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How do you tell a fellow player he can't pick a particular feat for his PC?

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
First you get everyone lined up, including Feat Waster. Then you address the group . . .

"Would everyone in the group allowed to take the Acrobatic Feat at 3rd level please step forward.


Naw, you gotta let people run their own characters, even if it isn't how you or anyone else you know would do so.

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First Post
Tell him he can't take the feat? You don't. It's not your character. You don't get to make the call, nor does anybody else.

You can suggest he take another feat, and present your opinion that he may be making some poor choices with how he's developing his character, but in the end its his character. Not yours, not the group's.

Saying oh he's making poor choices and it's affecting the group and we're all going to die because he chose Acrobatic over Spell Focus or Craft Fabulous Hat - please. If you're grinding your teeth over piddly crap like not making optimal character choices, maybe you need to step away from the table for a while.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Indeed joking about wasted feats is better than the alternative.

But stupid selfish people need to be shot.


First Post
Flexor the Mighty! said:
The players I DM for would eventually kick the character from the party if they were unable to carry the load in battle due to horrid character choices.
Mine too.

Flexor the Mighty! said:
Of course first they would probably ask him what heck he was thinking taking such lame options in the first place, then make fun of the character, then the player.
These, on the other hand, are the sort of players I boot from my table for being pricks. You want to handle IC choices IC? Okay by me. You want to handle IC choices OOC by demeaning fellow players and disrupting our fun? Find a new group.

As to the OP's question, you don't. Leave it alone. If, and only if, his character becomes incapable of carrying his weight and it results in substantial danger to the group, you may ICly decide as a group to find a new wizard and your characters can ask his character to leave. This, however, should be a last resort. For one thing, it smacks of badwrongfun, and for another it's just as likely to result in the wizard leaving your party because the player left your group. It's just a game, and the purpose is to have fun. If his character choices aren't limiting his fun or yours, then you have no problem.


This will end poorly.

How quickly it takes to end poorly depends on you but it will.

Just ask him to leave now and be done with it.


First Post
I think you should mind your own character sheet. his feat choices bad or good are none of your business. And how would you react if you were told you could only play a certain type of character or were assinged you skills and feats when you level.

But I would talk to him maybe expain what some of the good mage feats would do for his character.

And it could be worse what if he picked somthing like Skill focus(cooking)
I've had a character like that his goal was to become the greatest chief ever and to take over Breland


First Post
Eh, ask him why he wants to take that feat instead of (insert any appropriate feat that would help his character do what his character actually does.)

If he's just a guy there to hang out with his friends and not even really play (which, well, if he's just picking feats that start with A, that might be that,) then what does it really matter...

In theory I'd like to say "oh, just let him do what he wants" but honestly this would annoy me.


First Post
As a matter of fact Driddle is maybe just a little peeved that some of his recent threads didn't quite yield the responses he was looking for. So in my opinion he just makes up an imaginary player and an imaginary character just in search for a little love... :\

The most recent post in question:

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