D&D 5E How do I run a zombie horde?


Kinder reader Inflection wanted
I would use 3 rules similar to zombicide for moving them.

1. Zombies dumb and simply attack if they can, anything but other zombies in range.

2. Zombies are dead and perhaps semi-blind so they move toward the loudest enemies first then bright lights/movement, then heat, and then smell within 20ft. That means casters using verbal components or casting spells with that make light (lighting bolt, Fireball, Firebolt, etc will usually be zombies first targets at range because they are making noise. I would give players an "aggro point" each time the speak (including spell verbal components and screaming in pain), move more than 15 foot in a turn, have any light effect, have or cause any heat the size if heat determining its reach, and one for smell (so they always have one). The "aggro points" reset at the start of the players round, and keep adding until the start of their next round. Then zombies will head for sound and bright lights out side of 20ft, then add up all inside 20ft to see who they chase. So they will sometimes pass a player to attack another louder player they can attack in the same turn but if they can't reach a player they will peruse the next player within 20ft they can attack. If they are already attacking a player see rule #1.

3. Enemies do can't "hide" with 20ft of a zombie or gain advantage on attacks as on zombies for being hidden since zombies do not respond differently to hidden or unhidden enemies and if your the only player in 20ft they smell you and attack.

---Then I would build my encounter by adding all the parties character levels together then roll 2 dice equal to aor larger than the highest level characters level. The first D10 -1 reduces the number of zombies by total, the second D10 +1 adds the zombie total. Party of lvl8, lvl7, lvl8, lvl9 (total levels=31), First roll (1d10-1, 4-1, 3) =28 , Second roll (1d10+1, 9+1, 10) = 38 zombies

Pick a point for the horde to walk through, roll 1d20 to see how many you add to the board each round until you hit your number, and wish the players luck. That's my thought anyway.
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IMO with only 50 zombies the best way to run this is to use the normal rules, but roll all attacks vs each PC at once (say 4 d20s), use average damage, and design the zombies without the CON save to not die attribute in the 5e MM, since this slows down combat a lot. The 1e AD&D zombie works great - weak AC, good hp, decent damage, slow & always loses initiative.

I would use a shotgun to make them run...

I would use zombie swarms and like the engulf idea.

I would just add that an area spell that does enogh damage to kill an individual zombie kills them at once.

The save versus death mechanic seems appropriate to allow a few zombies to get back on their feet though. You can roll all dice at once.

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