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How do you use humor in your games?

Troll Slayer

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My biggest failing as a WFRP GM is easily neglecting the humorous side in favor of the grit and darker aspects found in Warhammer. There are always a few recurring jokes, and character interactions are often funny, but I don't really plan any adventures with humorous situations built in.

I have a new group forming (hooray!) and I want to put a little more humor into my scenarios. I think that will help WFRP mesh better with this particular group since I do not currently own any iterations of DnD for a more light hearted/heroic game.

Share with me your humorous encounters/scenarios/stories or just your two cents on injecting a little "haha" in your roleplaying.

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The groups I play in tend to have rather amusing game sessions. However it is mostly just the natural humour that goes along with the group. Usually it seems much of the jokes go right along with PC's failure.

For example in the current game I've been playing for the last few months our group has had an ongoing war against the evil paint. This started awhile ago after a long string of misses by every party member while shooting blasters at a single NPC. (Star Wars game.)

This has become so common in our group that many of the roll labels on invisible castle are titled "Death to the Paint!"

Fail a spot or initiative check? You were looking to see if your shoes are untied. (Fail a follow up check? "On further inspection, these appear to be loafers")

Little jokes like that can go a long way.

Other than that, putting the PCs into rather awkward situations can be helpful. Making amusing things happen on failed rolls can work well. Did you just botch while shooting a rifle? The bullet bounces off at least ten different metal things behind your target, and you just shot yourself in the little toe. Or you pull the trigger of your rifle and the magazine/power pack slides out and hits the floor.

Using a sword? It slips out of your hand in the most inelegant manner possible. Botch a stealth roll while trying to get past a group of people by hiding behind something? Domino effect,... of loud clanging items. When the dust settles you find yourself in the middle of a room, having broken many very valuable items, and everyone is looking right at you. (Be kind and give the PC a surprise round to scramble back under cover/better protected area. After all if you were in a room and an enemy suddenly appeared in the middle of it after breaking all your stuff, you might be a bit shocked too.)

Troll Slayer

First Post
Humor definitely happens with bad rolls, and sometimes even good rolls. I'm looking for examples of how other GMs or even players have written comedy into the meat of the game's story. Funny randomly happening is great, but I'm looking for ways to write a scenario that IS funny.

For example, at one point I had a ~3rd level party wandering through the forest when they noticed a very large red dragon heading their general direction. Panic ensues, they scramble to hide, and one brave player stands his ground willing to die for their survival if need be. Just as he was certain his doom had come, he blinked and the red was gone.

In it's place stood a gnome who looked around intently and said, "Say there lad, you wouldn't happen to have seen my kitten?"

Player stares dumbfounded.

"What are ya deaf? Cat got yer tongue? Hehe, no matter, I'll flush him out," and with a waggle of his fingers, another red dragon illusion appeared.

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