How many fantasy worlds are there anyways? Post one.


244 Aihrde/Erde 2000. Troll Lord Games' After Winter's Dark fantasy setting. Originally statless, then d20, Castles & Crusades, and 5e. I often get tripped up on where the h in Aihrde goes. :)

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There's an RPG called Subgrubs and Snazzards that's set in Alternia, the world of the psionic trolls from Homestuck, but I don't know whether it's an official product or not


245 Durril 2008. The Tome of the Lost Realms Campaign setting by Red Dragon Tavern Games for the 3.5 d20 system. It redid races and classes, for example bumping up all races with two +2 stat bonuses no negative stats and no LA for drow or planetouched for the new base balance and redoing 3.5 classes with d20 modern like talent trees. Fairly core D&D high fantasy setting with ancient eras of dragons and elves and dwarven rule that eventually fell with humans on top now and a small number of big themed kingdoms on the main continent.


246 Kortalis 2002. Background world for Khan Press's Kingdom of Tremon d20 kingdom setting book where the gods take a step back, the land has magical effects, and wizards rule the most prominent kingdom.


247 Umbragia 2000. An early d20 fantasy setting notable for using a wide array of non human races instead of the PH Tolkien-based non humans (no elves or dwarves or gnomes, etc.).


247 Vikings Midgard 2005. Viking myth D&D, so the nine worlds, viking age Earth/Midgard, a lot of D&Disms such as magic and monsters with some adaptations and exclusions and new options for a viking flavor. Originally Brazilian.

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