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How many Gaming Systems Have You Used in the Past Year?

In the past year:

  • I have only been the DM for one gaming system

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • I have only been a player in game(s) using one gaming system

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • I have DMed one gaming system but played in others

    Votes: 15 18.8%
  • I have played one gaming system but DMed in others

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • I have DMed multiple gaming systems and played in multiple gaming systems

    Votes: 43 53.8%


First Post

As a DM, I've run Dragon Age RPG and WFRP 3e.
As a player, I've been in Dread, D&D4e, Pathfinder, Leverage, and Alternity games.

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First Post
DMed Labyrinth Lord, 4E, 3.5E

Played 4E, 3.5E

I never really have played or run a verity of systems, though I have a few floating around like M&M 2nd ed, and Deadlands.

The Monster

GM: Star Wars Saga edition, 4e, 7th Sea, Savage Worlds, Hero System (5th ed.)
Played: Star Wars Saga, 4e, Savage Worlds, Horror Rules

Mind you, I'm coming off a long slowdown/shutdown of GMing (long-term burnout), and it's only the last year or so I've started propping up the screen again to any great extent. Back in the day, I'd have two or three different rules-sets running for my home group (which would also have two or three campaigns other folks were running), and using a couple more for convention one-shots.

GM: D&D 3.5e, Starblazer Adventures, Dread, My Life With Master, Trail of Cthulhu, The Mountain Witch
Player: D&D 3.5e, Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies, Fiasco, Delta Green, Call of Cthulhu

Achan hiArusa

It's been a slow year for me:

GMed: New World of Darkness (My Bughunters hack), In a Wicked Age, and Exalted

Played: Dread and D&D3E

Since Time Immemorial:

GMed: AD&D 1st, AD&D 2nd, D&D (BECMI), D&D3.x, Torg, Vampire the Masquerade, Wraith the Oblivion, Mage the Ascension, Changeling the Dreaming (and the inevitable mixed games), In a Wicked Age, Exalted, Scion, Mutants & Masterminds, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu d20, New World of Darkness (Vampire the Requiem and my Bughunters hack), Star Wars Saga, Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun 2nd Edition, Modern d20, Alternity

Played: AD&D 1st, AD&D 2nd, D&D (BECMI), D&D3.x, D&D4e, Castles & Crusades, Torg, Vampire the Masquerade, Mage the Ascension, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Changeling the Dreaming, Exalted, GURPS (3e and 4e), Call of Cthulhu d20, Shadowrun 3rd Edition, Star Wars d6, BESM 2nd Edition, Tri-Stat dX, Promethean the Created, Runequest 3rd Edition, Modern d20, Dread, Pendragon, Star Frontiers, Paranoia, Traveler


Penguin Herder
In the last 12 months, we've played... Rogue Trader, WFRP 3e, WFRP 2e, Savage Worlds (1930s pulp), Legends of Anglere (custom fantasy world), Shadowrun 4e, Mage (oWoD), Exalted 2e, and Paranoia.

Some of those might have actually been a little more than 12 months ago, and I've left off boardgames and beer-n-pretzels stuff.

Cheers, -- N


Quite the mixture

I have run games using these game systems so far this year:

Mutants & Masterminds
Wild Talents

I have played in games using these game systems so far this year:

Hero System (aka Champions)
Jazz (a game system I made up)
Mutants & Masterminds
Savage Worlds
SLA Industries

Hope to GM before the end of the year... well, since literally half of my game group either moved away or became unavailable due to real-life issues, if I am able to GM again at all this year, I'll be happy. :)


First Post
GMed: Cortex (one shot), Mutants & Masterminds, Shadowrun (modified for a post-apoc setting), and now starting Pathfinder.
Played: Nothing. (I did create a character for Exalted, but the game collapsed before I could start.)

I generally run at least one or two different game systems in a year as campaigns generally seem to last six months maximum. There have been times where I was running on two different nights, which can bring it up to three or four systems in a year. Plus one shots. Some years, we have a lot of those.

Voidrunner's Codex

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