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D&D 4E How does 4e change your DMing style?


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As a DM, we all have tricks to build tension. Some of those tricks rely on the game mechanics. I can scare my players with descriptions, but it's in some ways much scarier if I throw in the dice. For example, "you can feel the damp soaking into your boots as you plod through the mud-filled tunnel, and a slight breeze brings with it the smell of rotting meat" is a decent scene setter, but if I follow that up with, "everyone roll a fort save, please," the players really start to panic. Sure, *I* know the save is meaningless, but THEY don't.

Now, I like moving the attack rolls for spells and such to the attacker. It stops me as the DM from having to roll 10 saving throws when the mage casts stinking cloud and it gives the player the feeling that he's in control when casting spells. However, it also takes some of the player-based rolls out of the game. Sure, they can hear me roll dice behind the screen. I could even intentionally not keep track of their defense scores and ask them for the scores after I roll (though I really like having them on a handy sheet behind the screen), but I don't know if that'll have nearly as much impact.

This is one example of where I'll need to change my tactics as a DM due to a system change. I'm looking for other instances where changes in the mechanics change how you run a game (not necessarily how you design an adventure or encounter) and how you all might address the issues.

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First Post
DSRilk said:
As a DM, we all have tricks to build tension. Some of those tricks rely on the game mechanics. I can scare my players with descriptions, but it's in some ways much scarier if I throw in the dice. For example, "you can feel the damp soaking into your boots as you plod through the mud-filled tunnel, and a slight breeze brings with it the smell of rotting meat" is a decent scene setter, but if I follow that up with, "everyone roll a fort save, please," the players really start to panic. Sure, *I* know the save is meaningless, but THEY don't.
I don't use that trick because inevitably a player will roll a 1, and I'll have to come up with something.


Well, I don't have a TARDIS so I can't move ahead in time and comment how my GMing tactics will change with 4ed, but I DID GM SW: SAGA. Yeah, the tension of the players making a save and fearing a "1" is no longer there, but they no longer can assume some things like "Okay,we are level 8 and he's casting a high level spell.. I'm guessing that the save is around DC 17 to 19.. I rolled a 16.. So I got a Will save of 24 *wewh* I'm safe"
They just hear "He casts Dominate Monster.. He hit a Will defense 24" Unless I tell them what I roll, they will have a harder time identifying the numbers like they could with the save DCs. There are more unknowns on the player's part when it comes to things directly affecting them, and so they are left wondering more often. However, like AC now, they can probably have an easy time gauging and enemy's Will/REF/Fort defenses.

Combat moved faster. A lot of times I heard players say "It's my turn already?"
That's a good thing. This went all the way through to 20th level of the Star Wars game. With the combat rounds moving faster, there was less time to "strategize" on both sides.

SAGA also reduced the game planning time by about half. 3E is HEAVY on the bookwork if you are making a mid to high level dungeon with traps, monsters, and the like. The streamlined system cut down on that.


For those sorts of things, I'll do the same thing I've always done: "Hey, Bob. What's your [random score that could be rolled]? Great. :roll dice:"

Every game group I've played with has had the assumption that, if the PC wouldn't know the result or source of a threat, the GM is permitted to make the roll behind the screen. Sometimes, I just drop a d20 or d% for giggles.

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