Realms. They remind me of magic school dropouts fanatical about a (misinterpreted) prophecy. They remind me of high school geeks from the "Trenchcoat Mafia" who were responsible for the Columbine School Shooting years ago. I also think about Pearl Jam's song "Jeremy" whenever I think about this group of misfits. They literally go around the world trying to convince dragons to straight up die. In my version of the Realms, sometimes the dracolich ritual works out, but other times, it fails miserably, and the dragon actually dies due to the suboptimal magic talent of some of the Cult members. Other times, Cult members outright just get eaten alive by the dragons they are trying to convince. Given all these impressions, it takes a real nut case to join the Cult of the Dragon.


After the PCs fought some other monsters (giant spiders, iirc) and used spells like Thunderwave that got the dragon's attention it decided to come investigate and hit the tougher looking NPCs with a breath weapon to weaken them

Arcane Trickster halfling spotted it and hide then cast Tasha's Hideous laughter. as it flew over her. Venomfang failed its save fell to the ground and failed it again for 3 rounds and took quite a beating so it fled back to its tower. The paladin is a noble whose family used to rule Thundertree. He was offended that an evil wyrm would defile his ancestral home so he charged in and was promptly dropped by a breath attack and had to be rescued by the rest of the party.

Voidrunner's Codex

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