How do Dagger-based sorcerers work?


I'm playing one next campaign(as you may have seen from older threads) and trying to figure it out. I suppose on a really elementary level, the Dagger shoots the magic(lightning in this case). Either through the blade, or some magic bauble on the bottom. Another idea I had which goes with the wilder sort of feel sorcerers have is that they hold the dagger in one hand, and zap stuff with the other. It looks cool, but what if you're a Dual Implement Spellcaster? That plan goes out the window.

So I was considering since I wanted my next character to have a bit of a Gunslinger vibe to do something a bit different. My backup character idea was a sort of Wynonna Earp style dealy, an Avenger smiting undead with the use of a Gun-shaped implement. However a sorcerer might be a better base for that(there's an item set to turn lightning into radiant damage) since you get more ranged attacks.

My character's of somewhat "middle eastern" heritage(her mom's mostly Calishite) so I was going to go with a Jambiya type dagger, which works really well especially since they're often adorned with gems. But the handles also look like they'd work really well for a steampunky/magipunky gun.

The blade needs to be curved but this would be a cool start:


Some Jambiyas:



I like the gems on the last one a lot but obviously it's not very gun-like!

Anyway what solutions do people have for this?


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The sorcerer in my game is dual-implement staff/dagger. Mostly I envisage the magic blasting out of his staff. He generally uses the magic only for his melee at-will (Ensorcelled Blade?) and then I imagine the blade coruscating with energy, sort-of X-Men style.


A jambiya looks like a spider's fang, so I imagine it being kind of like that, a Spider's bite, but with electricity instead of poison.

Is there a 4E feat to add immobilise effects I wonder? That'd be neat.

Mechanically the powers and feats work they way they say they do.

Stylistically they can work however you want them to work. If you want to say the power emanates from the hilt of the dagger, swirls around, glitters, turns purple, and then strikes the target at light speed -- sure, go for it. As long as you and others at the table know what you're talking about, it's all good.

For Dual Implement Spellcasters, maybe you touch your implements together and that's what gives you the bonus. Or maybe you just hold out two implements at the same time (one in each hand) and that gives you extra mojo (like Sauruman vs. Gandalf in the movie version of Fellowship of the Ring). Again, flavor it however you want.

= = =


Sorcerers have a few powers that immobilize (list below).
Name Class Level Action Type Source
Elemental Escalation (Earth) Sorcerer Free Heroes of the Elemental Chaos
Chromatic Orb Sorcerer 1 Standard Player's Handbook 2
Spectral Claw Sorcerer 3 Standard Player's Handbook 2
Pinning Darts Sorcerer 5 Standard Dragon Magazine 386
Thunder Bomb Sorcerer 7 Standard Arcane Power
Jaws of the Earth Sorcerer 13 Standard Player's Handbook 2
Day and Night Sorcerer 15 Standard Arcane Power
Prismatic Lightning Sorcerer 15 Standard Arcane Power
Split Strike Sorcerer 19 Standard Player's Handbook 2
Moonstruck Sorcerer 27 Standard Arcane Power


Yeah, I just wanted to add a paralysing effect to the stab, almost like it was some sort of neuro-toxin. Would need to look at weapons/feats.

There are magic weapons that can apply immobilized. Most of them suck, but...

  • Pinning (2+) - as a Daily
  • Skewering (3+) - Daily, pick/spear only
  • Goring (4+) - Daily, pick/spear only
  • Submission (5+) - Daily
  • Spiderkissed (7+) - Daily and target has to fail a save
  • Frost Brand (8+, Rare) - Encounter blast 3, immo (s.e.)
  • Cold Iron (8+) - Daily
  • Vitality Drinking (10+) - Daily
  • Paralyzing (13+) - Daily
  • Scorpion Tail Blade (13+) - Daily
So buy a bunch of Pinning Daggers, use one, drop it, Quickdraw another... (that's a joke).

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